When conducting a literature review what should be identified before searching the literature quizlet?

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Terms in this set [24]

What is the primary purpose for reviewing the literature in quantitative research?
A. Direct the data collection and analysis step of a study
B. Gain a broad understanding of the information available related to a problem
C. Select a research design and detail the treatment or intervention to be used in a study
D. Specify research objectives, questions, and hypotheses to be addressed by the study

B. Gain a broad understanding of the information available related to a problem

The primary purpose for reviewing the literature is to gain a broad background or understanding of the information available related to a problem. Secondarily, researchers seek information that will guide them in developing the methodology of a study.

Theses, dissertations, and studies of clinical nursing problems are examples of which of the following types of literature?
A. Clinical
B. Empirical
C. Lay
D. Theoretical

B. Empirical

Theses, dissertations, and studies of clinical nursing problems are examples of empirical literature because they are all research projects.

What type of source is written by the person who originated it or is responsible for generating the ideas?
A. Academic lecture
B. Primary
C. Literature review
D. Textbook

B. Primary

A primary source is a source that is written by the person who originated it or is responsible for generating the ideas published. An academic lecture, literature review, and textbook are all considered secondary sources.

Which of the following is not an essential step in summarizing research literature to determine its usefulness for practice?
A. Conducting a computer search of the literature
B. Locating all sources on a clinical problem
C. Reading and critiquing relevant sources
D. Synthesizing the sources in a literature review

B. Locating all sources on a clinical problem

Not all sources must be located on a selected topic because only the relevant sources need to be located and included in the literature review.

Which of the following databases is the most helpful in locating research sources that might be summarized for use in nursing practice?


Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature [CINAHL] Information System is the online version for CINAHL that was initiated in 1983 and has the most extensive listing of nursing sources.

A primary step in appraising a literature review is to evaluate the:
A. clarity of the purpose of the study.
B. fit of the research design to the method used.
C. relevance of the sources cited.
D. soundness of the research used as sources.

C. relevance of the sources cited.

It is important that the sources in a literature review be relevant. One would not expect to find secondary sources, studies published in the last year, or abstracts of studies in a literature review.

Which U.S. government agency commissions syntheses of studies to determine the evidence base for clinical practice?
A. The Cochrane Collaboration
B. Sigma Theta Tau
C. Evidence-Based Nursing
D. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality [AHRQ]

D. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality [AHRQ]

AHRQ is the only government agency listed, and this agency has the responsibility for commissioning syntheses of studies to develop an evidence base for practice.

Which section of the literature review includes a concise presentation of the current knowledge base for a clinical practice problem, including what is known and not known?
A. Introduction
B. Theoretical literature
C. Empirical literature
D. Summary

D. Summary

The summary of a literature review includes a concise presentation of the current knowledge base for a clinical practice problem, including what is known and not known about the problem.

While critiquing a review of the literature, the reader notes a citation with an author's name that differs from the name of the originating source. The reader recognizes this as an example of what type of publication?
A. Empirical
B. Primary
C. Secondary
D. Theoretical

C. Secondary

Secondary sources summarize or paraphrase from the original work.

Empirical literature includes which of the following sources?
A. Concept analyses
B. Integrated reviews
C. Published studies
D. Theoretical positions

C. Published studies

Published studies are the only form of literature listed that is considered to be empirical literature.

Grounded theorists review the literature to:
A. compare findings from the present study to determine similarities and differences.
B. direct the planning and execution of a study.
C. explain, support, and extend the theory generated in the study.
D. provide a general understanding of the phenomenon to be studied.

C. explain, support, and extend the theory generated in the study.

Grounded theorists use the literature review to primarily support, explain, and generate theory from the findings of the study. Only a minimal or cursory review is done before data collection.

A researcher wishes to conduct a literature search on the topic, "spousal support for breastfeeding mothers." Which of the following would yield the least helpful information?
A. Internet
C. PsychLit

A. Internet

The Internet can provide the researcher with inaccurate and accurate information. The other listed sources provide professional, accurate information on specialized topics in a more convenient manner.

A researcher is interested in conducting an integrative review of pain tools used in nonverbal persons. An appropriate method to maximize hits when conducting a literature search includes:
A. inserting single terms as keywords.
B. limiting the search to the last 5 years.
C. performing a complex search.
D. surfing the Internet.

C. performing a complex search.

Complex searches combining two or more concepts in one search provide more accurate and meaningful results.

The type of reasoning used with integrating findings from multiple studies is:
A. analysis.
B. application.
C. comprehension.
D. synthesis.

D. synthesis.

Synthesis is required to integrate findings from multiple studies.

When conducting a meta-analysis, the researcher:
A. creates benchmarks.
B. performs statistical analyses using findings from multiple studies.
C. discards insignificant findings.
D. synthesizes findings.

B. performs statistical analyses using findings from multiple studies.

Meta-analysis goes a step beyond synthesis to perform statistical analyses using data provided in multiple studies.

A scholarly review of research literature is designed to:
A. correct gaps in the current knowledge base.
B. describe current knowledge of the problem.
C. implement new protocols.
D. prevent researchers from making previous mistakes.

B. describe current knowledge of the problem.

The review of literature in a research report is a summary of current knowledge about a particular practice problem and includes what is known and not known about this problem. The literature is reviewed to summarize knowledge for use in practice or to provide a basis for conducting a study.

At what point during a study does a qualitative researcher using a phenomenological approach review the literature?
A. At the beginning of the study
B. During generation of the research report
C. Throughout the study
D. While collecting data

B. During generation of the research report

Phenomenologists believe that the literature should be reviewed after data collection and analysis, so that the information in the literature will not influence the researcher's openness.

Researchers selecting an electronic database to search for a subject would initiate the search by typing a/an:
A. author's name.
B. journal title.
C. keyword.
D. truncated word.

C. keyword.

Keywords are the major concepts or variables of a research problem or topic. These terms will be what you key in to begin a search. In most databases, phrases can be used, as well as single terms. As relevant studies are identified, they can be reviewed for other terms to be used as keywords. Alternative terms [synonyms] for concepts or variables also can be used as keywords.

A researcher who performs statistical analyses using summative findings from multiple published quantitative studies on a specific topic is using the strategy referred to as:
A. conceptual mapping.
B. meta-analysis.
C. multiple regression.
D. retrospective quantification.

B. meta-analysis.

Meta-analyses go beyond the integrated review by performing statistical analyses using summative findings from multiple published studies.

Which type of qualitative research involves reviewing the literature before the study to provide a background for conducting the study, as in quantitative research?
A. Descriptive
B. Ethnography
C. Grounded theory
D. Phenomenology

B. Ethnography

Ethnographic research involves reviewing the literature before the study to provide a background for conducting the study, as in quantitative research.

Match the purpose of the literature review with the type of qualitative research. The review of the literature is done early in the research process to provide a general understanding of the variables to be examined in a selected culture.
A. Ethnographic research
B. Grounded theory research
C. Phenomenological research
D. Historical research

A. Ethnographic research

The review of literature in ethnographic research is similar to that in quantitative research. The literature is reviewed early in the research process to provide a general understanding of the variables to be examined in a selected culture. The literature usually is theoretical, because few studies typically have been conducted in the area of interest.

Match the purpose of the literature review with the type of qualitative research. Use the literature to explain, support, and extend the theory generated in the study.
A. Ethnographic research
B. Grounded theory research
C. Phenomenological research
D. Historical research

B. Grounded theory research

Grounded theory researchers include a minimal review of relevant studies at the beginning of the research process. This review is merely a means of making the researcher aware of what studies have been conducted, but the information from these studies is not used to direct data collection or theory development for the current study. The researcher uses the literature primarily to explain, support, and extend the theory generated in the study.

Match the purpose of the literature review with the type of qualitative research. Review the literature to develop research questions and to use as a source of data.
A. Ethnographic research
B. Grounded theory research
C. Phenomenological research
D. Historical research

C. Phenomenological research

Phenomenology researchers compare and combine findings from the study with the literature to determine current knowledge of a phenomenon.

Match the purpose of the literature review with the type of qualitative research. Review the literature to determine the current knowledge.
A. Ethnographic research
B. Grounded theory research
C. Phenomenological research
D. Historical research

D. Historical research

Historical researchers conduct an initial literature review to select a research topic and to develop research questions. Then the investigator develops an inventory of sources, locates these sources, and examines them; thus the literature constitutes a major.

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When conducting a literature review what should be identify before searching the literature?

Choose a topic. Your literature review should be guided by a central research question. Remember, it is not a collection of loosely related studies in a field but instead represents background and research developments related to a specific research question, interpreted and analyzed by you in a synthesized way.

When conducting a literature review what should be identify before searching the literature quizlet?

d. Because it would be very time consuming to search the literature and determine whether the listed sources are relevant, the reviewer should review the reference list and determine the focus of the sources, the number of data-based and theoretical sources cited, and where and when the sources were published. 16.

What should you consider first when searching for the literature?

FIRST, ASK YOUR PROFESSOR! Be organized around and related directly to the thesis or research question you are developing. Synthesize results into a summary of what is and is not known. Identify problematic areas or areas of controversy in the literature. Formulate questions or issues that need further research.

What is the first step that you should do in searching for literature reviews?

Write a Literature Review.
Narrow your topic and select papers accordingly..
Search for literature..
Read the selected articles thoroughly and evaluate them..
Organize the selected papers by looking for patterns and by developing subtopics..
Develop a thesis or purpose statement..
Write the paper..
Review your work..

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