Which of the following is a reason why educational attainment has grown in importance in the postindustrial economy quizlet?

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Terms in this set [116]

The official poverty line is adjusted annually for inflation and takes into account standard of living.


The official poverty measure probably underestimates the number of Americans in poverty.


Which individual, working as an economist with the Social Security Administration in 1974, developed a measure of poverty that would become the official federal standard?

Mollie Orshansky

Aid to Families with Dependent Children [AFDC] would be an example of [a]n . . .

All of the Above [Entitlement, Means-Tested, Public Assistance]

Using government statistics for 2008, we learn all of the following EXCEPT . . .

A high proportion of the poor are the elderly.

In 2007 the percentage of women earning poverty wages remained well below that for men.


Which of the following programs were initiated during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations?

All of the Above [Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps]

The proportion of people with household incomes under half the poverty level has climbed substantially since the . . .

Late 1970's.

Only a minority of the poor live in suburbs, small towns, and rural areas; the majority live in the central cities of metropolitan areas.


Which of the following is NOT one of the three factors that may help us account for the current rate of poverty?

The increase in the number of poor immigrants

Many Americans experience poverty temporarily due to:

All of the Above [Loss of Job, Physical Injury, and Divorce].

President Lyndon Johnson identified his __________ as one of the top priorities of his administration.

War on Poverty

Divorce and unwed motherhood are no longer stigmatized as they once were.


The research of Ornati and Rainwater supported the idea that a minimum living standard is relative.


According to 2007 estimates, between 10 and 15 million Americans are poor.


By 2008 the poverty line for a family of four was about:


The welfare reform of 1996 has been highly successful in reducing poverty.


By 2008 the poverty line for a family of four was about $19,000.


"Means-tested" public assistance programs are . . .

Only available to people with incomes below a specified threshold.

There are many more white poor than black or Hispanic poor.


Although intergenerational upward social mobility is still pretty common, it has slowed in the Age of Growing Inequality.


Members of the Working Class have high rates of political participation.


The political influence of this group has declined significantly as the good-producing industries of the economy, which typically had strong union membership, have contracted.

Working Class

According to Gilbert limited and erratic work histories, lack of skills, and incomplete education makes finding full-time employment difficult for members of this class.


Since the early 1970s, wages have more or less stagnated and the distribution of wages has become increasingly unequal.


All of the following are true about the American Middle Class EXCEPT:

The Middle Class has a greater political impact than other classes.

Although the economic resources of the Capitalist Class enable them to operate within the world of politics in ways that reinforce their structural position, they are unable to operate in a similar fashion within the world of media.


The lower boundary of this class, defined by commitment to employment, is blurred by the tendency of some individuals to move back and forth across it.

Working Poor

The Gilbert model of the American class structure emphasizes . . .

Source of Income

The lifestyles of the Upper Middle Class are becoming increasingly normative for the whole of American society.


The poor are more likely to be over 65 and less likely to be under 18 than they were in 1960.


The ever-increasing purchasing power of this class is making it more influential, and their lifestyles are becoming increasingly normative for the whole of American society. Which of the following classes fits this description?

Upper-Middle Class

There has been an appreciable reduction in the poverty rate since the 1960s.


The __________ Class is defined by its dependence on income-producing wealth.


Which one of the following is NOT one of the six classes identified by Gilbert?

Lower Middle Class

The Gilbert model of the American class structure emphasizes amount of income.


The Working Poor are highly involved in the political process.


Which class can be distinguished from the Capitalist Class not only because they have lower incomes, but because the majority of their income is acquired through salaries and/or professional fees as opposed to income-generating wealth?

Upper-Middle Class

Together these two classes make up the majority of the American class structure.

Middle and Working Classes

The postindustrial economy tends toward occupational polarization.


Today's American labor movement is at its weakest points since __________.

The 1920's.

Marx's theory correctly predicted revolutionary activity in a number of advanced industrial countries.


During the Age of Shared Prosperity, labor played a more dynamic role in national politics than in the workplace.


Most members of the working-class in America tend to identify with the Republican Party.


The right to union representation in the U.S. was written into the law through the . . .

National Labor Relations Act

The Democratic Party has become increasingly attentive to the needs of organized labor in recent years.


The political power of organized labor has declined considerably as its lessening ability to mobilize a diminishing union vote has resulted in a[n] __________ less conscientious to its needs.

Democratic Party

Class, defined by occupation, has become less likely to be politically significant.


Although revolution is common, class struggle is rare.


Most members of the working-class in America tend to identify with the . . .

Democratic Party

Richard Centers' original [1946] studies of class identification only considered men.


The working class in contemporary America has a strong class consciousness.


The majority of Americans favor increased spending on schools, child care, Social Security and "aid to the poor."


Exit polling in the 2008 elections showed a strong relationship between income and party vote.


Class conflict is especially evident in which of the following two realms?

Electoral Politics and Labor Relations

People who recognize and articulate their class position are __________.

More likely to promote their class interests.

______________ has pointed out that "people do not experience their objective class position as a single clearly defined status."


Which of the following statements is NOT correct?

More liberal Democrats toward the middle and bottom of the class structure are more likely to be politically active.

The National Labor Relations Act is also known as the __________ Act.


Which of the following is NOT one of the factors regarded by Marx as especially significant in the formation of class consciousness?

Improved Working Conditions

Centers' studies of class identification studied __________.


Employers have played an instrumental role in suppressing union formation by exploiting differences of _______________________ among workers.

Race, Ethnicity, and Skill Level

Following World War II business leaders accepted the existence of organized labor, but they insisted on retaining the right to manage all but which of the following?

Contract Negotiations

During the period identified by Gilbert as the Age of Shared Prosperity, the labor movement became . . .

Both Unagressive and Satisfied

Organized labor in America has tended to focus on securing union recognition, economic security, and decent working condition, rather than fundamental changes in system.


The revolutions that Marx anticipated in industrializing agrarian states occurred as he had predicted.


Richard Centers was able to show that _____________ were affected by class identification.

Political Opinions

Two-year community colleges tend to draw their students from the _____________ of the income distribution.

Lower Half

Most Americans believe in "equality of opportunity" and "equality of results".


According the findings of the "High School and Beyond" study, ____________ and social class are strong, independent determinants of educational attainment.

Mental Ability

Which of the following would not be considered a "selective institution"?

University of South Dakota

The income gap between high school and college graduates has declined significantly in recent years.


Jencks annoyed some critics of his work because he called randomness "luck,"implying that the course of our lives is more arbitrary than we care to admit.


Education has an independent effect on individual's career success.


Most Americans believe that some inequality in society is acceptable.


Blau and Duncan found that . . .

All of the Above

Affirmative action at selective schools has mainly benefited middle to upper-middle class black students.


When measuring variance, the higher the percentage the stronger the relationship between variables.


Correlation is measured by a coefficient that ranges from 0.0 to 1.00. What correlation coefficient would demonstrate a perfect relationship between two variables?


The study of ________________ is complicated due to the frequency with which relevant variables are correlated.

Social Mobility

In studying the multivariate relationship between career success and failure, Blau and Duncan conceptualized two key aspects of the problem. These are:

Chains of Causation and Multiple Causal Pathways

Social class has been shown to influence . . .

All of the Above

Which of the following results was NOT found to be true in the "High School and Beyond" national study?

Mental ability and social class are weak determinants of educational attainment.

What two variables did Jencks and his colleagues add to the Blau and Duncan model?

Income and Son's IQ

The gap in college completion between high-status graduates and low-status graduates has decreased since the early 1970s.


Most Americans believe that the educational system in the U.S. is the great equalizer providing all with the opportunity to transcend whatever particular social class they were born into.


Jencks believed that the best way to address economic inequality in the United States is to improve the quality of bad schools.


Courts have ruled that no limit can be placed on the amount that candidates or their families can spend on their own campaigns.


Elite theories often focus on . . .

Specific institutional bases of power.

The elite perspective is primarily concerned about the identity of the rulers and the structure that creates them.


The "Establishment" faded away in part because recruitment to positions of power in business and government had become less open and meritocratic.


Even after the stock market boom of the 1990s, the great majority of American households owned no corporate stock or mutual fund shares.


The Business Roundtable consists of . . .

CEOs of approximately 200 of the largest corporations.

Which of the following is NOT a common behavior of members of the Upper Class social world?

Association with a broad number of social classes.

Mills' conception of the national power structure centered on the growing significance of three major interlocking institutions. These are . . .

The Modern Corporation, the Executive Branch of the Federal Government, and the Military Establishment.

According to Riesman in his book The Lonely Crowd, leadership is important to both initiate new ideas and to maintain the status quo.


Dahl questioned the extent to which Mills' power elite were a cohesive group with unitary interests.


In his book Who Rules America [2006], William Domhoff examines a particular elite group, the directors of major corporations.


__________ are organizations staffed with experts in various fields who produce research findings and policy recommendations.

Think Tanks

Which of the following was NOT a reason that the "Establishment" has faded away?

Fewer women, Jews, Catholics, and blacks were entering the elite.

Political Action Committees are organizations dedicated to formulating and disseminating broad proposals for national policy.


Focusing on the idea of __________, Dye noted that 7, 314 positions of elite power are held by only 5,778 individuals indicating that some members of the elite hold multiple positions, some as many as five.

Interlocking Directorates

A traditional division within the capitalist class, in terms its economic aspects, has been between the following two groups: __________ and __________.

National Capitalists and Local Capitalists

Registered __________ are created under the provisions of the campaign finance laws to regulate group political donations.

Political Action Committees

The pluralistic perspective denies that power is concentrated in one group; in democratic societies a plurality of interest groups vie for power.


Lerner, Nagai, and Rothman contend that there is a plurality of elites, not simply one core "power elite" like that suggested by Mills.


Recent research by Domhoff shows that the corporate community has been diversifying to include more . . .

Women and Racial and Ethnic minorities

Domhoff explained how group solidarity among the elite is maintained through all of the following EXCEPT __________.

Personal Distance

According to Max Weber, the rich tend to draw together into Upper-Class __________ with common lifestyles, values, and patterns of association.

Status Communities

Major charitable foundations are organizations staffed with experts in various fields who produce research findings and policy recommendations.


Gilbert compares the huge fortunes of the late 20 th century typically derived from the vastly expanded financial sector and enterprises related to information technology and the Internet to __________.

The fortunes made in the 19th century Gilded Age in manufacturing and related sectors.

The threat of the loss of business confidence is an indirect veto over government policy.


Power is defined as the potential of individuals or groups to carry out their will even over the opposition of others.


Mills suggested two ways in which the three distinct elites might be melded into one single, internally cohesive power elite. These are . . .

Social-Psychological Mechanisms and Structural Mechanisms.

Many House and Senate elections are really no contest at all because the incumbent has many more times the campaign funds than the challenger.


Labor contributions to national campaigns far exceed business contributions.


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