Why did newspapers become crucial to party politics in Jacksonian America quizlet?

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  1. Arts and Humanities
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  3. History of the Americas

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Terms in this set [12]

What was a consequence of the market revolution that followed the War of 1812?

It changed Americans' economic expectations.

From 1800 to 1820, church membership in the United States


Why did three Whig candidates run against Martin Van Buren in the presidential election of 1836?

Each candidate had a solid regional base, but none had the support of all regions.

How did the Whig candidate William Henry Harrison win the election of 1840?

By campaigning like a Democrat

Which statement describes the effects of the first railroad lines in the United States?

They did not monopolize travel because lines were too short.

Which factor contributed to the Panic of 1819?

A contraction of the money supply

Why did the number of white male voters increase between the elections of 1824 and 1828?

Most states abolished property qualifications for voting

Why did newspapers become crucial to party politics in Jacksonian America?

Many newspapers pushed an individual party's agenda.

The doctrine of nullification outlined by John C. Calhoun in response to the Tariff of Abominations argued that

when Congress overstepped its powers, states had the right to nullify Congress's acts.

Why did Henry Clay and Daniel Webster convince the Bank of the United States to apply for an early renewal of its charter in 1832?

To force President Jackson into an unpopular veto

Despite the economic turmoil of Jackson's second administration, from 1835 to 1837, for the first and only time in U.S. history

the government had a surplus of money

What changed after 1815 to strengthen the idea of separate spheres and separate duties for men and women?

Men's work increasingly brought cash to the household.

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What important transition in American politics took place during the Jacksonian era quizlet?

What important transition in American politics took place during the Jacksonian era? Democratic rhetoric made it necessary for candidates to appeal to common people.

How did political leaders feel about political parties after 1828 quizlet?

How did political leaders feel about political parties after 1828? political parties created important party loyalty. excluding members of political factions that were not loyal to him.

How were the penny press newspapers a product of the Jacksonian era?

How were the Penny press newspapers a product of the Jacksonian era? These newspapers were able to drop their price to one cent because of advanced technology in printing. This made the papers affordable to working and middle class people.

What effect did Andrew Jackson have on American politics quizlet?

Andrew Jackson contributed to the rise of democracy in American politics. As president he opposed the Bank of America, objected to the right of individual states to nullify disagreeable federal laws, strongly supported the "common man," and increased the presidential powers.

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