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TypeNameSyntaxDescriptionDateDATEDATE(year, month, day)Converts a provided year, month, and day into a date. Learn moreDateDATEDIFDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)Calculates the number of days, months, or years between two dates. Learn moreDateDATEVALUEDATEVALUE(date_string)Converts a provided date string in a known format to a date value. Learn moreDateDAYDAY(date)Returns the day of the month that a specific date falls on, in numeric format. Learn moreDateDAYSDAYS(end_date, start_date)Returns the number of days between two dates. Learn more. DateDAYS360DAYS360(start_date, end_date, [method])Returns the difference between two days based on the 360 day year used in some financial interest calculations. Learn moreDateEDATEEDATE(start_date, months)Returns a date a specified number of months before or after another date. Learn moreDateEOMONTHEOMONTH(start_date, months)Returns a date representing the last day of a month which falls a specified number of months before or after another date. Learn moreDateHOURHOUR(time)Returns the hour component of a specific time, in numeric format. Learn moreDateISOWEEKNUMISOWEEKNUM(date)Returns the number of the ISO week of the year where the provided date falls. Learn moreDateMINUTEDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)0Returns the minute component of a specific time, in numeric format. Learn moreDateMONTHDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)1Returns the month of the year a specific date falls in, in numeric format. Learn moreDateNETWORKDAYSDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)2Returns the number of net working days between two provided days. Learn moreDateNETWORKDAYS.INTLDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)3 Returns the number of net working days between two provided days excluding specified weekend days and holidays. Learn moreDateNOWDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)4Returns the current date and time as a date value. Learn moreDateSECONDDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)5Returns the second component of a specific time, in numeric format. Learn moreDateTIMEDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)6Converts a provided hour, minute, and second into a time. Learn moreDateTIMEVALUEDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)7Returns the fraction of a 24-hour day the time represents. Learn moreDateTODAYDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)8Returns the current date as a date value. Learn moreDateWEEKDAYDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)9Returns a number representing the day of the week of the date provided. Learn moreDateWEEKNUMDATEVALUE(date_string)0Returns a number representing the week of the year where the provided date falls. Learn moreDateWORKDAYDATEVALUE(date_string)1Calculates the end date after a specified number of working days. Learn moreDateWORKDAY.INTLDATEVALUE(date_string)2Calculates the date after a specified number of workdays excluding specified weekend days and holidays. Learn moreDateYEARDATEVALUE(date_string)3Returns the year specified by a given date. Learn moreDateYEARFRACDATEVALUE(date_string)4Returns the number of years, including fractional years, between two dates using a specified day count convention. Learn moreEngineeringBIN2DECDATEVALUE(date_string)5Converts a signed binary number to decimal format. Learn moreEngineeringBIN2HEXDATEVALUE(date_string)6Converts a signed binary number to signed hexadecimal format. Learn moreEngineeringBIN2OCTDATEVALUE(date_string)7Converts a signed binary number to signed octal format. Learn moreEngineeringBITANDDATEVALUE(date_string)8Bitwise boolean AND of two numbers. Learn more. EngineeringBITLSHIFTDATEVALUE(date_string)9Shifts the bits of the input a certain number of places to the left. Learn more. EngineeringBITORDAY(date)0Bitwise boolean OR of 2 numbers. Learn more. EngineeringBITRSHIFTDAY(date)1Shifts the bits of the input a certain number of places to the right. Learn more. EngineeringBITXORDAY(date)2Bitwise XOR (exclusive OR) of 2 numbers. Learn more. EngineeringCOMPLEXDAY(date)3Creates a complex number given real and imaginary coefficients. Learn moreEngineeringDEC2BINDAY(date)4Converts a decimal number to signed binary format. Learn moreEngineeringDEC2HEXDAY(date)5Converts a decimal number to signed hexadecimal format. Learn moreEngineeringDEC2OCTDAY(date)6Converts a decimal number to signed octal format. Learn moreEngineeringDELTADAY(date)7Compare two numeric values, returning 1 if they're equal. Learn moreEngineeringERFDAY(date)8The ERF function returns the integral of the Gauss error function over an interval of values. Learn more.EngineeringERF.PRECISEDAY(date)9See ERFEngineeringGESTEPDAYS(end_date, start_date)0Returns 1 if the rate is strictly greater than or equal to the provided step value or 0 otherwise. If no step value is provided then the default value of 0 will be used. Learn more. EngineeringHEX2BINDAYS(end_date, start_date)1Converts a signed hexadecimal number to signed binary format. Learn moreEngineeringHEX2DECDAYS(end_date, start_date)2Converts a signed hexadecimal number to decimal format. Learn moreEngineeringHEX2OCTDAYS(end_date, start_date)3Converts a signed hexadecimal number to signed octal format. Learn moreEngineeringIMABSDAYS(end_date, start_date)4Returns absolute value of a complex number. Learn moreEngineeringIMAGINARYDAYS(end_date, start_date)5Returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number. Learn moreEngineeringIMARGUMENTDAYS(end_date, start_date)6The IMARGUMENT function returns the angle (also known as the argument or \theta) of the given complex number in radians. Learn more.EngineeringIMCONJUGATEDAYS(end_date, start_date)7Returns the complex conjugate of a number. Learn moreEngineeringIMCOSDAYS(end_date, start_date)8The IMCOS function returns the cosine of the given complex number. Learn more.EngineeringIMCOSHDAYS(end_date, start_date)9Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the given complex number. For example, a given complex number "x+yi" returns "cosh(x+yi)." Learn more.EngineeringIMCOTDAYS360(start_date, end_date, [method])0Returns the cotangent of the given complex number. For example, a given complex number "x+yi" returns "cot(x+yi)." Learn more.EngineeringIMCOTHDAYS360(start_date, end_date, [method])1Returns the hyperbolic cotangent of the given complex number. For example, a given complex number "x+yi" returns "coth(x+yi)." Learn more.EngineeringIMCSCDAYS360(start_date, end_date, [method])2Returns the cosecant of the given complex number. Learn more.EngineeringIMCSCHDAYS360(start_date, end_date, [method])3Returns the hyperbolic cosecant of the given complex number. For example, a given complex number "x+yi" returns "csch(x+yi)." Learn more.EngineeringIMDIVDAYS360(start_date, end_date, [method])4Returns one complex number divided by another. Learn moreEngineeringIMEXPDAYS360(start_date, end_date, [method])5Returns Euler's number, e (~2.718) raised to a complex power. Learn more.EngineeringIMLOGDAYS360(start_date, end_date, [method])6Returns the logarithm of a complex number for a specified base. Learn more.EngineeringIMLOG10DAYS360(start_date, end_date, [method])7Returns the logarithm of a complex number with base 10. Learn more.EngineeringIMLOG2DAYS360(start_date, end_date, [method])8Returns the logarithm of a complex number with base 2. Learn more.EngineeringIMPRODUCTDAYS360(start_date, end_date, [method])9Returns the result of multiplying a series of complex numbers together. Learn moreEngineeringIMREALEDATE(start_date, months)0Returns the real coefficient of a complex number. Learn moreEngineeringIMSECEDATE(start_date, months)1Returns the secant of the given complex number. For example, a given complex number "x+yi" returns "sec(x+yi)." Learn more.EngineeringIMSECHEDATE(start_date, months)2Returns the hyperbolic secant of the given complex number. For example, a given complex number "x+yi" returns "sech(x+yi)." Learn more.EngineeringIMSINEDATE(start_date, months)3Returns the sine of the given complex number. Learn more.EngineeringIMSINHEDATE(start_date, months)4Returns the hyperbolic sine of the given complex number. For example, a given complex number "x+yi" returns "sinh(x+yi)." Learn more.EngineeringIMSUBEDATE(start_date, months)5Returns the difference between two complex numbers. Learn moreEngineeringIMSUMEDATE(start_date, months)6Returns the sum of a series of complex numbers. Learn moreEngineeringIMTANEDATE(start_date, months)7Returns the tangent of the given complex number. Learn more.EngineeringIMTANHEDATE(start_date, months)8Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the given complex number. For example, a given complex number "x+yi" returns "tanh(x+yi)." Learn more.EngineeringOCT2BINEDATE(start_date, months)9Converts a signed octal number to signed binary format. Learn moreEngineeringOCT2DECEOMONTH(start_date, months)0Converts a signed octal number to decimal format. Learn moreEngineeringOCT2HEXEOMONTH(start_date, months)1Converts a signed octal number to signed hexadecimal format. Learn moreFilterFILTEREOMONTH(start_date, months)2Returns a filtered version of the source range, returning only rows or columns which meet the specified conditions. Learn moreFilterSORTEOMONTH(start_date, months)3Sorts the rows of a given array or range by the values in one or more columns. Learn moreFilterSORTNEOMONTH(start_date, months)4Returns the first n items in a data set after performing a sort. Learn moreFilterUNIQUEEOMONTH(start_date, months)5Returns unique rows in the provided source range, discarding duplicates. Rows are returned in the order in which they first appear in the source range. Learn moreFinancialACCRINTEOMONTH(start_date, months)6Calculates the accrued interest of a security that has periodic payments. Learn moreFinancialACCRINTMEOMONTH(start_date, months)7Calculates the accrued interest of a security that pays interest at maturity. Learn moreFinancialAMORLINCEOMONTH(start_date, months)8Returns the depreciation for an accounting period, or the prorated depreciation if the asset was purchased in the middle of a period. Learn more. FinancialCOUPDAYBSEOMONTH(start_date, months)9Calculates the number of days from the first coupon, or interest payment, until settlement. Learn moreFinancialCOUPDAYSHOUR(time)0Calculates the number of days in the coupon, or interest payment, period that contains the specified settlement date. Learn moreFinancialCOUPDAYSNCHOUR(time)1 Calculates the number of days from the settlement date until the next coupon, or interest payment. Learn moreFinancialCOUPNCDHOUR(time)2Calculates next coupon, or interest payment, date after the settlement date. Learn moreFinancialCOUPNUMHOUR(time)3Calculates the number of coupons, or interest payments, between the settlement date and the maturity date of the investment. Learn moreFinancialCOUPPCDHOUR(time)4Calculates last coupon, or interest payment, date before the settlement date. Learn moreFinancialCUMIPMTHOUR(time)5Calculates the cumulative interest over a range of payment periods for an investment based on constant-amount periodic payments and a constant interest rate. Learn moreFinancialCUMPRINCHOUR(time)6Calculates the cumulative principal paid over a range of payment periods for an investment based on constant-amount periodic payments and a constant interest rate. Learn moreFinancialDBHOUR(time)7Calculates the depreciation of an asset for a specified period using the arithmetic declining balance method. Learn moreFinancialDDBHOUR(time)8Calculates the depreciation of an asset for a specified period using the double-declining balance method. Learn moreFinancialDISCHOUR(time)9Calculates the discount rate of a security based on price. Learn moreFinancialDOLLARDEISOWEEKNUM(date)0Converts a price quotation given as a decimal fraction into a decimal value. Learn moreFinancialDOLLARFRISOWEEKNUM(date)1Converts a price quotation given as a decimal value into a decimal fraction. Learn moreFinancialDURATIONISOWEEKNUM(date)2 .Calculates the number of compounding periods required for an investment of a specified present value appreciating at a given rate to reach a target value. Learn moreFinancialEFFECTISOWEEKNUM(date)3Calculates the annual effective interest rate given the nominal rate and number of compounding periods per year. Learn moreFinancialFVISOWEEKNUM(date)4Calculates the future value of an annuity investment based on constant-amount periodic payments and a constant interest rate. Learn moreFinancialFVSCHEDULEISOWEEKNUM(date)5Calculates the future value of some principal based on a specified series of potentially varying interest rates. Learn moreFinancialINTRATEISOWEEKNUM(date)6 Calculates the effective interest rate generated when an investment is purchased at one price and sold at another with no interest or dividends generated by the investment itself. Learn moreFinancialIPMTISOWEEKNUM(date)7Calculates the payment on interest for an investment based on constant-amount periodic payments and a constant interest rate. Learn moreFinancialIRRISOWEEKNUM(date)8Calculates the internal rate of return on an investment based on a series of periodic cash flows. Learn moreFinancialISPMTISOWEEKNUM(date)9The ISPMT function calculates the interest paid during a particular period of an investment. Learn more.FinancialMDURATIONDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)00Calculates the modified Macaulay duration of a security paying periodic interest, such as a US Treasury Bond, based on expected yield. Learn moreFinancialMIRRDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)01Calculates the modified internal rate of return on an investment based on a series of periodic cash flows and the difference between the interest rate paid on financing versus the return received on reinvested income. Learn moreFinancialNOMINALDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)02Calculates the annual nominal interest rate given the effective rate and number of compounding periods per year. Learn moreFinancialNPERDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)03 Calculates the number of payment periods for an investment based on constant-amount periodic payments and a constant interest rate. Learn moreFinancialNPVDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)04Calculates the net present value of an investment based on a series of periodic cash flows and a discount rate. Learn moreFinancialPDURATIONDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)05Returns the number of periods for an investment to reach a specific value at a given rate. Learn more.FinancialPMTDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)06Calculates the periodic payment for an annuity investment based on constant-amount periodic payments and a constant interest rate. Learn moreFinancialPPMTDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)07Calculates the payment on the principal of an investment based on constant-amount periodic payments and a constant interest rate. Learn moreFinancialPRICEDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)08Calculates the price of a security paying periodic interest, such as a US Treasury Bond, based on expected yield. Learn moreFinancialPRICEDISCDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)09Calculates the price of a discount (non-interest-bearing) security, based on expected yield. Learn moreFinancialPRICEMATDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)10 Calculates the price of a security paying interest at maturity, based on expected yield. Learn moreFinancialPVDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)11Calculates the present value of an annuity investment based on constant-amount periodic payments and a constant interest rate. Learn moreFinancialRATEDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)12Calculates the interest rate of an annuity investment based on constant-amount periodic payments and the assumption of a constant interest rate. Learn moreFinancialRECEIVEDDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)13 Calculates the amount received at maturity for an investment in fixed-income securities purchased on a given date. Learn moreFinancialRRIDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)14Returns the interest rate needed for an investment to reach a specific value within a given number of periods. Learn more.FinancialSLNDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)15Calculates the depreciation of an asset for one period using the straight-line method. Learn moreFinancialSYDDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)16Calculates the depreciation of an asset for a specified period using the sum of years digits method. Learn moreFinancialTBILLEQDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)17Calculates the equivalent annualized rate of return of a US Treasury Bill based on discount rate. Learn moreFinancialTBILLPRICEDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)18Calculates the price of a US Treasury Bill based on discount rate. Learn moreFinancialTBILLYIELDDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)19Calculates the yield of a US Treasury Bill based on price. Learn moreFinancialVDBDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)20Returns the depreciation of an asset for a particular period (or partial period). Learn more.FinancialXIRRDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)21Calculates the internal rate of return of an investment based on a specified series of potentially irregularly spaced cash flows. Learn moreFinancialXNPVDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)22Calculates the net present value of an investment based on a specified series of potentially irregularly spaced cash flows and a discount rate. Learn moreFinancialYIELDDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)23Calculates the annual yield of a security paying periodic interest, such as a US Treasury Bond, based on price. Learn moreFinancialYIELDDISCDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)24 Calculates the annual yield of a discount (non-interest-bearing) security, based on price. Learn moreFinancialYIELDMATDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)25Calculates the annual yield of a security paying interest at maturity, based on price. Learn moreGoogleARRAYFORMULADATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)26Enables the display of values returned from an array formula into multiple rows and/or columns and the use of non-array functions with arrays. Learn moreGoogleDETECTLANGUAGEDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)27Identifies the language used in text within the specified range. Learn moreGoogleGOOGLEFINANCEDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)28Fetches current or historical securities information from Google Finance. Learn moreGoogleGOOGLETRANSLATEDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)29Translates text from one language into another Learn moreGoogleIMAGEDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)30Inserts an image into a cell. Learn moreGoogleQUERYDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)31Runs a Google Visualization API Query Language query across data. Learn moreGoogleSPARKLINEDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)32Creates a miniature chart contained within a single cell. Learn moreInfoERROR.TYPEDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)33Returns a number corresponding to the error value in a different cell. Learn moreInfoISBLANKDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)34Checks whether the referenced cell is empty. Learn moreInfoISDATEDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)35Returns whether a value is a date. Learn more. InfoISEMAILDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)36Checks whether a value is a valid email address. Learn moreInfoISERRDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)37Checks whether a value is an error other than `#N/A`. Learn moreInfoISERRORDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)38Checks whether a value is an error. Learn moreInfoISFORMULADATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)39Checks whether a formula is in the referenced cell. Learn moreInfoISLOGICALDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)40Checks whether a value is `TRUE` or `FALSE`. Learn moreInfoISNADATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)41Checks whether a value is the error `#N/A`. Learn moreInfoISNONTEXTDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)42Checks whether a value is non-textual. Learn moreInfoISNUMBERDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)43Checks whether a value is a number. Learn moreInfoISREFDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)44Checks whether a value is a valid cell reference. Learn moreInfoISTEXTDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)45Checks whether a value is text. Learn moreInfoNDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)46Returns the argument provided as a number. Learn moreInfoNADATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)47Returns the "value not available" error, `#N/A`. Learn moreInfoTYPEDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)48Returns a number associated with the type of data passed into the function. Learn moreInfoCELLDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)49Returns the requested information about the specified cell. Learn moreLogicalANDDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)50Returns true if all of the provided arguments are logically true, and false if any of the provided arguments are logically false. Learn moreLogicalFALSEDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)51Returns the logical value `FALSE`. Learn moreLogicalIFDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)52Returns one value if a logical expression is `TRUE` and another if it is `FALSE`. Learn moreLogicalIFERRORDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)53Returns the first argument if it is not an error value, otherwise returns the second argument if present, or a blank if the second argument is absent. Learn moreLogicalIFNADATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)54Evaluates a value. If the value is an #N/A error, returns the specified value. Learn more.LogicalIFSDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)55Evaluates multiple conditions and returns a value that corresponds to the first true condition. Learn more.LogicalLAMBDADATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)56Creates and returns a custom function with a set of names and a formula_expression that uses them. To calculate the formula_expression, you can call the returned function with as many values as the name declares. Learn moreLogicalNOTDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)57Returns the opposite of a logical value - `NOT(TRUE)` returns `FALSE`; `NOT(FALSE)` returns `TRUE`. Learn moreLogicalORDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)58Returns true if any of the provided arguments are logically true, and false if all of the provided arguments are logically false. Learn moreLogicalSWITCHDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)59Tests an expression against a list of cases and returns the corresponding value of the first matching case, with an optional default value if nothing else is met. Learn moreLogicalTRUEDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)60Returns the logical value `TRUE`. Learn moreLogicalXORDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)61The XOR function performs an exclusive or of 2 numbers that returns a 1 if the numbers are different, and a 0 otherwise. Learn more.LookupADDRESSDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)62Returns a cell reference as a string. Learn moreLookupCHOOSEDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)63Returns an element from a list of choices based on index. Learn moreLookupCOLUMNDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)64Returns the column number of a specified cell, with `A=1`. Learn moreLookupCOLUMNSDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)65Returns the number of columns in a specified array or range. Learn moreLookupFORMULATEXTDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)66Returns the formula as a string. Learn more.LookupGETPIVOTDATADATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)67Extracts an aggregated value from a pivot table that corresponds to the specified row and column headings. Learn moreLookupHLOOKUPDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)68Horizontal lookup. Searches across the first row of a range for a key and returns the value of a specified cell in the column found. Learn moreLookupINDEXDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)69Returns the content of a cell, specified by row and column offset. Learn moreLookupINDIRECTDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)70Returns a cell reference specified by a string. Learn moreLookupLOOKUPDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)71Looks through a row or column for a key and returns the value of the cell in a result range located in the same position as the search row or column. Learn moreLookupMATCHDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)72Returns the relative position of an item in a range that matches a specified value. Learn moreLookupOFFSETDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)73Returns a range reference shifted a specified number of rows and columns from a starting cell reference. Learn moreLookupROWDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)74Returns the row number of a specified cell. Learn moreLookupROWSDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)75Returns the number of rows in a specified array or range. Learn moreLookupVLOOKUPDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)76Vertical lookup. Searches down the first column of a range for a key and returns the value of a specified cell in the row found. Learn moreLookupXLOOKUPDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)77Returns the values in the result range based on the position where a match was found in the lookup range. If no match is found, it returns the closest match. Learn moreMathABSDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)78Returns the absolute value of a number. Learn moreMathACOSDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)79Returns the inverse cosine of a value, in radians. Learn moreMathACOSHDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)80Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number. Learn moreMathACOTDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)81Returns the inverse cotangent of a value, in radians. Learn more.MathACOTHDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)82Returns the inverse hyperbolic cotangent of a value, in radians. Must not be between -1 and 1, inclusive. Learn more.MathASINDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)83Returns the inverse sine of a value, in radians. Learn moreMathASINHDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)84Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number. Learn moreMathATANDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)85Returns the inverse tangent of a value, in radians. Learn moreMathATAN2DATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)86Returns the angle between the x-axis and a line segment from the origin (0,0) to specified coordinate pair (`x`,`y`), in radians. Learn moreMathATANHDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)87Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number. Learn moreMathBASEDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)88Converts a number into a text representation in another base, for example, base 2 for binary. Learn more.MathCEILINGDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)89Rounds a number up to the nearest integer multiple of specified significance. Learn moreMathCEILING.MATHDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)90Rounds a number up to the nearest integer multiple of specified significance, with negative numbers rounding toward or away from 0 depending on the mode. Learn more. MathCEILING.PRECISEDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)91Rounds a number up to the nearest integer multiple of specified significance. If the number is positive or negative, it is rounded up. Learn more. MathCOMBINDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)92Returns the number of ways to choose some number of objects from a pool of a given size of objects. Learn moreMathCOMBINADATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)93Returns the number of ways to choose some number of objects from a pool of a given size of objects, including ways that choose the same object multiple times. Learn more.MathCOSDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)94Returns the cosine of an angle provided in radians. Learn moreMathCOSHDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)95Returns the hyperbolic cosine of any real number. Learn moreMathCOTDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)96Cotangent of an angle provided in radians. Learn more.MathCOTHDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)97Returns the hyperbolic cotangent of any real number. Learn more.MathCOUNTBLANKDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)98Returns the number of empty cells in a given range. Learn moreMathCOUNTIFDATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)99Returns a conditional count across a range. Learn moreMathCOUNTIFSDATEVALUE(date_string)00Returns the count of a range depending on multiple criteria. Learn moreMathCOUNTUNIQUEDATEVALUE(date_string)01Counts the number of unique values in a list of specified values and ranges. Learn moreMathCSCDATEVALUE(date_string)02Returns the cosecant of an angle provided in radians. Learn more.MathCSCHDATEVALUE(date_string)03The CSCH function returns the hyperbolic cosecant of any real number. Learn more.MathDECIMALDATEVALUE(date_string)04The DECIMAL function converts the text representation of a number in another base, to base 10 (decimal). Learn more.MathDEGREESDATEVALUE(date_string)05Converts an angle value in radians to degrees. Learn moreMathERFCDATEVALUE(date_string)06Returns the complementary Gauss error function of a value. Learn moreMathERFC.PRECISEDATEVALUE(date_string)07See ERFCMathEVENDATEVALUE(date_string)08Rounds a number up to the nearest even integer. Learn moreMathEXPDATEVALUE(date_string)09Returns Euler's number, e (~2.718) raised to a power. Learn moreMathFACTDATEVALUE(date_string)10Returns the factorial of a number. Learn moreMathFACTDOUBLEDATEVALUE(date_string)11Returns the "double factorial" of a number. Learn moreMathFLOORDATEVALUE(date_string)12Rounds a number down to the nearest integer multiple of specified significance. Learn moreMathFLOOR.MATHDATEVALUE(date_string)13Rounds a number down to the nearest integer multiple of specified significance, with negative numbers rounding toward or away from 0 depending on the mode. Learn more. MathFLOOR.PRECISEDATEVALUE(date_string)14The FLOOR.PRECISE function rounds a number down to the nearest integer or multiple of specified significance. Learn more.MathGAMMALNDATEVALUE(date_string)15Returns the the logarithm of a specified Gamma function, base e (Euler's number). Learn moreMathGAMMALN.PRECISEDATEVALUE(date_string)16See GAMMALNMathGCDDATEVALUE(date_string)17Returns the greatest common divisor of one or more integers. Learn moreMathIMLNDATEVALUE(date_string)18Returns the logarithm of a complex number, base e (Euler's number). Learn moreMathIMPOWERDATEVALUE(date_string)19Returns a complex number raised to a power. Learn moreMathIMSQRTDATEVALUE(date_string)20Computes the square root of a complex number. Learn moreMathINTDATEVALUE(date_string)21Rounds a number down to the nearest integer that is less than or equal to it. Learn moreMathISEVENDATEVALUE(date_string)22Checks whether the provided value is even. Learn moreMathISO.CEILINGDATEVALUE(date_string)23See CEILING.PRECISEMathISODDDATEVALUE(date_string)24Checks whether the provided value is odd. Learn moreMathLCMDATEVALUE(date_string)25Returns the least common multiple of one or more integers. Learn moreMathLNDATEVALUE(date_string)26Returns the the logarithm of a number, base e (Euler's number). Learn moreMathLOGDATEVALUE(date_string)27Returns the the logarithm of a number given a base. Learn moreMathLOG10DATEVALUE(date_string)28Returns the the logarithm of a number, base 10. Learn moreMathMODDATEVALUE(date_string)29Returns the result of the modulo operator, the remainder after a division operation. Learn moreMathMROUNDDATEVALUE(date_string)30Rounds one number to the nearest integer multiple of another. Learn moreMathMULTINOMIALDATEVALUE(date_string)31Returns the factorial of the sum of values divided by the product of the values' factorials. Learn moreMathMUNITDATEVALUE(date_string)32Returns a unit matrix of size dimension x dimension. Learn more.MathODDDATEVALUE(date_string)33Rounds a number up to the nearest odd integer. Learn moreMathPIDATEVALUE(date_string)34Returns the value of Pi to 14 decimal places. Learn moreMathPOWERDATEVALUE(date_string)35Returns a number raised to a power. Learn moreMathPRODUCTDATEVALUE(date_string)36Returns the result of multiplying a series of numbers together. Learn moreMathQUOTIENTDATEVALUE(date_string)37Returns one number divided by another. Learn moreMathRADIANSDATEVALUE(date_string)38Converts an angle value in degrees to radians. Learn moreMathRANDDATEVALUE(date_string)39Returns a random number between 0 inclusive and 1 exclusive. Learn moreMathRANDARRAYDATEVALUE(date_string)40Generates an array of random numbers between 0 and 1. Learn more.MathRANDBETWEENDATEVALUE(date_string)41Returns a uniformly random integer between two values, inclusive. Learn moreMathROUNDDATEVALUE(date_string)42Rounds a number to a certain number of decimal places according to standard rules. Learn moreMathROUNDDOWNDATEVALUE(date_string)43Rounds a number to a certain number of decimal places, always rounding down to the next valid increment. Learn moreMathROUNDUPDATEVALUE(date_string)44Rounds a number to a certain number of decimal places, always rounding up to the next valid increment. Learn moreMathSECDATEVALUE(date_string)45The SEC function returns the secant of an angle, measured in radians. Learn more.MathSECHDATEVALUE(date_string)46The SECH function returns the hyperbolic secant of an angle. Learn moreMathSEQUENCEDATEVALUE(date_string)47Returns an array of sequential numbers, such as 1, 2, 3, 4. Learn more.MathSERIESSUMDATEVALUE(date_string)48Given parameters DATEVALUE(date_string)49, DATEVALUE(date_string)50, DATEVALUE(date_string)51, and DATEVALUE(date_string)52, returns the power series sum a1xn + a2x(n+m) + .. + aix(n+(i-1)m), where i is the number of entries in range `a`. Learn moreMathSIGNDATEVALUE(date_string)53Given an input number, returns `-1` if it is negative, `1` if positive, and `0` if it is zero. Learn moreMathSINDATEVALUE(date_string)54Returns the sine of an angle provided in radians. Learn moreMathSINHDATEVALUE(date_string)55Returns the hyperbolic sine of any real number. Learn moreMathSQRTDATEVALUE(date_string)56Returns the positive square root of a positive number. Learn moreMathSQRTPIDATEVALUE(date_string)57Returns the positive square root of the product of Pi and the given positive number. Learn moreMathSUBTOTALDATEVALUE(date_string)58Returns a subtotal for a vertical range of cells using a specified aggregation function. Learn moreMathSUMDATEVALUE(date_string)59Returns the sum of a series of numbers and/or cells. Learn moreMathSUMIFDATEVALUE(date_string)60Returns a conditional sum across a range. Learn moreMathSUMIFSDATEVALUE(date_string)61Returns the sum of a range depending on multiple criteria. Learn moreMathSUMSQDATEVALUE(date_string)62Returns the sum of the squares of a series of numbers and/or cells. Learn moreMathTANDATEVALUE(date_string)63Returns the tangent of an angle provided in radians. Learn moreMathTANHDATEVALUE(date_string)64Returns the hyperbolic tangent of any real number. Learn moreMathTRUNCDATEVALUE(date_string)65Truncates a number to a certain number of significant digits by omitting less significant digits. Learn moreOperatorADDDATEVALUE(date_string)66Returns the sum of two numbers. Equivalent to the `+` operator. Learn moreOperatorCONCATDATEVALUE(date_string)67Returns the concatenation of two values. Equivalent to the `&` operator. Learn moreOperatorDIVIDEDATEVALUE(date_string)68Returns one number divided by another. Equivalent to the `/` operator. Learn moreOperatorEQDATEVALUE(date_string)69Returns `TRUE` if two specified values are equal and `FALSE` otherwise. Equivalent to the `=` operator. Learn moreOperatorGTDATEVALUE(date_string)70Returns `TRUE` if the first argument is strictly greater than the second, and `FALSE` otherwise. Equivalent to the `>` operator. Learn moreOperatorGTEDATEVALUE(date_string)71Returns `TRUE` if the first argument is greater than or equal to the second, and `FALSE` otherwise. Equivalent to the `>=` operator. Learn moreOperatorISBETWEENDATEVALUE(date_string)72Checks whether a provided number is between two other numbers either inclusively or exclusively. Learn moreOperatorLTDATEVALUE(date_string)73Returns `TRUE` if the first argument is strictly less than the second, and `FALSE` otherwise. Equivalent to the `<` operator. Learn moreOperatorLTEDATEVALUE(date_string)74Returns `TRUE` if the first argument is less than or equal to the second, and `FALSE` otherwise. Equivalent to the `<=` operator. Learn moreOperatorMINUSDATEVALUE(date_string)75Returns the difference of two numbers. Equivalent to the `-` operator. Learn moreOperatorMULTIPLYDATEVALUE(date_string)76Returns the product of two numbers. Equivalent to the `*` operator. Learn moreOperatorNEDATEVALUE(date_string)77Returns `TRUE` if two specified values are not equal and `FALSE` otherwise. Equivalent to the `<>` operator. Learn moreOperatorPOWDATEVALUE(date_string)78Returns a number raised to a power. Learn moreOperatorUMINUSDATEVALUE(date_string)79Returns a number with the sign reversed. Learn moreOperatorUNARY_PERCENTDATEVALUE(date_string)80Returns a value interpreted as a percentage; that is, `UNARY_PERCENT(100)` equals `1`. Learn moreOperatorUNIQUEDATEVALUE(date_string)81Returns unique rows in the provided source range, discarding duplicates. Rows are returned in the order in which they first appear in the source range. Learn moreOperatorUPLUSDATEVALUE(date_string)82Returns a specified number, unchanged. Learn moreStatisticalAVEDEVDATEVALUE(date_string)83Calculates the average of the magnitudes of deviations of data from a dataset's mean. Learn moreStatisticalAVERAGEDATEVALUE(date_string)84Returns the numerical average value in a dataset, ignoring text. Learn moreStatisticalAVERAGE.WEIGHTEDDATEVALUE(date_string)85Finds the weighted average of a set of values, given the values and the corresponding weights. Learn more.StatisticalAVERAGEADATEVALUE(date_string)86Returns the numerical average value in a dataset. Learn moreStatisticalAVERAGEIFDATEVALUE(date_string)87Returns the average of a range depending on criteria. Learn moreStatisticalAVERAGEIFSDATEVALUE(date_string)88Returns the average of a range depending on multiple criteria. Learn moreStatisticalBETA.DISTDATEVALUE(date_string)89Returns the probability of a given value as defined by the beta distribution function. Learn more.StatisticalBETA.INVDATEVALUE(date_string)90Returns the value of the inverse beta distribution function for a given probability. Learn more. StatisticalBETADISTDATEVALUE(date_string)91See BETA.DIST.StatisticalBETAINVDATEVALUE(date_string)92 See BETA.INV StatisticalBINOM.DISTDATEVALUE(date_string)93See BINOMDISTStatisticalBINOM.INVDATEVALUE(date_string)94See CRITBINOMStatisticalBINOMDISTDATEVALUE(date_string)95Calculates the probability of drawing a certain number of successes (or a maximum number of successes) in a certain number of tries given a population of a certain size containing a certain number of successes, with replacement of draws. Learn moreStatisticalCHIDISTDATEVALUE(date_string)96Calculates the right-tailed chi-squared distribution, often used in hypothesis testing. Learn moreStatisticalCHIINVDATEVALUE(date_string)97Calculates the inverse of the right-tailed chi-squared distribution. Learn moreStatisticalCHISQ.DISTDATEVALUE(date_string)98Calculates the left-tailed chi-squared distribution, often used in hypothesis testing. Learn moreStatisticalCHISQ.DIST.RTDATEVALUE(date_string)99Calculates the right-tailed chi-squared distribution, which is commonly used in hypothesis testing. Learn moreStatisticalCHISQ.INVDAY(date)00Calculates the inverse of the left-tailed chi-squared distribution. Learn moreStatisticalCHISQ.INV.RTDAY(date)01Calculates the inverse of the right-tailed chi-squared distribution. Learn moreStatisticalCHISQ.TESTDAY(date)02See CHITESTStatisticalCHITESTDAY(date)03Returns the probability associated with a Pearson’s chi-squared test on the two ranges of data. Determines the likelihood that the observed categorical data is drawn from an expected distribution. Learn moreStatisticalCONFIDENCEDAY(date)04See CONFIDENCE.NORMStatisticalCONFIDENCE.NORMDAY(date)05Calculates the width of half the confidence interval for a normal distribution. Learn more.StatisticalCONFIDENCE.TDAY(date)06Calculates the width of half the confidence interval for a Student’s t-distribution. Learn more.StatisticalCORRELDAY(date)07Calculates r, the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient of a dataset. Learn moreStatisticalCOUNTDAY(date)08Returns a count of the number of numeric values in a dataset. Learn moreStatisticalCOUNTADAY(date)09Returns a count of the number of values in a dataset. Learn moreStatisticalCOVARDAY(date)10Calculates the covariance of a dataset. Learn moreStatisticalCOVARIANCE.PDAY(date)11See COVARStatisticalCOVARIANCE.SDAY(date)12Calculates the covariance of a dataset, where the dataset is a sample of the total population. Learn more.StatisticalCRITBINOMDAY(date)13Calculates the smallest value for which the cumulative binomial distribution is greater than or equal to a specified criteria. Learn moreStatisticalDEVSQDAY(date)14Calculates the sum of squares of deviations based on a sample. Learn moreStatisticalEXPON.DISTDAY(date)15Returns the value of the exponential distribution function with a specified LAMBDA at a specified value. Learn more. StatisticalEXPONDISTDAY(date)16See EXPON.DISTStatisticalF.DISTDAY(date)17Calculates the left-tailed F probability distribution (degree of diversity) for two data sets with given input x. Alternately called Fisher-Snedecor distribution or Snedecor's F distribution. Learn moreStatisticalF.DIST.RTDAY(date)18Calculates the right-tailed F probability distribution (degree of diversity) for two data sets with given input x. Alternately called Fisher-Snedecor distribution or Snedecor's F distribution. Learn moreStatisticalF.INVDAY(date)19Calculates the inverse of the left-tailed F probability distribution. Also called the Fisher-Snedecor distribution or Snedecor’s F distribution. Learn moreStatisticalF.INV.RTDAY(date)20Calculates the inverse of the right-tailed F probability distribution. Also called the Fisher-Snedecor distribution or Snedecor’s F distribution. Learn moreStatisticalF.TESTDAY(date)21See FTEST.StatisticalFDISTDAY(date)22See F.DIST.RT.StatisticalFINVDAY(date)23See F.INV.RTStatisticalFISHERDAY(date)24Returns the Fisher transformation of a specified value. Learn moreStatisticalFISHERINVDAY(date)25Returns the inverse Fisher transformation of a specified value. Learn moreStatisticalFORECASTDAY(date)26Calculates the expected y-value for a specified x based on a linear regression of a dataset. Learn moreStatisticalFORECAST.LINEARDAY(date)27See FORECASTStatisticalFTESTDAY(date)28Returns the probability associated with an F-test for equality of variances. Determines whether two samples are likely to have come from populations with the same variance. Learn moreStatisticalGAMMADAY(date)29Returns the Gamma function evaluated at the specified value. Learn more.StatisticalGAMMA.DISTDAY(date)30Calculates the gamma distribution, a two-parameter continuous probability distribution. Learn moreStatisticalGAMMA.INVDAY(date)31The GAMMA.INV function returns the value of the inverse gamma cumulative distribution function for the specified probability and alpha and beta parameters. Learn more.StatisticalGAMMADISTDAY(date)32See GAMMA.DIST StatisticalGAMMAINVDAY(date)33See GAMMA.INV.StatisticalGAUSSDAY(date)34The GAUSS function returns the probability that a random variable, drawn from a normal distribution, will be between the mean and z standard deviations above (or below) the mean. Learn more.StatisticalGEOMEANDAY(date)35Calculates the geometric mean of a dataset. Learn moreStatisticalHARMEANDAY(date)36Calculates the harmonic mean of a dataset. Learn moreStatisticalHYPGEOM.DISTDAY(date)37See HYPGEOMDISTStatisticalHYPGEOMDISTDAY(date)38 Calculates the probability of drawing a certain number of successes in a certain number of tries given a population of a certain size containing a certain number of successes, without replacement of draws. Learn moreStatisticalINTERCEPTDAY(date)39Calculates the y-value at which the line resulting from linear regression of a dataset will intersect the y-axis (x=0). Learn moreStatisticalKURTDAY(date)40Calculates the kurtosis of a dataset, which describes the shape, and in particular the "peakedness" of that dataset. Learn moreStatisticalLARGEDAY(date)41Returns the nth largest element from a data set, where n is user-defined. Learn moreStatisticalLOGINVDAY(date)42Returns the value of the inverse log-normal cumulative distribution with given mean and standard deviation at a specified value. Learn moreStatisticalLOGNORM.DISTDAY(date)43See LOGNORMDISTStatisticalLOGNORM.INVDAY(date)44See LOGINVStatisticalLOGNORMDISTDAY(date)45Returns the value of the log-normal cumulative distribution with given mean and standard deviation at a specified value. Learn moreStatisticalMAXDAY(date)46Returns the maximum value in a numeric dataset. Learn moreStatisticalMAXADAY(date)47Returns the maximum numeric value in a dataset. Learn moreStatisticalMAXIFSDAY(date)48Returns the maximum value in a range of cells, filtered by a set of criteria. Learn more.StatisticalMEDIANDAY(date)49Returns the median value in a numeric dataset. Learn moreStatisticalMINDAY(date)50Returns the minimum value in a numeric dataset. Learn moreStatisticalMINADAY(date)51Returns the minimum numeric value in a dataset. Learn moreStatisticalMINIFSDAY(date)52Returns the minimum value in a range of cells, filtered by a set of criteria. Learn more.StatisticalMODEDAY(date)53Returns the most commonly occurring value in a dataset. Learn moreStatisticalMODE.MULTDAY(date)54Returns the most commonly occurring values in a dataset. Learn more.StatisticalMODE.SNGLDAY(date)55See MODE StatisticalNEGBINOM.DISTDAY(date)56See NEGBINOMDISTStatisticalNEGBINOMDISTDAY(date)57Calculates the probability of drawing a certain number of failures before a certain number of successes given a probability of success in independent trials. Learn moreStatisticalNORM.DISTDAY(date)58See NORMDISTStatisticalNORM.INVDAY(date)59See NORMINVStatisticalNORM.S.DISTDAY(date)60See NORMSDISTStatisticalNORM.S.INVDAY(date)61See NORMSINVStatisticalNORMDISTDAY(date)62Returns the value of the normal distribution function (or normal cumulative distribution function) for a specified value, mean, and standard deviation. Learn moreStatisticalNORMINVDAY(date)63Returns the value of the inverse normal distribution function for a specified value, mean, and standard deviation. Learn moreStatisticalNORMSDISTDAY(date)64Returns the value of the standard normal cumulative distribution function for a specified value. Learn moreStatisticalNORMSINVDAY(date)65Returns the value of the inverse standard normal distribution function for a specified value. Learn moreStatisticalPEARSONDAY(date)66Calculates r, the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient of a dataset. Learn moreStatisticalPERCENTILEDAY(date)67Returns the value at a given percentile of a dataset. Learn moreStatisticalPERCENTILE.EXCDAY(date)68Returns the value at a given percentile of a dataset, exclusive of 0 and 1. Learn more.StatisticalPERCENTILE.INCDAY(date)69See PERCENTILEStatisticalPERCENTRANKDAY(date)70Returns the percentage rank (percentile) of a specified value in a dataset. Learn moreStatisticalPERCENTRANK.EXCDAY(date)71Returns the percentage rank (percentile) from 0 to 1 exclusive of a specified value in a dataset. Learn moreStatisticalPERCENTRANK.INCDAY(date)72Returns the percentage rank (percentile) from 0 to 1 inclusive of a specified value in a dataset. Learn moreStatisticalPERMUTATIONADAY(date)73Returns the number of permutations for selecting a group of objects (with replacement) from a total number of objects. Learn more.StatisticalPERMUTDAY(date)74Returns the number of ways to choose some number of objects from a pool of a given size of objects, considering order. Learn moreStatisticalPHIDAY(date)75The PHI function returns the value of the normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. Learn more.StatisticalPOISSONDAY(date)76See POISSON.DISTStatisticalPOISSON.DISTDAY(date)77Returns the value of the Poisson distribution function (or Poisson cumulative distribution function) for a specified value and mean. Learn more. StatisticalPROBDAY(date)78Given a set of values and corresponding probabilities, calculates the probability that a value chosen at random falls between two limits. Learn moreStatisticalQUARTILEDAY(date)79Returns a value nearest to a specified quartile of a dataset. Learn moreStatisticalQUARTILE.EXCDAY(date)80Returns value nearest to a given quartile of a dataset, exclusive of 0 and 4. Learn more.StatisticalQUARTILE.INCDAY(date)81See QUARTILEStatisticalRANKDAY(date)82Returns the rank of a specified value in a dataset. Learn moreStatisticalRANK.AVGDAY(date)83Returns the rank of a specified value in a dataset. If there is more than one entry of the same value in the dataset, the average rank of the entries will be returned. Learn moreStatisticalRANK.EQDAY(date)84Returns the rank of a specified value in a dataset. If there is more than one entry of the same value in the dataset, the top rank of the entries will be returned. Learn moreStatisticalRSQDAY(date)85Calculates the square of r, the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient of a dataset. Learn moreStatisticalSKEWDAY(date)86Calculates the skewness of a dataset, which describes the symmetry of that dataset about the mean. Learn moreStatisticalSKEW.PDAY(date)87Calculates the skewness of a dataset that represents the entire population. Learn more.StatisticalSLOPEDAY(date)88Calculates the slope of the line resulting from linear regression of a dataset. Learn moreStatisticalSMALLDAY(date)89Returns the nth smallest element from a data set, where n is user-defined. Learn moreStatisticalSTANDARDIZEDAY(date)90Calculates the normalized equivalent of a random variable given mean and standard deviation of the distribution. Learn moreStatisticalSTDEVDAY(date)91Calculates the standard deviation based on a sample. Learn moreStatisticalSTDEV.PDAY(date)92See STDEVPStatisticalSTDEV.SDAY(date)93See STDEVStatisticalSTDEVADAY(date)94Calculates the standard deviation based on a sample, setting text to the value `0`. Learn moreStatisticalSTDEVPDAY(date)95Calculates the standard deviation based on an entire population. Learn moreStatisticalSTDEVPADAY(date)96Calculates the standard deviation based on an entire population, setting text to the value `0`. Learn moreStatisticalSTEYXDAY(date)97Calculates the standard error of the predicted y-value for each x in the regression of a dataset. Learn moreStatisticalT.DISTDAY(date)98Returns the right tailed Student distribution for a value x. Learn more.StatisticalT.DIST.2TDAY(date)99Returns the two tailed Student distribution for a value x. Learn more.StatisticalT.DIST.RTDAYS(end_date, start_date)00Returns the right tailed Student distribution for a value x. Learn more.StatisticalT.INVDAYS(end_date, start_date)01Calculates the negative inverse of the one-tailed TDIST function. Learn moreStatisticalT.INV.2TDAYS(end_date, start_date)02Calculates the inverse of the two-tailed TDIST function. Learn moreStatisticalT.TESTDAYS(end_date, start_date)03Returns the probability associated with Student's t-test. Determines whether two samples are likely to have come from the same two underlying populations that have the same mean. Learn more. StatisticalTDISTDAYS(end_date, start_date)04Calculates the probability for Student's t-distribution with a given input (x). Learn moreStatisticalTINVDAYS(end_date, start_date)05See T.INV.2TStatisticalTRIMMEANDAYS(end_date, start_date)06Calculates the mean of a dataset excluding some proportion of data from the high and low ends of the dataset. Learn moreStatisticalTTESTDAYS(end_date, start_date)07See T.TEST.StatisticalVARDAYS(end_date, start_date)08Calculates the variance based on a sample. Learn moreStatisticalVAR.PDAYS(end_date, start_date)09See VARPStatisticalVAR.SDAYS(end_date, start_date)10See VARStatisticalVARADAYS(end_date, start_date)11Calculates an estimate of variance based on a sample, setting text to the value `0`. Learn moreStatisticalVARPDAYS(end_date, start_date)12Calculates the variance based on an entire population. Learn moreStatisticalVARPADAYS(end_date, start_date)13Calculates the variance based on an entire population, setting text to the value `0`. Learn moreStatisticalWEIBULLDAYS(end_date, start_date)14Returns the value of the Weibull distribution function (or Weibull cumulative distribution function) for a specified shape and scale. Learn moreStatisticalWEIBULL.DISTDAYS(end_date, start_date)15See WEIBULLStatisticalZ.TESTDAYS(end_date, start_date)16Returns the one-tailed P-value of a Z-test with standard distribution. Learn more. StatisticalZTESTDAYS(end_date, start_date)17See Z.TEST.TextARABICDAYS(end_date, start_date)18Computes the value of a Roman numeral. Learn moreTextASCDAYS(end_date, start_date)19Converts full-width ASCII and katakana characters to their half-width counterparts. All standard-width characters will remain unchanged. Learn more. TextCHARDAYS(end_date, start_date)20Convert a number into a character according to the current Unicode table. Learn moreTextCLEANDAYS(end_date, start_date)21Returns the text with the non-printable ASCII characters removed. Learn moreTextCODEDAYS(end_date, start_date)22Returns the numeric Unicode map value of the first character in the string provided. Learn moreTextCONCATENATEDAYS(end_date, start_date)23Appends strings to one another. Learn moreTextDOLLARDAYS(end_date, start_date)24Formats a number into the locale-specific currency format. Learn moreTextEXACTDAYS(end_date, start_date)25Tests whether two strings are identical. Learn moreTextFINDDAYS(end_date, start_date)26Returns the position at which a string is first found within text. Learn moreTextFINDBDAYS(end_date, start_date)27Returns the position at which a string is first found within text counting each double-character as 2. Learn moreTextFIXEDDAYS(end_date, start_date)28Formats a number with a fixed number of decimal places. Learn moreTextJOINDAYS(end_date, start_date)29Concatenates the elements of one or more one-dimensional arrays using a specified delimiter. Learn moreTextLEFTDAYS(end_date, start_date)30Returns a substring from the beginning of a specified string. Learn moreTextLEFTBDAYS(end_date, start_date)31Returns the left portion of a string up to a certain number of bytes. Learn more.TextLENDAYS(end_date, start_date)32Returns the length of a string. Learn moreTextLENBDAYS(end_date, start_date)33Returns the length of a string in bytes." Learn more.TextLOWERDAYS(end_date, start_date)34Converts a specified string to lowercase. Learn moreTextMIDDAYS(end_date, start_date)35Returns a segment of a string. Learn moreTextMIDBDAYS(end_date, start_date)36Returns a section of a string starting at a given character and up to a specified number of bytes. Learn more.TextPROPERDAYS(end_date, start_date)37Capitalizes each word in a specified string. Learn moreTextREGEXEXTRACTDAYS(end_date, start_date)38Extracts matching substrings according to a regular expression. Learn moreTextREGEXMATCHDAYS(end_date, start_date)39Whether a piece of text matches a regular expression. Learn moreTextREGEXREPLACEDAYS(end_date, start_date)40Replaces part of a text string with a different text string using regular expressions. Learn moreTextREPLACEDAYS(end_date, start_date)41Replaces part of a text string with a different text string. Learn moreTextREPLACEBDAYS(end_date, start_date)42Replaces part of a text string, based on a number of bytes, with a different text string. Learn more.TextREPTDAYS(end_date, start_date)43Returns specified text repeated a number of times. Learn moreTextRIGHTDAYS(end_date, start_date)44Returns a substring from the end of a specified string. Learn moreTextRIGHTBDAYS(end_date, start_date)45Returns the right portion of a string up to a certain number of bytes. Learn more.TextROMANDAYS(end_date, start_date)46Formats a number in Roman numerals. Learn moreTextSEARCHDAYS(end_date, start_date)47Returns the position at which a string is first found within text. Learn moreTextSEARCHBDAYS(end_date, start_date)48Returns the position at which a string is first found within text counting each double-character as 2. Learn moreTextSPLITDAYS(end_date, start_date)49Divides text around a specified character or string, and puts each fragment into a separate cell in the row. Learn moreTextSUBSTITUTEDAYS(end_date, start_date)50Replaces existing text with new text in a string. Learn moreTextTDAYS(end_date, start_date)51Returns string arguments as text. Learn moreTextTEXTDAYS(end_date, start_date)52Converts a number into text according to a specified format. Learn moreTextTEXTJOINDAYS(end_date, start_date)53Combines the text from multiple strings and/or arrays, with a specifiable delimiter separating the different texts. Learn more.TextTRIMDAYS(end_date, start_date)54Removes leading and trailing spaces in a specified string. Learn moreTextUNICHARDAYS(end_date, start_date)55Returns the Unicode character for a number. Learn more.TextUNICODEDAYS(end_date, start_date)56Returns the decimal Unicode value of the first character of the text. Learn more.TextUPPERDAYS(end_date, start_date)57Converts a specified string to uppercase. Learn moreTextVALUEDAYS(end_date, start_date)58Converts a string in any of the date, time or number formats that Google Sheets understands into a number. Learn moreDatabaseDAVERAGEDAYS(end_date, start_date)59Returns the average of a set of values selected from a database table-like array or range using a SQL-like query. Learn moreDatabaseDCOUNTDAYS(end_date, start_date)60Counts numeric values selected from a database table-like array or range using a SQL-like query. Learn moreDatabaseDCOUNTADAYS(end_date, start_date)61Counts values, including text, selected from a database table-like array or range using a SQL-like query. Learn moreDatabaseDGETDAYS(end_date, start_date)62Returns a single value from a database table-like array or range using a SQL-like query. Learn moreDatabaseDMAXDAYS(end_date, start_date)63Returns the maximum value selected from a database table-like array or range using a SQL-like query. Learn moreDatabaseDMINDAYS(end_date, start_date)64Returns the minimum value selected from a database table-like array or range using a SQL-like query. Learn moreDatabaseDPRODUCTDAYS(end_date, start_date)65Returns the product of values selected from a database table-like array or range using a SQL-like query. Learn moreDatabaseDSTDEVDAYS(end_date, start_date)66Returns the standard deviation of a population sample selected from a database table-like array or range using a SQL-like query. Learn moreDatabaseDSTDEVPDAYS(end_date, start_date)67Returns the standard deviation of an entire population selected from a database table-like array or range using a SQL-like query. Learn moreDatabaseDSUMDAYS(end_date, start_date)68Returns the sum of values selected from a database table-like array or range using a SQL-like query. Learn moreDatabaseDVARDAYS(end_date, start_date)69Returns the variance of a population sample selected from a database table-like array or range using a SQL-like query. Learn moreDatabaseDVARPDAYS(end_date, start_date)70Returns the variance of an entire population selected from a database table-like array or range using a SQL-like query. Learn moreParserCONVERTDAYS(end_date, start_date)71Converts a numeric value to a different unit of measure. Learn moreParserTO_DATEDAYS(end_date, start_date)72Converts a provided number to a date. Learn moreParserTO_DOLLARSDAYS(end_date, start_date)73Converts a provided number to a dollar value. Learn moreParserTO_PERCENTDAYS(end_date, start_date)74Converts a provided number to a percentage. Learn moreParserTO_PURE_NUMBERDAYS(end_date, start_date)75Converts a provided date/time, percentage, currency or other formatted numeric value to a pure number without formatting. Learn moreParserTO_TEXTDAYS(end_date, start_date)76Converts a provided numeric value to a text value. Learn moreArrayARRAY_CONSTRAINDAYS(end_date, start_date)77Constrains an array result to a specified size. Learn moreArrayBYCOLDAYS(end_date, start_date)78Groups an array by columns by application of a LAMBDA function to each column. Learn moreArrayBYROWDAYS(end_date, start_date)79Groups an array by rows by application of a LAMBDA function to each row. Learn moreArrayFLATTENDAYS(end_date, start_date)80Flattens all the values from one or more ranges into a single column. Learn moreArrayFREQUENCYDAYS(end_date, start_date)81Calculates the frequency distribution of a one-column array into specified classes. Learn moreArrayGROWTHDAYS(end_date, start_date)82Given partial data about an exponential growth trend, fits an ideal exponential growth trend and/or predicts further values. Learn moreArrayLINESTDAYS(end_date, start_date)83Given partial data about a linear trend, calculates various parameters about the ideal linear trend using the least-squares method. Learn moreArrayLOGESTDAYS(end_date, start_date)84Given partial data about an exponential growth curve, calculates various parameters about the best fit ideal exponential growth curve. Learn moreArrayMAKEARRAYDAYS(end_date, start_date)85Returns an array of specified dimensions with values calculated by application of a LAMBDA function. Learn moreArrayMAPDAYS(end_date, start_date)86Maps each value in the given arrays to a new value by application of a LAMBDA function to each value. Learn moreArrayMDETERMDAYS(end_date, start_date)87Returns the matrix determinant of a square matrix specified as an array or range. Learn moreArrayMINVERSEDAYS(end_date, start_date)88Returns the multiplicative inverse of a square matrix specified as an array or range. Learn moreArrayMMULTDAYS(end_date, start_date)89Calculates the matrix product of two matrices specified as arrays or ranges. Learn moreArrayREDUCEDAYS(end_date, start_date)90Reduces an array to an accumulated result by application of a LAMBDA function to each value. Learn moreArraySCANDAYS(end_date, start_date)91Scans an array and produces intermediate values by application of a LAMBDA function to each value. Returns an array of the intermediate values obtained at each step. Learn moreArraySUMPRODUCTDAYS(end_date, start_date)92Calculates the sum of the products of corresponding entries in two equal-sized arrays or ranges. Learn moreArraySUMX2MY2DAYS(end_date, start_date)93Calculates the sum of the differences of the squares of values in two arrays. Learn moreArraySUMX2PY2DAYS(end_date, start_date)94Calculates the sum of the sums of the squares of values in two arrays. Learn moreArraySUMXMY2DAYS(end_date, start_date)95Calculates the sum of the squares of differences of values in two arrays. Learn moreArrayTRANSPOSEDAYS(end_date, start_date)96Transposes the rows and columns of an array or range of cells. Learn moreArrayTRENDDAYS(end_date, start_date)97Given partial data about a linear trend, fits an ideal linear trend using the least squares method and/or predicts further values. Learn moreWebENCODEURLDAYS(end_date, start_date)98Encodes a string of text for the purpose of using in a URL query. Learn more.WebHYPERLINKDAYS(end_date, start_date)99Creates a hyperlink inside a cell. Learn moreWebIMPORTDATADAYS360(start_date, end_date, [method])00Imports data at a given url in .csv (comma-separated value) or .tsv (tab-separated value) format. Learn moreWebIMPORTFEEDDAYS360(start_date, end_date, [method])01Imports a RSS or ATOM feed. Learn moreWebIMPORTHTMLDAYS360(start_date, end_date, [method])02Imports data from a table or list within an HTML page. Learn moreWebIMPORTRANGEDAYS360(start_date, end_date, [method])03Imports a range of cells from a specified spreadsheet. Learn moreWebIMPORTXMLDAYS360(start_date, end_date, [method])04Imports data from any of various structured data types including XML, HTML, CSV, TSV, and RSS and ATOM XML feeds. Learn moreWebISURLDAYS360(start_date, end_date, [method])05Checks whether a value is a valid URL. Learn moreTry your keywords on Google Web Search.

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