Call forth nghĩa là gì

Cứ nhắm mục tiêu mà tiếp tục chạy. Photo byAnna Utochkina

"And so on and so forth" -> Vân vân, cứ tiếp tục như thế, tương tự như vậy. Dùng như một cái kết khi liệt kê cái gì đó theo một danh sách.

Ví dụ
The rules are pretty simple: if an actor loses his face-off, he's out, so you ... on to the Sweet 16, and then on to the Elite 8, and so on and so forth.

Then there was the plot. You really dont want to know. Look, I mean, the lead character, Billy Shears, played by Frampton, had a girlfriend named Strawberry Fields. He later had a fling with a singer called Lucy, in the sky, whose backing band is called The Diamonds. And so on and so forth.

I dont even watch the ball, I watch one kid. So when hes off the field, I just watch the game like any other fan. I follow the ball. But when he is on the field, I can hear the crowd roaring, because someone has broken a big play. I dont pay attention to any of that. Im still watching how he finishes the play. How he conducts himself so forth and so on. When hes on the field, Im a fan like anybody else, said Clapp.

Bin Kuan

Bài trước:"Do me a favour" nghĩa là gì?

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