Cheap flights spring break 2023

April--a great time to fly!

You know what they say: April showers bring May flowers. Early springtime is known for its wet and gloomy days, but that doesn’t mean you should hole yourself up inside until the sun starts to shine. A little rain never hurt after all, so why not venture outside and enjoy nature’s showers? Book a trip out of town and soak up the rainy season somewhere new, or better yet, take a vacation to a place that’s free of rain. With our cheap flights in April, not only can you afford a little spring getaway, but you’ll also have plenty of leftover cash to splurge on a fancy new umbrella—just in case.

April flight deals Here at Expedia, we understand what it means to travel within your budget. High prices shouldn’t get in the way of you exploring the world, visiting your family, or making new friends, and that’s why we offer April flight deals that help keep costs low. Check out our airfare to find discounts on the places you’ve been dreaming of visiting. It’s easy to browse through the options and score some of the lowest rates around. Your trip isn’t going to book itself, so reserve your cheap April flights today and let the vacation countdown begin.".

Cheap Flights in April FAQs

Will I find cheap flights in April?

Yes. April can be an ideal time to find budget flights. You’ll find deals on international flights and airlines offering cheap domestic flights in April too. Prices depend on where you’re traveling to and from, but it’s perfectly possible to find a warm beach spot or see the last of the snow season and avoid peak prices. Prices and availability are subject to change. Additional terms may apply.

Where should I fly to for a cheap vacation in April?

Spring offers plenty of sunshine without having to fly to far-flung destinations or paying wallet-digging summer prices. Fly to Las Vegas in April where the atmosphere is buzzing, the weather is mild and there are sinfully-low prices on plane tickets and hotels—which leaves you with more cash to splash in the casinos. With low season beginning in mid-April but lovely temperatures year-round, you can also score amazingly cheap flight deals to Hawaii. When you arrive those luxury Honolulu hotels and Maui beach resorts will also be more affordable, less crowded, and still gorgeous.

How do I find amazing April flight deals?

Score top deals on April flights by using our search filters to sort airfare results by the lowest price first. Traveling over Easter weekend and to popular Spring Break destinations like Cancun can be more expensive, but there are still deals out there. Try being flexible with your travel dates and compare airport arrival and departure locations and flight times to find cheap flights in April. At Expedia, we’ve locked in deals with all the trusted airline carriers so it’s easy to compare prices.

Will April flight ticket prices drop over Easter?

Easter is a popular time to travel, and prices are generally more expensive, so it’s wise to book a couple of months in advance to snag the best deals during this time. If you can, book a trip a week before or after the Easter holiday, when airlines drop their prices, and you can land a fantastic deal.

Can I book flexible flight tickets or cancel my April flight on Expedia?

Sure. Filter results by clicking on the “No change fee” or “No cancel fee” options to only see deals with flexibility or the option to cancel with no charge. At Expedia, you also get free cancellation and refunds on eligible flights within 24 hours of booking. Always check the terms and conditions to ensure your ticket change or cancellation falls within the timeframe for a full refund. If not, some flight tickets may be non-refundable but qualify for airline credit. For more support go to our customer service portal.

Why should I book April flights with Expedia?

Expedia is your one-stop shop for finding low-cost flight deals from a huge selection of airlines. Save dollars when you bundle your April flight deal with a hotel too. Plus, our Expedia Rewards scheme is free, and you earn points every time you fly or book a hotel through us, which you can redeem on future trips.

Deals on Cheap Flights by Month

Sample prices reflect the lowest fares on Expedia found by our customers over the last 48 hours and are quoted for one adult and include taxes for round trip economy/coach class travel. Prices do not include additional baggage fees that may be charged by the applicable airline. Actual price may vary based on time/date of search, booking date, travel dates, origin, and destination. Fares and rules are subject to change without notice. Seats are limited and may not be available on all flights/dates. Lower fares on other airlines may be available to selected destinations. Tickets may be non-transferable and non-refundable. Read the complete penalty rules for changes and cancellations applicable to the fare you're considering booking.

How far in advance should I book a flight 2023?

The sweet spot for the best deals, according to the data, is about four months in advance. So let's say you're aiming to head to Europe in May 2023. According to Google Flights' data, you should start looking for great deals around December … and have your tickets booked no later than March.

Where is the cheapest place to fly May 2022?

Here's 8 cheap destinations for 2022 to book your flights to now!.
Miami. Sunny beaches? ... .
New York City. ... .
Los Angeles. ... .
Chicago. ... .
Seattle. ... .
San Juan, Puerto Rico. ... .
San Jose Cabo..

Where is the cheapest place to fly this summer 2022?

22 'Cheap' Places to Fly to in 2022.
Pacific Northwest: $105 (Seattle).
Oklahoma City: $182..
Charleston, South Carolina: $185..
Puerto Rico: $240 (San Juan).
Alberta, Canada: $259 (Calgary).
Panama: $271 (Panama City).
Barbados: $315 (Bridgetown).
Belize: $346 (Belize City).

What months are flights cheapest?

It's often much cheaper to travel from May to early June and late August through mid-October. The weather is still relatively warm during the shoulder season, and you'll beat the crazy summer crowds. This is when we find the best international flight deals!