editor là gì - Nghĩa của từ editor

editor có nghĩa là

The dudes on urbandictionary that decide what should be published on the site


damn dude, those editors are sexy!!!

editor có nghĩa là

a group of incompetent assholes who review the submissions of definitions here on urban dictionary. is it really necesary to have over 350 definitions for the word penis? the majority of the definitions on this site either repeat exactly what another definition says or they don't even add a single intelligent thought to the word being defined and is irrelevant. the fact that that i've written legitimate definitions to words that have not been defined yet further proves the editors' stupidity.


"i wrote a definition on urban dictionary to a word that hasn't been defined yet and the editors did not approve. i guess i'll just add a new definition for penis. 'the boy version of a vagina.' lol. this will never get approved but i'll send it anyway."
a couple days later.
"oh, well what do you know? my definition for penis got approved. the editors must have down syndrome or something. good for them, then."

editor có nghĩa là

[specifically Urban Dictionary editor:]


If only you're willing to put in volunteer time judging individually whether or not thousands of definition submittals conform to the specific criteria clearly delineated to QC this site.


SOMEONE TOLD ME: "Quit whining you dullard. If you're so qualified in writing your definition, then why not volunteer as a UD EDITOR and help weed out the crap 'definitions'."

[As an EDITOR, I obviously help to vote myself in. Ya smell what I'm cookin'?]

editor có nghĩa là

[noun, plural] a ragtag menagerie of losers, basement internet trolls, idiots, clowns, apes and dinosaurs entrusted by Urban Dictionary with the task of approving new words [a very ill-advised decision by Urban Dictionary in itself]. Unsurprisingly, they botch jobs, often failed to abide by the guidelines, and some of them even became petty tyrants on a power trip, who reject every new word definitions, legitimate or not, to sate their personal revenge on society for the fact that they are losers, basement trolls, apes and dinosaurs who have no life.


Contributors: "There's no honor or pride in being a petty tyrant"
Editors: "petty? I'm mighty"
Contributors: "mighty stupid is what you are"

editor có nghĩa là

Something you can become with one click of a mouse. Maybe having the ability for ANYONE to become an editor wasn't a very good idea, huh?


There are very few editors who actually do their job right and deny and accept the right definitions.

editor có nghĩa là

The people who wrote most of the good definitions for the word editor. They weed out the idiotic defintions, and o.k. the good. They are my heroes.


ME. I AM AN EDITOR. You knew that was coming

Idiotic UD patron: "Julie
A smart, funny girl who everyone is jealous of because I am her boyfriend."

Me: "Not my fault you didn't read the rules dude.

editor có nghĩa là

A hardworking person who filter the garbage out of this site. He/she maintains the integrity of UD.


Editor: "What?? how does sushi mean to rape someone??"
*rejects definition*

editor có nghĩa là

The people at urban dictionary that accept the stupidest definitions that you can think of that don't make any sense. But, then they don't accept all of the GOOD definitions that actually have proper grammar and aren't 5 paragraphs of run on sentences something about grandmas with ample breasts that make peanut bitter and jelly sandwiches on toasted rye bread. They sometimes accept and reject definitions in a matter of minutes but, they mostly take 2 months to reject a definition .


The editors will probably reject this definition because I am pointing out how they are fucking assholes that make about 15 thousand dollars a year.

editor có nghĩa là

A despicable, anal retentive human being whose only goal is to annoy a writer enough to inspire him or her. Their repressed sexual desires are shown through their egomaniacal, useless insertions in bold print, underlines, or annoying italics suggesting the writer does not understand what the writer is saying. An editor also receives distinct carnal pleasure in titling works for a writer, often not pertaining at all to the work. Examples include "Sense and Sensibility" and "Pride and Prejudice" as well as "Joe Biden Entitled To Better Media Coverage."

Editors do not understand what a dash is and refuse to accept that they do not know comma rules.


An editor's work:

I went to the bathroom and could not find toilet paper -- there was none. // reword this, it's awkward. I suggest "I went to the bathroom and could not find the toilet paper, there was none."

Editor: When I titled your article something that had nothing to do with your article, I came. After I added this paragraph about how little sense your paper made, I italicized the paragraph and came again. Then, I drank several quarts of scotch and, comma spliced.

editor có nghĩa là

a anoying person who takes good defonitions of Miley Cyrus and Demi Lovato and regects them.

im a editor myself and i know the rules ppl and those didnt break them!



yo im a editor and i really think i should go ruin my life and get prego

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