Enumerate and explain the different methods in making bread

Methods of bread making

Tripathi Saurabh                                                                                          , lacturer at institute of hotel and tourism management                                                                                             at CSJM Kanpur University, Kanpur                                                            3 months ago

Noor Hatim Borhan                                                                                                                                                                                    1 year ago

TamannaNayak1                                                                                                                                                                                    1 year ago

Vikas Nimbrana                                                                                                                                                                                    1 year ago

Imelda Herrera                                                                                                                                                                                    2 years ago

PALLAVI  JUMDE                                                                                          , Food Technologist                                                                                             at Matrix Fine Sciences                                                            2 years ago

Srooti Jos                                                                                                                                                                                    2 years ago

DileepSinghrawat                                                                                                                                                                                    3 years ago

av420                                                                                                                                                                                    3 years ago

Balwant Insa                                                                                          , student                                                                                                                          3 years ago

Sandeep Naik                                                                                                                                                                                    3 years ago

Prema Sankar                                                                                                                                                        at AID INDIA, CHENNAI                                                            3 years ago

Akhilesh Chhotey Narayan                                                                                                                                                                                    4 years ago

Pranay  Pushpatode                                                                                           , Smile Increased Our Face Value..                                                                                              at IntelliStay Hotels                                                            4 years ago

Tripathi Saurabh                                                              , lacturer at institute of hotel and tourism management                                                                                             at CSJM Kanpur University, Kanpur                                                           3 months ago Tripathi Saurabh                                , lacturer at institute of hotel and tourism management                                                               at CSJM Kanpur University, Kanpur

Noor Hatim Borhan 1 year ago Noor Hatim Borhan

TamannaNayak1 1 year ago TamannaNayak1

Vikas Nimbrana 1 year ago Vikas Nimbrana

Imelda Herrera 2 years ago Imelda Herrera

PALLAVI  JUMDE                                                              , Food Technologist                                                                                             at Matrix Fine Sciences                                                           2 years ago PALLAVI  JUMDE                                , Food Technologist                                                               at Matrix Fine Sciences

Srooti Jos 2 years ago Srooti Jos

DileepSinghrawat 3 years ago DileepSinghrawat

av420 3 years ago av420

Balwant Insa                                                              , student                                                                                                                         3 years ago Balwant Insa                                , student

Sandeep Naik 3 years ago Sandeep Naik

Prema Sankar                                                                                                                            at AID INDIA, CHENNAI                                                           3 years ago Prema Sankar                                 at AID INDIA, CHENNAI

Akhilesh Chhotey Narayan 4 years ago Akhilesh Chhotey Narayan

Pranay  Pushpatode                                                              , Smile Increased Our Face Value..                                                                                              at IntelliStay Hotels                                                           4 years ago Pranay  Pushpatode                                , Smile Increased Our Face Value..                                                               at IntelliStay Hotels

Methods of bread making

  1. 1. Methods of bread making 1. Straight Dough method All the ingredients are mixed together, and the dough is fermented for a predetermined time. The fermentation time of the straight dough depends on the strength of the flour. Strong flour requires more fermentation time to mature adequately. Flours which require 2 to 3 hours for maturing should be used for making bread by straight method. Flours that take very long period for maturing should not be used because during prolonged fermentation periods it is very difficult to control the temperature of the dough and rise in temperature will cause acid taste and flavour in bread. 2. No time dough method Dough is fermented in the usual manner. It is just allowed a brief period [about 30 mins] for it to recover from the strains of mixing. Since dough is not fermented the two functions of fermentation [i. e production of gas and conditioning of gluten] are achieved to some extent by increasing the quantity of yeast [ 2 to 3 times of original quantity]and by making the dough little slacker and warmer. Although it is possible to make fairly acceptable bread [during emergency] by using this method the product has poor keeping quality. Due to the absence of fermentation the gluten and starch are not conditioned sufficiently to retain the moisture. 3. Salt delayed method This a slight variation of straight method, where all the ingredients are mixed except salt and fat. As a salt has a controlling effect on enzymatic action on yeast, the speed of fermentation of a salt less dough will be faster, and a reduction in total fermentation time will be faster. The salt is added at a knock back stage. The method of adding salt at the later stage may be according to the convenience of individual baker. It may be sifted on the dough and mixed or it may be creamed with fat and salt. Whatever way is chosen for mixing the salt, only three forth [of actual mixing time] mixing should be given initially and one fourth mixing at the time of adding salt.
  2. 2. Due to absence of salt, the fermentation speed is enhanced and gluten is matured in a reasonably shorter time. 4. Sponge and dough method Strong flour take too long for conditioning and should not be used for making bread by straight dough method. For such flours sponge and dough method is more suitable where the problem of controlling the dough temperature time is not so acute. Flour, proportionate amount of water, yeast and sugar are mixed together. Longer fermenting sponges may also contain some amount of as well. Mix all the ingredients evenly. This sponge is fermented for a pre determined time. The ferment is carried out longest for almost 16 to 17 hours and minimum for an hour. Advantages Scheduling flexibility. Sponges can usually be held longer than finished dough. Increased flavor, developed by the long fermentation of the sponge Less yeast is needed, because it multiplies during the sponge fermentation. 5. Ferment and dough method This is a variation of sponge and dough method. Very often a bread formula may contain milk, eggs, substantial quantity of fat and sugar. All these formula ingredients will have a retarding effect on yeast activity. If all the formula yeast, part of flour, yeast food and sufficient water are mixed together, the yeast gets initially an environment which is conducive to vigorous activity and at the end of fermentation time it is in a fit condition to take on extra load of fermentation in presence of milk, eggs, excessive fat etc. Fermentation time of ferment depends on the formulation of the desired product but very often it becomes a matter of individual preference. A ferment containing milk should be guarded against over fermentation as it will develop more than desired quantity of lactic acid which in turn will affect the flavor, taste and texture of the product. Shubhada kotibhaskar Asmita powar IHM Mumbai

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