guitar heros là gì - Nghĩa của từ guitar heros

guitar heros có nghĩa là

A simple entertaining pass-time that is the subject of much controversy among guitarists and video-game players. Being able to play a song on "expert" in Guitar Hero does not mean you are good at playing the guitar. However, that does not make the game less fun. Guitar players use it to bash video gamers, and video gamers use it to show off their "skills". However, a happy medium enjoys the game for what it is - a game.

Thí dụ

Guitar Hero Player: Dude, this game rocks! But I'm smart and I know this is nothing like a real guitar . . . !!

guitar heros có nghĩa là

A Guitar Simulation game. Utilizing an included Gibson SG shaped controller, players can play over 30 different songs in both Metal and Classic Rock categories, including David Bowie, Megadeth, Creme, and Jimi Hendrix. Avaliable for Playstation 2.

Thí dụ

Guitar Hero Player: Dude, this game rocks! But I'm smart and I know this is nothing like a real guitar . . . !!

guitar heros có nghĩa là

A Guitar Simulation game. Utilizing an included Gibson SG shaped controller, players can play over 30 different songs in both Metal and Classic Rock categories, including David Bowie, Megadeth, Creme, and Jimi Hendrix. Avaliable for Playstation 2.

Thí dụ

Guitar Hero Player: Dude, this game rocks! But I'm smart and I know this is nothing like a real guitar . . . !! A Guitar Simulation game. Utilizing an included Gibson SG shaped controller, players can play over 30 different songs in both Metal and Classic Rock categories, including David Bowie, Megadeth, Creme, and Jimi Hendrix. Avaliable for Playstation 2.

guitar heros có nghĩa là

"Guitar Hero is a fantastic game, and great at parties!"

Thí dụ

Guitar Hero Player: Dude, this game rocks! But I'm smart and I know this is nothing like a real guitar . . . !!

guitar heros có nghĩa là

A Guitar Simulation game. Utilizing an included Gibson SG shaped controller, players can play over 30 different songs in both Metal and Classic Rock categories, including David Bowie, Megadeth, Creme, and Jimi Hendrix. Avaliable for Playstation 2.

Thí dụ

"Guitar Hero is a fantastic game, and great at parties!" A game played at Best Buy as a way to pick up chicks who dont realize that no skill from playing the real guitar is required. At a party where band and drama geeks are present, guitar hero is played along with DDR, soul calibur.

guitar heros có nghĩa là

a video game compared to masturbation: fun but cant beat the real thing. Gì?? come on its true. guitar hero is like masturbation

Thí dụ

A very fun game that simulates the actions of playing a guitar, meaning that any schmuck can feel like a rock star. However, contrary to popular [idiotic] belief, this does NOT make you able to play real guitar. That takes lots of time and hard work. Those who calim to be guitarists de to their Guitar Hero skills should be snubbed and mad fun of. Guy #1: "Man, I totally nailed Free Bird on expert. Thanks to Guitar Hero, I'm better than Hendrix!"

guitar heros có nghĩa là

Guy #2: "Yeah, and masturbating all the time makes you better than Ron Jeremy. Get real!"

Thí dụ

Một trò chơi. That's all it is, a game that gives you the feeling of being able to play guitar. While a money worthy game, tends to be annoying to people who play guitar *coughmecough* when people think that being able to play expert means they can play guitar...

guitar heros có nghĩa là

*Note* Find a good medium Guitarist: Guitar Hero is for fags
Me: I can realize that it's just a game and I'm better off playing real guitar and playing Guitar Hero every now and then.

Thí dụ

A game people love to buy for any console Ps2 and up great way to have fun when your bored and to listen to great music may even make you want to get a real guitar. "Hey, can __________ come over?" no he is playing guitar hero can be either 1. a game that uses a plastic stick with brightly colored buttons. occasionaly makes some addicts think they actually have talent on the real guitar, when in reality they are jealous pricks. 2. a game that some people play in small amounts. this is ok because they dont beleive they have any skill at real guitar and they could also be real guitarists too. 1. [this actually happened]
max[me]: dude i finally got the intro to bark at the moon down! tommy: sweet how long did it take? matt s[guitar hero addict]: you mean on guitar hero? i got 85% on expert! i can play it on real guitar too now! [no he cant] me: what the fuck tommy: go away 2. andrew[drummer]: you know what song is awesome me: no what

guitar heros có nghĩa là

andrew: purple haze. its about a kind of weed thats apparently like 60$ a leaf!

Thí dụ

Yeah I gave Becca the Guitar Hero last night, she couldn't stay still!

guitar heros có nghĩa là

me: thats like jimi hendrixes easiest song i learned it with the solo in 3 days

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"Ow... I Guitar heroed when I tried to score a point in tennis! "

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