In which view the table can be seen in Access?

You can see that field names are to be entered on top of each other down the left column, and their corresponding data types will be listed in the next column.

One of the big differences between Design View and Datasheet View is how they display the fields. Design View displays them as rows (down the left), whereas, Datasheet View displays them as columns (along the top).

Regardless, this doesn't change the design of the table. It's still the same table whether it was designed in Datasheet View or Design View.

  • In which view the table can be seen in Access?

    Enter the Fields

    Enter a name for each field down the left column.

    Select each field's data type from the next column.

    You can also create a lookup table if required, by selecting Lookup Wizard... from the data type list.

  • In which view the table can be seen in Access?

    Enter the Field Properties

    You can also change each field's properties in the bottom pane.

    To do this, you need to click on the field first. Clicking a field updates the bottom pane with the properties for that field.

    The properties displayed in the bottom pane are different, depending on the data type of the selected field.

    Field properties can be used to do things like, specify a default value for the field, specify whether it's a required field, create an input mask, and more.

  • In which view the table can be seen in Access?

    Set a Primary Key

    To set a field as a primary key, right click on the field and select Primary Key.

  • Once the table has been configured, be sure to save it. In any case, you will be prompted to save it when you try to switch to Datasheet View or close the table.

    You can switch between Design View and Datasheet View at any time by using the little Datasheet View/Design View icons at the botton right of the screen, or the View icon in the left part of the Ribbon (from the Design tab).

    Design View vs Datasheet View

    You can create a table in either Datasheet View or Design View. Generally, you can do most things in both views. However, there are some things you can do in Design View that you can't in Datasheet View.

    But there are some things that are just easier to do in Design View. For example, you can see all fields' data types in one screen, without having to click on each field.

    This MSAccess tutorial explains how to display all of the objects in the navigation pane in Access 2013 (with screenshots and step-by-step instructions).

    See solution in other versions of Access:

    Question: In Microsoft Access 2013, how do I display all of my tables, queries, forms, reports, and modules in the Navigation Pane?

    Answer: To view all objects in the Navigation Pane, click on the Navigation Pane menu and select "All Access Objects" from the popup menu.

    In which view the table can be seen in Access?

    Now the Navigation Pane should display all of the tables, queries, forms, reports, and modules that are in your database.

    While there are four types of database objects in Access, tables are arguably the most important. Even when you're using forms, queries, and reports, you're still working with tables because that's where all of your data is stored. Tables are at the heart of any database, so it's important to understand how to use them.

    In this lesson, you will learn how to open tables, create and edit records, and modify the appearance of your table to make it easier to view and work with.

    Throughout this tutorial, we will be using a sample database. If you would like to follow along, you'll need to download our Access 2016 sample database. You will need to have Access 2016 installed on your computer in order to open the example.

    Watch the video below to learn more about working with tables in Access.

    Table basics

    To open an existing table:

    1. Open your database, and locate the Navigation pane.
    2. In the Navigation pane, locate the table you want to open.
    3. Double-click the desired table.
      In which view the table can be seen in Access?
    4. The table will open and appear as a tab in the Document Tabs bar.
      In which view the table can be seen in Access?

    Understanding tables

    All tables are composed of horizontal rows and vertical columns, with small rectangles called cells in the places where rows and columns intersect. In Access, rows and columns are referred to as records and fields.

    A field is a way of organizing information by type. Think of the field name as a question and every cell within that field as a response to that question. In our example, the Last Name field is selected, which contains all the last names in the table.

    In which view the table can be seen in Access?

    A record is one unit of information. Every cell on a given row is part of that row's record. In our example, Quinton Boyd's record is selected, which contains all of the information related to him in the table.

    In which view the table can be seen in Access?

    Each record has its own ID number. Within a table, each ID number is unique to its record and refers to all of the information within that record. The ID number for a record cannot be changed.

    Each cell of data in your table is part of both a field and a record. For instance, if you had a table of names and contact information, each person would be represented by a record, and each piece of information about each person—name, phone number, address, and so on—would be contained within a distinct field on that record's row.

    Click the buttons in the interactive below to learn how to navigate a table.

    edit hotspots

    In which view the table can be seen in Access?

    The Records Command Group

    The Records command group on the Home tab contains a handful of commands for working with records, including New Record, Save Record, and Delete Record.

    Find and Replace

    The Find command allows you to search for any term in your table.

    The Replace command allows you to search for any term in your table and replace it with a new one. For example, you could replace the word Fall with the word Autumn.

    Text Formatting Command Group

    These formatting options allow you to make your table easier to read by adding an alternate row color or modifying the gridlines that separate individual rows and columns. You can access even more formatting options by clicking the arrow in the bottom-right corner.


    In Access, columns are referred to as fields. When you organize your data by entering it into different fields, you are organizing it by type. Each field contains one type of data. The type of data contained within a field is described by the title at the top of each field.


    In Access, table rows are referred to as records. A record is a unit of data that includes every piece of information in a given row.

    Record Navigation Bar

    The Record Navigation bar allows you to navigate through records one at a time. Click the arrows to move from record to record, and navigate directly to a record by searching for it with the record search box. You can also use the Record Navigation bar to add a new record to the current table.

    Navigating within tables

    The bar at the bottom of the table contains many commands to help you search or scroll through records.

    • To navigate through records in a table, you can use the up and down arrow keys, scroll up and down, or use the arrows in the Record Navigation bar located at the bottom of your table.
      In which view the table can be seen in Access?
    • You can create a new record with the new (blank) record command on the Record Navigation bar.
      In which view the table can be seen in Access?
    • You can find any record in the currently open table by searching for it using the record search box. Place your cursor in the search box, type any word that appears in the record you want to find, and press the Enter key.
      In which view the table can be seen in Access?

    To navigate between fields, you can use the left and right arrow keys or scroll left and right.

    Adding records and entering data

    Entering data into tables in Access is similar to entering data in Excel. To work with records, you'll have to enter data into cells. If you need help entering data into records, you might want to review our Cell Basics lesson from our Excel 2016 tutorial.

    To add a new record:

    There are three ways to add a new record to a table:

    • In the Records group on the Home tab, click the New command.
      In which view the table can be seen in Access?
    • On the Record Navigation bar at the bottom of the window, click the New record button.
      In which view the table can be seen in Access?
    • Begin typing in the row below your last added record.
      In which view the table can be seen in Access?

    Sometimes when you enter information into a record, a window will pop up to tell you that the information you've entered is invalid. This means the field you're working with has a validation rule, which is a rule about the type of data that can appear in that field. Click OK, then follow the instructions in the pop-up window to re-enter your data.

    In which view the table can be seen in Access?

    To save a record:

    Access is designed to save records automatically. After you enter a record, you can either select a different record or close the object, and Access will save the record. However, in certain situations you many want to save a record manually. For example, if you needed to edit an existing record, you could save the record to ensure your changes are saved.

    1. Select the Home tab, and locate the Records group.
    2. Click the Save command. The record will be saved.
    In which view the table can be seen in Access?

    Editing records

    To quickly edit any record within a table, you can click it and type your changes. However, Access offers you the ability to find and replace a word within multiple records and delete records entirely.

    To replace a word within a record:

    You can edit multiple occurrences of the same word by using Find and Replace, which searches for a term and replaces it with another term.

    1. Select the Home tab, and locate the Find group.
    2. Select the Replace command. The Find and Replace dialog box will appear.
      In which view the table can be seen in Access?
    3. In the Find What: field, type the word you want to find, then in the Replace With: field type the word you want to replace the original word. In our example, we'll find instances of the word Fall and replace it with Autumn.
      In which view the table can be seen in Access?
    4. Click the Look In: drop-down arrow to select the area you want to search. Select Current Field to limit your search to the currently selected field. Select Current Document to search within the entire table.
      In which view the table can be seen in Access?
    5. Click the Match: drop-down arrow to select how closely you'd like results to match your search. Select Any Part of Field to search for your search term in any part of a cell. Select Whole Field to search only for cells that match your search term exactly. Select Beginning of Field to search only for cells that start with your search term.
      In which view the table can be seen in Access?
    6. Click Find Next. If the text is found, it will be selected.
      In which view the table can be seen in Access?
    7. Review the text to make sure you want to replace it. Click Replace to replace the original word with the new one.
      In which view the table can be seen in Access?
    8. Access will move to the next instance of the text in the object. When you are finished replacing text, click Cancel to close the dialog box.

    The Replace All option is powerful, but it may actually change some things you don't want to change. In the example below, the word fall did not refer to the season, so replacing it with Autumn would be incorrect. Using the normal Replace option allows you check each instance before replacing the text. You can click Find Next to skip to the next instance without replacing the text.

    In which view the table can be seen in Access?

    To delete a record:

    1. Select the entire record by clicking the gray border on the left side of the record.
      In which view the table can be seen in Access?
    2. Select the Home tab and locate the Records group.
    3. Click the Delete command.
      In which view the table can be seen in Access?
    4. A dialog box will appear. Click Yes.
      In which view the table can be seen in Access?
    5. The record will be permanently deleted.

    The ID numbers assigned to records stay the same even after you delete a record. For example, if you delete the 205th record in a table, the sequence of record ID numbers will read ... 204, 206, 207 ... rather than ... 204, 205, 206, 207 ...

    In which view the table can be seen in Access?

    Modifying table appearance

    Access offers various ways to modify the appearance of tables, including resizing fields and rows and temporarily hiding information you don't need to see. These changes aren't just about making your table look good; they also can make the table easier to read.

    Watch the video below to learn more about customizing tables.

    Resizing fields and rows

    If your fields and rows are too small or large for the data contained with them, you can always resize them so all of the text is displayed.

    To resize a field:

    1. Place your cursor over the right gridline in the field title. Your mouse will become a double arrow.
      In which view the table can be seen in Access?
    2. Click and drag the gridline to the right to increase the field width or to the left to decrease the field width, then release the mouse. The field width will be changed.
      In which view the table can be seen in Access?

    To resize a row:

    1. Place your cursor over the bottom gridline in the gray area to the left of the row. Your mouse will become a double arrow.
      In which view the table can be seen in Access?
    2. Click and drag the gridline downward to increase the row height or upward to decrease the row height, then release the mouse. The row height will be changed.
      In which view the table can be seen in Access?

    Hiding fields

    If you have a field you don't plan on editing or don't want other people to edit, you can hide it. A hidden field is invisible but is still part of your database. Data within a hidden field can still be accessed from forms, queries, reports, and any related tables.

    To hide a field:

    1. Right-click the field title, then select Hide Fields.
      In which view the table can be seen in Access?
    2. The field will be hidden.

    If you decide you want the field to be visible again, you can unhide it. Simply right-click any field title, then select Unhide Fields. A dialog box will appear. Click the checkboxes of any fields you want to be visible again, then click Close.

    In which view the table can be seen in Access?

    Table formatting options

    Alternate row color

    By default, the background of every other row in an Access table is a few shades darker than the background of the rest of the table. This darker alternate row color makes your table easier to read by offering a visual distinction between each record and the records directly above and below it.

    In which view the table can be seen in Access?

    To change the alternate row color:

    1. Select the Home tab, locate the Text Formatting group, and click the Alternate Row Color drop-down arrow.
      In which view the table can be seen in Access?
    2. Select a color from the drop-down menu, or select No Color to remove the alternate row color.
      In which view the table can be seen in Access?
    3. The alternate row color will be updated.
      In which view the table can be seen in Access?

    Modifying gridlines

    Another way Access makes your tables easier to read is by adding gridlines that mark the borders of each cell. Gridlines are the thin lines that appear between each cell, row, and column of your table. By default, gridlines are dark gray and appear on every side of a cell, but you can change their color and hide undesired gridlines.

    In which view the table can be seen in Access?

    To customize which gridlines appear:

    1. Select the Home tab, locate the Text Formatting group, and click the Gridlines drop-down arrow.
      In which view the table can be seen in Access?
    2. Select the gridlines you want to appear. You can choose to have horizontal gridlines between the rows, vertical gridlines between the columns, both types of gridlines, or none at all.
      In which view the table can be seen in Access?
    3. The gridlines on your table will be updated.
      In which view the table can be seen in Access?

    Additional formatting options

    To view additional formatting options, click the Datasheet Formatting arrow in the bottom-right corner of the Text Formatting group.

    In which view the table can be seen in Access?

    The Datasheet Formatting dialog box offers several advanced formatting options, including the ability to modify background color, gridline color, and border and line style. It even includes the ability to view a sample table with your formatting choices, so play around with the various formatting options until you get your table looking the way you want it.

    What are the views in a table in Access?

    The two most important views are:.
    Datasheet View allows you to enter information into your database. It is in a table format similar to Excel..
    Design View allows you to setup and edit the fields of your database..

    Which views can be used to work with tables in Access?

    Normal View..
    Outline View..
    Page Layout View..
    Full Screen..

    In which of the following views table can be created in MS Access?

    Design View allows you to create a table with more ease. Click the Create tab. Click Table Design. A new table appears in the window in Design View.

    Which view is used to enter the data in an Access table?

    Answer: datasheet view is used to enter data in a table.