Làm thế nào để bạn yêu cầu đầu vào bên trong một chức năng trong python?

Đầu vào được lưu tự động dưới dạng chuỗi. Do đó, trước khi thực hiện bất kỳ phép toán số học nào như cộng và chia, chúng ta cần chuyển đổi đầu vào thành số nguyên. Nhớ lại chuyển đổi kiểu ở mục 1. 3

Ở đây, chúng tôi muốn thêm 2 số do người dùng chọn. Chúng ta phải

1. Yêu cầu người dùng nhập số đầu tiên
2. Yêu cầu người dùng nhập số thứ hai
3. Yêu cầu Python cộng các số
4. Yêu cầu Python in kết quả

Chạy các mã bên dưới và so sánh sự khác biệt. Bạn có thể cho biết nó là gì?

Trước khi chuyển đổi kiểu, Python nối các đầu vào và nối chúng lại với nhau dưới dạng dữ liệu chuỗi. Sau khi chuyển đổi kiểu, Python nhận dạng đầu vào là số nguyên và cộng chúng lại với nhau dưới dạng số.  

Hàm input[] của Python được sử dụng để lấy đầu vào của người dùng. Theo mặc định, nó trả về đầu vào của người dùng ở dạng chuỗi

đầu vào [] Chức năng

cú pháp.  


lời nhắc [tùy chọn]. bất kỳ giá trị chuỗi nào để hiển thị dưới dạng thông báo đầu vào

Bán tại. đầu vào ["Tên của bạn là gì?"]

trả lại. Trả về một giá trị chuỗi dưới dạng đầu vào của người dùng

By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.

Tham khảo tất cả các kiểu dữ liệu và ví dụ từ đây

Đầu vào Python[] Hàm Ví dụ


By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.

By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.

By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.


By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.

By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.

By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
What color is rose?: red
How many roses?: 10
Price of each rose?: 15.50
What color is rose?: red
How many roses?: 10
Price of each rose?: 15.50

By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
What color is rose?: red
How many roses?: 10
Price of each rose?: 15.50


What color is rose?: red
How many roses?: 10
Price of each rose?: 15.50

What color is rose?: red
How many roses?: 10
Price of each rose?: 15.50

What color is rose?: red
How many roses?: 10
Price of each rose?: 15.50
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
What color is rose?: red
How many roses?: 10
Price of each rose?: 15.50
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
What color is rose?: red
How many roses?: 10
Price of each rose?: 15.50

By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.

đầu ra

What color is rose?: red
How many roses?: 10
Price of each rose?: 15.50

ví dụ 1. Lấy Tên và Tuổi của người dùng làm đầu vào và in ra

Theo mặc định, đầu vào trả về một chuỗi. Vì vậy, tên và tuổi sẽ được lưu trữ dưới dạng chuỗi

con trăn

By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.

By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.

By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.


By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.

By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.

By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.


By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.

đầu ra

By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.

ví dụ 2. Lấy hai số nguyên từ người dùng và thêm chúng

Trong ví dụ này, chúng ta sẽ xem xét cách lấy đầu vào số nguyên từ người dùng. Để lấy đầu vào số nguyên, chúng tôi sẽ sử dụng int[] cùng với Python input[]

con trăn

By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.

By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
What color is rose?: red
How many roses?: 10
Price of each rose?: 15.50


By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.

By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
What color is rose?: red
How many roses?: 10
Price of each rose?: 15.50


By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.

By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.

By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.


By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.

By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.
By default input[] function helps in taking user input as string.
If any user wants to take input as int or float, we just need to typecast it.

đầu ra

Tương tự, chúng ta có thể sử dụng float[] để lấy hai số float. Hãy xem thêm một ví dụ về cách lấy danh sách làm đầu vào

ví dụ 3. Lấy hai danh sách làm đầu vào và nối thêm chúng

Lấy đầu vào của người dùng dưới dạng chuỗi và tách từng ký tự bằng list[] để chuyển đổi thành danh sách ký tự

Bạn có thể sử dụng đầu vào bên trong một hàm trong Python không?

Trong Python, chúng tôi sử dụng hàm input[] để lấy đầu vào từ người dùng . Bất cứ điều gì bạn nhập làm đầu vào, hàm nhập sẽ chuyển đổi nó thành một chuỗi. Nếu bạn nhập một giá trị số nguyên thì hàm input[] vẫn chuyển đổi nó thành một chuỗi.

Làm cách nào để nhận đầu vào từ người dùng bên trong hàm trong Python?

Hàm Python input[] dùng để lấy đầu vào của người dùng. Theo mặc định, nó trả về đầu vào của người dùng ở dạng chuỗi.

Chủ Đề