Listening comprehension Activities speech therapy

Using Speech Therapy Apps to Treat Listening Comprehension in Adults With Aphasia

5 min read

Just as important as being able to speak is the ability to understand what we hear. Without good listening, or auditory comprehension skills, we cant know exactly what people are saying to us, which can cause all kinds of problems.

Many stroke survivors and others with aphasia have problems understanding. While this is frequently one of the first skills to come back in recovery, some people have persistent difficulties [such as those with global or Wernickes aphasia], and others learn to rely on cues from the context or speakers face and tone of voice to fill in the hidden gaps in their understanding.

Speech therapy can help, and apps can be an important part of speech recovery. Nearly all of our apps include spoken language either as the exercise itself or as a support, but certain apps are designed to provide therapeutic exercises to work and improve the auditory comprehension pathways in the brain. These exercises have clear right and wrong answers, and no context from the speaker, so they really challenge the person to use and develop their listening skills.

For those of you trying to help yourself, a client, or a loved one to regain their understanding, heres the progression we recommend when using our apps.

Easiest > Hardest
  1. Comprehension Therapy
  2. Advanced Comprehension Therapy
  3. Advanced Reading Therapy
Bonus Apps for Listening
  • Category Therapy
  • Number Therapy

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