Mã HTML nào sau đây sẽ tạo MCQ có thể nhấp vào hình ảnh?

HTML là viết tắt của "Hyper Text Markup Language", đây là ngôn ngữ đánh dấu tiêu chuẩn để tạo trang web i. e. , để tạo một trang web. HTML mô tả cấu trúc của một trang web

MCQ HTML. Phần này chứa các câu hỏi trắc nghiệm HTML có câu trả lời. Các MCQ HTML này được viết cho người mới bắt đầu cũng như nâng cao, hãy thực hành các MCQ này để nâng cao và kiểm tra kiến ​​thức về HTML

Danh sách MCQ HTML

1. HTML là ____ngôn ngữ chuẩn để tạo các trang Web

  1. kịch bản
  2. lập trình
  3. kiểu dáng
  4. đánh dấu

Câu trả lời. D] đánh dấu

Giải trình

HTML là ngôn ngữ đánh dấu tiêu chuẩn để tạo các trang Web

Thảo luận câu hỏi này

2. HTML là viết tắt của_______

  1. Ngôn ngữ đánh dấu văn bản hiếu động
  2. Ngôn ngữ đánh dấu siêu văn bản
  3. Ngôn ngữ máy siêu văn bản
  4. không ai trong số này

Câu trả lời. B] Ngôn ngữ đánh dấu siêu văn bản

Giải trình

HTML là viết tắt của "Ngôn ngữ đánh dấu siêu văn bản"

Thảo luận câu hỏi này

3. Đâu là cú pháp chính xác để đưa nhận xét vào tài liệu HTML?

  1. //
  2. /* Nhận xét */
  3. // Nhận xét //

Câu trả lời. Đ]

Giải trình

Bạn có thể thêm nhận xét vào nguồn HTML của mình bằng cách sử dụng cú pháp sau,

Thảo luận câu hỏi này

4. Chúng tôi có thể ẩn nội dung bằng bình luận không?

Câu trả lời. A] Có

Giải trình

Có, các bình luận có thể được sử dụng để ẩn nội dung. Đây là cú pháp,

Thảo luận câu hỏi này

5. Chúng tôi có thể ẩn nội dung nội tuyến bằng nhận xét không?

Câu trả lời. A] Có

Giải trình

Có, các bình luận có thể được sử dụng để ẩn nội dung nội tuyến. Đây là cú pháp,

Hello, world! How are you?

Thảo luận câu hỏi này

6. Phần tử/thẻ nào xác định một đoạn văn?

  1. Không có điều nào ở trên

Câu trả lời. MỘT]

Giải trình


thẻ/phần tử xác định một đoạn văn

Thảo luận câu hỏi này

7. Thẻ/phần tử nào xác định nội dung của tài liệu HTML?

Câu trả lời. Đ]

Giải trình

Phần tử xác định phần thân của tài liệu HTML

Thảo luận câu hỏi này

8. Thẻ nào chứa thông tin meta về trang HTML?

Answer: C]


The tag contains the meta information about the HTML page.

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9. Which tag is the root element of an HTML page?

Answer: A]


The tag is the root element of an HTML page.

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10. Who invented HTML?

  1. Dave Raggett
  2. Tim Berners-Lee
  3. Denis Ritchie
  4. All of the above

Answer: B] Tim Berners-Lee


Tim Berners-Lee invented HTML in 1991.

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11. HTML tags with no content are called _____.

  1. Special tags
  2. Advanced tags
  3. Empty tags
  4. Other tags

Answer: C] Empty tags


HTML tags with no content are called empty tags. For example, the
tag, tag.

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12. Nested HTML Elements are allowed in HTML?

Answer: A] Yes


Yes, Nested HTML Elements [

Some text

]are allowed in HTML.

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13. Is HTML a case sensitive?

Answer: B] No


No, HTML is Not Case Sensitive.

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14. HTML headings are defined with the _____ tags.

  1. to
  2. to
  3. to

  4. to

Answer: C]



HTML headings are defined with the

to tags.

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15. Which tag is used to display a horizonal rule [horizonal line]?

  1. ...

Answer: B]


The tag is used to display a horizontal rule.

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16. What is the correct syntax of tag?

  1. All of the above

Answer: A], and B]:



Both and can be used to display a horizonal line.

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17. Which tag is used to define a line break?

Answer: C]


tag is used to define a line break.

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18. What is the correct syntax of

  1. All of the above

Answer: A], and B]:


can be used to display a line break.

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19. Which tag is used to define preformatted text?

Answer: C]



 tag is used to define preformatted text.

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20. Which HTML attribute is used to define styles of an element?

Answer: C] style


The style attribute is used to define the styles of an element.

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21. Which is the correct HTML statement to define the red color of the paragraph text?

  1. Both A. and B.
  2. None of the above

Answer: C] Both A. and B.


The correct HTML statement to define red paragraph color is,


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22. Which HTML tag is used to define bold text, without any extra importance?

Answer: D]


The HTML tag is used to define bold text, without any extra importance.

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23. Which HTML tag is used to define text with strong importance?

Answer: A]


The HTML tag is used to define text with strong importance.

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24. Which HTML tag is used to define italic text?

Answer: C]


The HTML tag is used to define italic text.

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25. Which HTML tag is used to define emphasized text?

Answer: B]


The HTML tag is used to define emphasized text.

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26. Which HTML tag is used to define smaller text?

Answer: D]


The HTML tag is used to define smaller text.

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27. Which HTML tag is used to define marked or highlighted text?

Answer: A]


The HTML tag is used to define marked or highlighted text.

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28. Which HTML tag is used to define strike a line through deleted text?

Answer: B]


The HTML tag is used to define strike a line through deleted text.

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29. Which HTML tag is used to define underline inserted text?

Answer: D]


The HTML tag is used to define underline inserted text.

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30. Which HTML tag is used to define subscript text?

Answer: A]


The HTML tag is used to define subscript text.

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31. Which HTML tag is used to define superscript text?

Answer: A]


The HTML tag is used to define superscript text.

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32. Which is the correct HTML statement to display H2O in a paragraph?

  1. H2O

  2. H2O

  3. H2O

  4. H2O

Answer: D]



The correct HTML statement to display H2O in a paragraph is:


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33. Which is the correct HTML statement to display HelloWorld in a paragraph?

  1. HelloWorld

  2. HelloWorld

  3. HelloWorld

  4. HelloWorld

Answer: A]



The correct HTML statement to display HelloWorld in a paragraph is:


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34. Which is the correct HTML statement to display HelloHi! in a paragraph?

  1. HelloHi!

  2. HelloHi!

  3. HelloHi!

  4. All of the above

Answer: A], and B]:




The correct HTML statement to display HelloHi! in a paragraph is/are:



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35. Which is the correct HTML statement to display Hello IncludeHelp in a paragraph?

  1. Hello IncludeHelp

  2. HelloIncludeHelp

  3. Hello IncludeHelp

  4. HelloIncludeHelp

Answer: B]



The correct HTML statement to display Hello IncludeHelp in a paragraph is:

Hello IncludeHelp

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36. Which HTML tag is used to define a short quotation?

Answer: D]


The HTML tag is used to define a short quotation.

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37. Which HTML tag is used to define an abbreviation or an acronym?

Answer: B]


The HTML tag is used to define an abbreviation or an acronym.

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38. What is the correct HTML syntax of tag?

  1. Text
  2. Text
  3. Text
  4. Text

Answer: A] Text


The correct HTML syntax of tag is,


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39. What HTML tag is used to define the contact information for the author/owner of a document or an article?

Answer: C]


The HTML tag is used to define the contact information for the author/owner of a document or an article.

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40. Which tag is used to override the current text direction?

  1. None of the above

Answer: B]


The HTML tag is used to override the current text direction.

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41. Which HTML tag is used to define a hyperlink?

  1. Discuss this Question

    42. Which is the correct syntax of link text

  2. link text


    The correct syntax to create a hyperlink is,


    Discuss this Question

    43. Why "href" attribute is used with Discuss this Question

    44. Which ____ attribute specifies where to open the linked document?

    Answer: D] target


    The “target” attribute specifies where to open the linked document.

    Discuss this Question

    45. Which tag is used to embed an image in an HTML document?

    1. All of the above

    Answer: D] All of the above


    The correct syntax of

We can also use,


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47. Which attribute specifies the path to the image?

  1. href
  2. link
  3. src
  4. All of the above

Answer: C] src


The src attribute specifies the path to the image.

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48. Which attribute specifies an alternate text for the image?

  1. alt
  2. alternate
  3. alttext
  4. All of the above

Answer: B] alternate


The alternate attribute specifies an alternate text for the image.

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49. Which HTML tag is used to define a table?

Answer: A]


The HTML tag

is used to define a table.

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50. Each table cell is defined by a ____ tag.

  1. ..
  • ..
  • Answer: D]


    Each table cell is defined by a


    Discuss this Question

    51. Each table row is defined by a ____ tag.

    1. ..
  • ..
  • Answer: B]



    Each table row is defined by a

    and a tag.

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    52. Each table header is defined by a ____ tag.

    1. ..
  • ..
  • Answer: C] ..


    Each table header is defined by a and a tag.

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    53. Which tag is used to define ordered listing?

      1. ..
      • ..
    1. ..
    2. ..

    Answer: A]



    The HTML tag

    is used to define ordered listing.

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    54. Which tag is used to define unordered listing?

      1. ..
      • ..
    1. ..
    2. ..

    Answer: B]



    The HTML tag

    is used to define unordered listing.

    Discuss this Question

    55. Which tag is used to define list items?

      1. ..
      • ..
    1. ..
    2. ..

    Answer: D]

  • ..
  • Explanation:

    The HTML tag

  • ..
  • is used to define list items.

    Discuss this Question

    56. Which tag is used to define description lists?

    1. ..
    2. ..
    3. ..
    4. ..

    Answer: A] ..


    The HTML tag .. is used to define description lists.

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    57. Which tag is a block-level element?

    1. ..
    2. ..
    3. ..
    4. ..

    Answer: C]



    The HTML tag

    is a block-level element.

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    58. Which attribute is often used to point to a class name in a style sheet?

    Answer: D] class


    The class attribute is often used to point to a class name in a style sheet.

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    59. Which attribute is used to specify a unique id for an HTML element?

    Answer: C] id


    The HTML id attribute is used to specify a unique id for an HTML element.

    Discuss this Question

    60. Can we use class name with multiple HTML elements?

    Answer: A] Yes


    Yes, we can use class name with multiple HTML elements.

    Discuss this Question

    61. Can we use id attribute with multiple HTML elements?

    Answer: B] No


    No, we cannot use id attribute with multiple HTML elements.

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    62. Which tag specifies an inline frame?

    Answer: B]


    The HTML tag specifies an inline frame.

    Discuss this Question

    63. What is the correct syntax for tag?

    1. All of the above

    Answer: C]


    The correct syntax for tag is,


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    64. Which tag is used to create an HTML form for user input?

    Answer: A]


    The HTML tag is used to create an HTML form for user input.

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    65. Which tag is used to display a single-line text input field?

    Answer: C]


    The HTML tag is used to display a single-line input field.

    Discuss this Question

    66. Which tag is used to display a radio button?

    Answer: D]


    The HTML tag is used to display a radio button.

    Discuss this Question

    67. Which tag is used to display a checkbox?

    Answer: B]


    The HTML tag is used to display a checkbox.

    Discuss this Question

    68. Which tag is used to display a submit button?

    Answer: A]


    The HTML tag is used to display a submit button.

    Discuss this Question

    69. Which tag is used to display a clickable button?

    Answer: D]


    The HTML tag is used to display a clickable button.

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    70. Which input type reset defines a reset button that will reset all form values to their default values?

    1. clear
    2. clear:both
    3. reset
    4. refresh

    Answer: C] reset


    The reset input type reset defines a reset button that will reset all form values to their default values. Here is the syntax,


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    The reference is taken from HTML Tutorial

    Thẻ HTML nào sau đây định nghĩa một siêu liên kết Mcq?

    Làm cách nào để chèn hình ảnh vào HTML MCQ?

    Thẻ HTML nào sau đây được sử dụng để xác định khu vực có thể nhấp vào trong bản đồ hình ảnh Mcq?

    Điều gì sau đây chèn một hình ảnh trong trang HTML Mcq?

    Chủ Đề

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