Narrative review vs integrative review

First of all, what is a meta-synthesis?

According to Screiber et al. [1997, p.314], a meta-synthesis is bringing together and breaking down of findings, examining them, discovering essential features and, in some way , combining phenomena into a transformed whole In basic terms, a meta-synthesis is the bringing together of Qualitative data to form a new interpretation of the research field.

Meta-synthesis Vs.Meta-analysis: Whats the difference?

Unlike a meta-analysis which is used to aggregate findings to establish truths, for example, if an intervention has a true effect on a variable, a meta-synthesis can lead to new interpretations of research. This can result in new theories being developed.

In summary, a meta-analysis is a way of testing a hypothesis whereas a meta-synthesis is a way of developing a new theory.

Three main types of Meta-synthesis

1] Theory Building This form of meta-synthesis brings together findings on a theoretical level to build a tentative theory.

2] Theory Explication This form of meta-synthesis is a way of reconceptualising the original phenomenon.

3] Descriptive This form of meta-synthesis provides a broad description of the research phenomenon.

These forms of meta-synthesis are not discrete, they are complimentary. The aim of Meta-synthesis usually overlap as you will see in the example later on.

Why use a meta-synthesis?

Qualitative data is useful for providing a snapshot at one persons interpretation of an event or phenomenon. By bringing together many different interpretations you are strengthening the evidence for an interpretation by discovering common themes and differences & building new interpretations of the topic of interest.


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