Numerous affairs là gì

seminars , regulatory affairs

regulatory affairs and international support

office of information and regulatory affairs

in regulatory affairs

regulatory frameworks

regulatory approval

personal and national affairs

personal information

personal data

own personal

personal goals

personal preferences

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Bài Viết: Affair là gì


affair /ə”feə/ danh từ việcit”s my affair: đây là việc [riêng] của tôimind your own affair: hãy lo lấy việc của anh [số nhiều] việc làm, việc làm, sự vụinternal affair of a country: việc làm nội bộ của một nướcDepartment of Home affair: bộ nội vụDepartment of Foreign affairs: bộ ngoại giao chuyện tình, chuyện yêu đương chuyện vấn đềaffair of honour: vấn đề danh dự; cuộc đọ kiếm việc kinh doanh; việc giao thiệpa profitable affair: việc kinh doanh có lờito have an affair with somebody: có việc giao thiệp với ai [thông tục] cái, thứ, vật, đồ, món, chuyệnthis motor-cycle is a very complicated affair: cái xe gắn máy này thật là một món phức tạp quá [quân sự] trận đánh nhỏ
công việcforeign affair: việc làm ngoại giao

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Từ điển Collocation

affair noun

1 sự kiện/situation

ADJ. whole She saw the whole affair as a great joke. | glittering, grand I knew that the wedding would be a grand affair. | sordid, sorry, squalid

VERB + AFFAIR deal with, handle Many people have criticized the way the government handled the affair. | be involved in | investigate

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PHRASES sb”s involvement in the affair He has tried to play down his involvement in the affair. | a state of affairs How did this state of affairs come about? | wash your hands of the affair [= to refuse to be responsible for sth or involved in sth]

2 sexual relationship

ADJ. brief, casual | clandestine, secret | adulterous, extramarital | passionate, torrid | unhappy | love a torrid love affair

VERB + AFFAIR carry on, conduct, have He”s having an affair with a colleague.

AFFAIR + VERB go on How long has the affair been going on?

PREP. ~ between It”s the story of a secret affair between a married teacher và her teenage student. | ~ with an affair with a married man

3 sth that concerns one person/small group

ADJ. family, personal, sb”s own It”s a family affair.

PHRASES sb”s affair What I do at the weekend is my affair. | no affair of sb”s That”s no affair of yours.

4 affairs: important matters

ADJ. current a current affairs programme on television | private, public | domestic, home, internal, national | community, local | European, foreign, external, international, world the minister for foreign affairs | business, financial, legal | commercial, consumer, cultural, economic, environmental, military, political, religious, social

VERB + AFFAIR administer, arrange, attend to, conduct, manage, run I am trying to arrange my father”s financial affairs. | settle, wind up | interfere in, meddle in

PHRASES affairs of state The Cabwill be discussing certain affairs of state. | put/set your affairs in order I want to put my affairs in order before I die. | a state of affairs the current state of affairs in schools

Từ điển WordNet

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English Synonym và Antonym Dictionary

affairssyn.: business concern sự kiện festivity happening matter occasion occurrence party

Thể Loại: Chia sẻ Kiến Thức Cộng Đồng

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