Pasting between documents when style definitions conflict là gì năm 2024

Copying and pasting content in Microsoft Word can be a time-saver, but it can also be frustrating. Sometimes the content you paste doesn’t retain or use the formatting you want. Other times, the pasted content affects the surrounding text.

The secret to using copy and paste in Word is to set it up properly ahead of time, but you can also control the content just before and just after you paste it. Let’s look at how to control Word’s copying and pasting. (I’m using the latest version of Microsoft Word from an Office 365 subscription, but the steps apply to the past few flavors of Word as well.)

SEE: 50 time-saving tips to speed your work in Microsoft Office (free PDF) (TechRepublic)

Launch Microsoft Word on your PC and open a document with text–use a document that contains different text formatted with more than one font or attribute. Select a word or line of text with one type of font or attribute and move it to an area of text with different formatting. Position your cursor in the right spot and press the usual Ctrl/V to paste the text.

The pasted text either retains its original formatting or takes on the formatting of the surrounding text; either way, let’s say the formatting is not what you want. Click the Paste Options button that appears right after you pasted the text. Hover your mouse over the different options, and you can choose to keep the source formatting, merge the formatting, paste it as a picture, or paste it as plain text (Figure A). Each option provides a preview to help you pick the right one. Click the option you want to use.

Figure A

Pasting between documents when style definitions conflict là gì năm 2024

You can also select the right option before you paste it. Try the same maneuver again. This time, right-click in the area where you want to paste the selected text. Paste Options appears in the pop-up menu. Again, hover over each option for a preview and then select the one you want to use (Figure B).

Figure B

Pasting between documents when style definitions conflict là gì năm 2024

Sometimes the pasted text changes the formatting for all the surrounding text in the paragraph. You can use the same Paste Options to solve this problem. Copy a selection of text and then move your cursor to the middle of a paragraph with different formatting. Instead of using the old Ctrl/V move, right-click the area where you want to paste the text. Then hover your mouse over the different Paste Option choices to select the proper formatting (Figure C). In this case, choosing either Merge Formatting or Keep Text Only should do the trick.

Figure C

Pasting between documents when style definitions conflict là gì năm 2024

You can also change the default options and other settings for formatted text. Click the File menu and select Options. At the Word Options window, select the entry for Advanced and moved to the Cut, Copy, and Paste section. The settings for Pasting within the same document and Pasting between documents offer three options: Keep Source Formatting, Merge Formatting, or Keep Text Only. Select the option that works best for you. For example, you may want to keep source formatting when pasting within the same document but merge formatting when pasting between documents (Figure D).

Figure D

Pasting between documents when style definitions conflict là gì năm 2024

The setting for Pasting Between Documents When Style Definitions Conflict adds a fourth option to Use Destination Styles, which is the default and typically the best choice. And the setting for Pasting From Other Programs offers the same three options to Keep Source Formatting, Merge Formatting, or Keep Text Only. You can always try one option to see how it works in the real world and then change it if necessary.

If you chose Keep Text Only for any setting, check the box for Keep Bullets And Numbers When Pasting Text With Keep Text Only Option. Also, if you want to control the formatting of text after it’s pasted, make sure the box is checked for Show Paste Options Button When Content Is Pasted. Finally, click the Settings button to use smart cut and paste. Here, you can control settings to determine whether spaces are added or removed when text is pasted and how content is formatted from Excel and PowerPoint (Figure E).

How much time do you spend copying and pasting content in Microsoft Word? And how often does the pasted content not turn out the way you wanted?

Yes, copy and paste is a time-honored and helpful Windows feature, but it doesn’t always work right, or at least not the way you expected. Sometimes the pasted text has the wrong formatting; other times it inadvertently affects surrounding text. The secret behind using copy and paste in Microsoft Word is to configure it properly either on the spot or ahead of time so you get what you want.

Copying and pasting (and cutting and pasting) is built into Windows, so all Windows programs tap into the feature, including Microsoft Word. You can copy and paste text, images, and other content within Word as well as between Word and other programs. You can even link your pasted content back to the original source. For example, you can copy a bunch of cells from Excel to Word. Change the content of those cells in Excel, and those changes propagate to the pasted cells in Word. Yes, copy and paste is a powerful feature, but one that can go awry or at least produced unexpected results. Let’s see how you can set up and use copy and paste in Word properly and effectively.

For this exercise, I’m using Word 2016 but the same steps apply to past versions of the program. We’ll try copying and pasting within Word as well as from another program to Word.

First, launch Microsoft Word and open a document, preferably one with special formatting or styles applied to the bits of text. Let’s say you want to copy or cut a piece of text with special formatting from one place to another. Select the text and press Ctrl+C to copy it or Ctrl+X to cut it. Move your cursor to the destination and press Ctrl+V. By default, Word pastes the text and keeps the source formatting. Maybe that’s what you want, or maybe not.

Word gives you the opportunity to change the formatting on the fly. Click on the Paste Options Ctrl shortcut, and Word should display four choices: Keep Source Formatting, Merge Formatting, Picture, or Keep Text Only. Hover your mouse over each of the four options, and Word gives you a live preview of what your text would look like. Click on the option you want, and your pasted text takes on that formatting.

Pasting between documents when style definitions conflict là gì năm 2024

Open a second document, one with special formatting or styles. Place your cursor somewhere in the midst of this document. Press Ctrl+V to paste the previously copied or cut text. Click on the Paste Options Ctrl shortcut, and Word should display five choices:

  1. Keep Source Formatting
  2. Merge Formatting
  3. Picture
  4. Keep Text Only
  5. Use Destination Styles.

The last one is the option Word taps into by default, so your pasted text takes on the formatting style for that document, i.e. the destination. Again, you can hover over the various formatting options and select a different option if you wish.

Use Destination Styles appears only if the text you paste or the destination document has a special style; otherwise you’ll see the four basic options even when pasting text from one document to another.

Pasting between documents when style definitions conflict là gì năm 2024

What if you wait too long to choose the formatting for your pasted text, and the Paste Options Ctrl shortcut has vanished? No problem. Select and then right-click the pasted text. Assuming this was still the last piece of text you copied or cut, the popup menu displays the various paste options.

Now, let’s try pasting text from one program to another. Launch Excel and open or create a spreadsheet with several rows and columns of numbers. Use the SUM function to add up the various columns of numbers. Now, select and copy all of the rows and columns.

Pasting between documents when style definitions conflict là gì năm 2024

Switch to a blank Word document. Press Ctrl+V to paste the selection from Excel. Oops! The placement of the table may be off so that part of it doesn’t even appear, and you may not like the formatting. You can resolve both problems by clicking on that handy Paste Options Ctrl shortcut. Hover over the various options and you should see several: Keep Source Formatting, Use Destination Styles, Link & Keep Source Formatting, Link & Use Destination Styles, Picture, or Keep Text Only.

Pasting between documents when style definitions conflict là gì năm 2024

Which option should you choose? That depends on what you want.

  • With Keep Source Formatting, the table remains off kilter, so that’s not a good option.
  • Use Destination Styles sets up the table properly though you might have to adjust the width of the columns.
  • Link & Keep Source Formatting and Link & Use Destination Styles allow you to link back to the Excel spreadsheet, and we’ll explore those next. Pasting the data as a picture looks great, but you can’t edit the numbers. And keeping text only pastes the numbers but loses the table format.
  • Choosing Use Destination Styles may be the best option since it keeps the table format and the numbers as editable and may just require one or two double-clicks on a column border to adjust the spacing.

Pasting between documents when style definitions conflict là gì năm 2024

Now let’s try linking the pasted numbers back to the source. Press Ctrl+V again in Word to paste the copied numbers from Excel. Click on the Ctrl shortcut, but this time click on the option to Link & Keep Source Formatting or Link & Use Destination Styles. Now return to Excel and change one or more of the numbers in the spreadsheet. Return to Word and you’ll find the same numbers have changed in your pasted table.

Pasting between documents when style definitions conflict là gì năm 2024

Beyond controlling your pasting options on the fly, you can change the default values so you don’t have to fiddle with them each time. To do this, click on the File menu and select Options. At the Word Options menu, click on the entry for Advanced. The Advanced menu displays a section for Cut, Copy, and Paste.

Pasting between documents when style definitions conflict là gì năm 2024

Here, you can change the options for Pasting within the same document, Pasting between documents, Pasting between documents when style definitions conflict, and Pasting from other programs. You can change the setting for each option to Keep Source Formatting, Merge Formatting, or Keep Text Only. The option for Pasting between documents when style definitions conflict also offers a setting to Use Destination Styles. Choose the setting for each option that you think you’d use most of the time.

You can also decide the default formatting for pasting pictures. Looking further down, you can view and adjust the settings for pasting text with bullet points or numbers, for using the Insert key to paste an item, and turning the Paste Options button on or off. Finally, click on the Settings button for Use Smart Cut and Paste. Here, you can keep the default settings or turn individual options on or off.


Ask @WinObs: Does My Clipboard Get Copied to the Cloud?

  1. I heard that Microsoft Windows 10 will copy everything from my clipboard to the cloud? Is that true? If I upgrade, will anything I cut and paste be uploaded to the cloud?
  1. You’re thinking of Cloud-powered Clipboard — a feature that was going to rely on the Microsoft Graph to help users move data from one of their devices to another so long as they’re using their Microsoft account on each device.

(You’ll remember that the Microsoft Graph is a developer platform, building on the Office 365 APIs, that is aimed at encouraging cross-app integration and connectivity.)

Cloud-powered Clipboard was demonstrated during the Build 2017 keynote earlier this year, along with a feature called Windows Timeline, and the allure of both features was how the combination of a Microsoft account (which is backed up in the cloud) and these particular abilities would let a user start working on a desktop machine, then move to their Windows 10 tablet. Activities could be picked up across devices no matter where they were started which would then, according to Microsoft, result in better productivity.

However, announcing a feature is no longer a confirmation that it will see the light of day in the next Windows 10 feature update.

Welcome to the world of agile Windows development . There will be some announced features, even big ones like the Cloud-powered Clipboard and Windows Timeline, that get sidelined due to time constraints.

As many of you know, Microsoft is now on a release schedule for major feature updates to Windows 10 that will see them released in the March and September timeframes during the calendar year. This fast-paced development cycle leaves anywhere between four and six months where the Windows team can work on new features to be tested in builds released to participants in the Windows Insider Program.

If something ends up not ready, this is usually a result of the feature not meeting Microsoft’s quality standards. Then the Windows team will drop it from the feature update. This happened back in March of this year when the team decided to not ship the My People feature because it still needed work. That feature which is now just called People, shipped six months later in the Fall Creators Update, after it got the benefit of six months’ additional testing.

What happened with Cloud-powered Clipboard and Windows Timeline is that they never even made it into a testing build for the Fall Creators Update and therefore did not get tested externally. That was likely the result of these two services not meeting Microsoft’s internal quality standards. Now that testing has begun on Redstone 4 (RS4) we should see these features make their way into testing builds in the Windows Insider Program in the near future.

But let’s move back to the initial question: Does Cloud-powered Clipboard means your stuff is floating around in the cloud?

Whenever new features like these are announced the initial concerns usually include a discussion about security of the data that is shared across devices. Previously in this column, I have written about the security of files stored in Microsoft’s OneDrive cloud storage service and I think some of those same principles apply here.

Although these features did not make the cut for the Fall Creators Update there is some work happening that is building what I call Windows Timeline Light. For instance, last month that you can now try their Microsoft Edge browser in preview on Android and iOS. When you install this app and log into it with your Microsoft Account you will be able to easily Share to PC any websites you come across while mobile to look at later on a Windows 10 device that uses the same Microsoft Account.

Pasting between documents when style definitions conflict là gì năm 2024

Sharing a website link from Galaxy S8 to a Windows 10 device

As you can see in the image above, there are two choices for sharing that website link to my other devices. The top option to Choose a PC to open this now will push the link directly to the selected device and open it up in Microsoft Edge immediately. The second option, Continue later will push the link in a notification that will be available in the Action Center on any of your connected Windows 10 devices.

The key to connecting these devices together is using your Microsoft Account on each system. If you are using a secure password and Two-Factor Authentication, then that link will be secure and only available between your devices. Someone else can not push any type of link to your Windows 10 device from their own Microsoft Account. That means they would need access to your Microsoft Account password and second factor of authentication to spoof you on a device and push links across to the other systems. And someone else is not grabbing your URLs out of the cloud either.

While there is still a lot to be seen about the Cloud-powered clipboard and Windows Timeline as they begin to be tested, the use of your Microsoft Account to connect them together is a given based on how Microsoft has developed other features for Windows 10. That means the security of this feature can only be locked down by protecting your account with a secure password and Two-Factor Authentication.

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