Populate text field based on dropdownlist selection Word

Link dropdown selection to text box


To avoid having to run a macro to populate the text field you can set
the dropdown to "calculate on exit" and then use an IF field to
display the right pronoun:

{ IF { DropDown1 } ="father""his" }{ IF { DropDown1 } ="mother""her" }
{ IF { DropDown1 } ="parents""their" }

All field code braces "{ }" are entered with CTRL+F9

On Apr 5, 6:58 am, "Cranky" wrote:

Is there any way of having the contents of a text box change depending
on the selected option in a dropdown box?

I want to have "father", "mother", "parents" in the dropdown. The
chosen option would then amend a text box later in the document to say
"he", "she" or "their".

Thanks in advance


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