Python hmac sha256 xác minh chữ ký

Tôi đang cố triển khai xác thực HMAC-SHA256 vào dự án API RESTful Python của mình. Tôi đang sử dụng Python Eve [được xây dựng trên Flask], bắt đầu bằng một ví dụ HMAC-SHA1 đơn giản hóa

Ứng dụng của tôi rất đơn giản

from eve import Eve
from hmac import HMACAuth

    'DEBUG': True,
    'MONGO_HOST': '',
    'MONGO_PORT': 27017,
    'MONGO_DBNAME': 'testing',
    'DOMAIN': {'test': {}},

app = Eve[auth=HMACAuth, settings=SETTINGS]

if __name__ == '__main__':[use_reloader=True]

và lớp HMACAuth

import time
import hmac
from eve.auth import HMACAuth
from flask import current_app as app
from hashlib import sha256

class HMACAuth[HMACAuth]:

    def check_auth[self, userid, hmac_hash, headers, data, allowed_roles, resource, method]:
        # get user from database
        accounts =['accounts']
        user = accounts.find_one[{'userid': userid}]
        if user:
            # user found, we have its secret_key and we can re-create the signature user sent us
            check_sig =[bytes[user['secret_key'], 'utf8'], b'', sha256]
            check_sig.update[bytes[headers['TIMESTAMP'], 'utf-8']]
            check_signature = check_sig.hexdigest[]

            # try to use python's hmac.compare_digest[] to compare user's signature
            # and the one we re-created
            if hmac.compare_digest[check_signature, hmac_hash]:
                # signature seems fine, we have to check if the request was sent in past 30 seconds
                # we are also checking for negative time because we have a test case with timestamp
                # in the future, so time_diff ends up with a negative number
                time_diff = int[time.time[]] - int[headers['TIMESTAMP']]
                if 0 

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