Recursion in for loop python

I have a database that models a foldering relationship to n levels of nesting. For any given folder, I want to generate a list of all child folders.

Assuming I have a function called getChildFolders(), what is the most efficient way to call this kind of recursive loop?

The following code works for 4 levels of nesting, but I'd like more flexibility in either specifying the depth of recursion, or in intelligently stopping the loop when there are no more children to follow.

folder_ids = []
for entry in child_folders:
    child_folders_1 = getChildFolders(
    for entry_1 in child_folders_1:
        child_folders_2 = getChildFolders(
        for entry_2 in child_folders_2:
            child_folders_3 = getChildFolders(
            for entry_3 in child_folders_3:

asked Nov 9, 2010 at 21:31


A recursive function is a nice way to do this:

def collect_folders(start, depth=-1)
    """ negative depths means unlimited recursion """
    folder_ids = []

    # recursive function that collects all the ids in `acc`
    def recurse(current, depth):
        if depth != 0:
            for folder in getChildFolders(
                # recursive call for each subfolder
                recurse(folder, depth-1)

    recurse(start, depth) # starts the recursion
    return folder_ids

answered Nov 9, 2010 at 21:39

Jochen RitzelJochen Ritzel

101k29 gold badges195 silver badges190 bronze badges


I generally avoid recursion like the plague in python because it's slow and because of the whole stack overflow error thing.

def collect_folders(start):
    stack = []
    folder_ids = []
    while stack:
        cur_id = stack.pop()
        stack.extend( for folder in getChildFolders(cur_id))
    return folder_ids

This assumes that getChildFolders returns an empty list when there are no children. If it does something else, like return a sentinel value or raise an exception, then modifications will have to be made.

answered Nov 9, 2010 at 21:43


66.6k20 gold badges123 silver badges125 bronze badges


def my_recursive_function(x, y, depth=0, MAX_DEPTH=20):
    if depth > MAX_DEPTH:
        return exhausted()
    elif something(x):
        my_recursive_function(frob(x), frob(y), depth + 1)
    elif query(y):
        my_recursive_function(mangle(x), munge(y), depth + 1)
        process(x, y)

# A normal call looks like this.
my_recursive_function(a, b)

# If you're in a hurry,
my_recursive_function(a, b, MAX_DEPTH=5)
# Or have a lot of time,
my_recursive_function(a, b, MAX_DEPTH=1e9)

answered Nov 9, 2010 at 21:34


This is the closest to your code, and very unpythonic:

def recurse(folder_ids, count):
  for entry in child_folders:
    child_folders_1 = getChildFolders(
    if count > 0:
        recurse(folder_ids, count-1)

folder_ids = []
recurse(folder_ids, 4)

You should probably look for os.walk and take a similar approach to walk the tree iteratively.

answered Nov 9, 2010 at 21:40


6,4132 gold badges30 silver badges32 bronze badges


I needed something similar once to check a hierarchic tree. You could try:

def get_children_folders(self,mother_folder):
    For a given mother folder, returns all children, grand children
    (and so on) folders of this mother folder.
    for folder in folders_list:
        if folder not in folders_list: folders_list.append(folder)
        new_children = getChildFolders(
        for child in new_children:
            if child not in folders_list: folders_list.append(child)
    return folders_list

answered Sep 22, 2014 at 18:33


6758 silver badges23 bronze badges

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You surely can use loops in a recursive function. What makes a function recursive is only the fact that the function calls itself at some point in its execution path. However you should have some condition to prevent infinite recursion calls from which your function can't return.

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