the hill school là gì - Nghĩa của từ the hill school

the hill school có nghĩa là

Founded in 1851 the Hill School, once an all boys boarding school, turned coed in 1997. Since the change the school mutated into a sick torture chamber of cruel an unusual punishment. Students enjoy a wide variety of sports, academics, and thinking up countless ways to end their lives. Free time at The Hill consists of a few precious minutes of sitting in your dorm room waiting for your life to start. Any attempts at having any fun whatsoever are futile, since the administration will find fault in even the most innocent of acts. You will be DC-ed or HC-ed and most likely suspended or kicked out. Thus ruining all your chances to get into a decent college. But don’t worry, maybe the team of highly trained college advisors will use their ties with those facilities of “higher education” such as West Chester University to get you back on track. The Hill School often characterized as a prison cell; most people would rather walk into on coming traffic than spend more than few hours in this hellhole. And those who do enjoy The Hill include in the 75% of the population who are complete and utter faggots.


I hate the mother fucking Hill School.

the hill school có nghĩa là

An institution located in Pottstown, PA, the slum of America. Hill School prides itself on its tradition, such as having seated meals and mandatory chapel services at 10 in the morning on Sundays. What is funny is that they, the administation, only keeps the tradition that it seems sutiable running. Expamle: The weekend of prom is now closed, meaning no one can leave after prom. they have to sit in theyre rooms and rot. How joyous. Is it not a tradition to go out, get laid, high, and wasted all in the same night after prom? Hill School also believes that it is proper for males to keep their dicks in a jar untill they graduate and only recently did they accept girls. We kids however are fighting the system by getting high, getting drunk, and having sex, as much and as often as we can. Possibly one day the Nazi's that run this joint will understand that we are kids, not machines programed for excellence. But until then, I'll jsut get blazed to pass the time away.


Mother: How's school?
Kid: It blows.
Friend: How's school dude?
Kid: I don't know, I don't remeber that much of it, I'm stoned most of the time.

the hill school có nghĩa là

The Hill School is a cover for a secret government facility. This mentally facility conducts experiments on teenagers. Newcomers to this mental facility are castrated in order to suppress their sexual desires. The punishment for holding hands with the opposite sex is to have the individual's hand surgically removed. Studies are also conducted in regards to the effects on youth when living in a virtually fun-free environment. The school's student led secret society, FHSS [Fuck Hill School Society], is an organization of students who wish to escape from this facility. However, all documented efforts to escape were futile. The Hill School never releases its patients. All individuals who claim himself as an alumni or past associate are government hired impostors.


Person: What happened to your genitals?
The Hill School patient: They got cut off.

the hill school có nghĩa là

The safest and most sheltered high school in the world.


Mr. Francis: Someone graffitied on the wall. SOUND THE ALARMS Student: aka someone wrote Brott blows in pencil at four corners. Mr. Brott: Someone wrote an inappropriate definition of seven hills online. NO ONE TALK ABOUT IT!! DON'T OVERREACT! I will contact urban dictionary immediately and have them take it down. Only at The Seven Hills School

the hill school có nghĩa là

Forest Hill School, is the saddest place in Sydenham. A prison with seagulls flying around chasing litter and bread. The population of the school consists of half roadmen and half posh little children.


Forest Hill School is a horrible school.

the hill school có nghĩa là

The best school in Cincinnati. For incredibly artsy, intelligent and rich kids. Everyone there is incredibly kind and personable.


Jim: "Ahh that guy is so nice and artsy! Where does he go to school" Sara: "Oh he must go to The Seven Hills School..."

the hill school có nghĩa là

A shool were the students prepar go to a an new school district called kingsway the school is just 6 graders the school also has a lot of drama


Damm there a new hot girl that gos to Walter Hill School wish o was rich enough to go to that school

the hill school có nghĩa là

The only private arts school in the northeast, so basically a leper colony for the most pretentious and self righteous teens in New England. Still better than interlochen though.


"Where do you go to school?" "Walnut Hill School." "Oh, so you've shoved a mason jar up your own ass."

the hill school có nghĩa là

a shitty all girls school in london, where there are mostly chavs and thots often referred to as parli or phs


person 1: so what school do you go to now? csg?
person 2: nahh i go to parliament hill school

the hill school có nghĩa là

Three independant schools in the Bronx. One being riverdale, another being fieldston, and the last being horace mann. At Horace Mann, mostly everyone is a genius who has a really high ego. At Riverdale, everyone is sort of normal their, but they get drunk every night. At fieldston, everyone is high 24/7. At each school, they are taught to hate the other two.


"I went to Riverdale, and I hated everyone at the rest of the hills schools."

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