The thermic effect of food accounts for of the average persons energy expenditure each day Quizlet

What is the thermic effect of food quizlet?

the thermic effect of food refers to the fact that: the process of digestion, absorption, and metabolism of food requires energy. the body's source of stored energy. basal metabolic rate is controlled by this hormone.

What portion of energy expenditure is attributed to the thermic effect of food quizlet?

A] the thermic effect of food represents about 5% to 10% of total energy expenditure. B] physical activity accounts for 45% to 55% of total energy expenditure.

What is the greatest portion of energy expenditure for most adults?

The body's BMR accounts for the largest amount of energy expended daily [50–80 per cent of your daily energy use]. Thermic effect of food [also known as thermogenesis] – your body uses energy to digest the foods and drinks you consume and also absorbs, transports and stores their nutrients.

Which of the following statements describes the thermic effect of foods?

Which of the following statements describes the thermic effect of foods [TEF]? TEF plus an increase in the metabolic rate due to overeating is called diet-induced thermogenesis [DIT].

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