Travel packing list for Girl

Do you overpack your suitcase every time you travel? If youve had trouble closing your bag, or you thought you needed another one, dont do it! Thats the first sign that you packed way too much stuff, and should re-pack using this list.

The bonus about traveling light is no extra baggage fees or lost luggage ever again! The vital element is to choose versatile clothing that can mix and match, and remember that youll probably buy some items that you can wear also.

Whats Your Destination?

If youre going to a hot place like Cuba, then youll obviously be packing beach accessories like a swimsuit, sunscreen, and shorts. But if youre going to somewhere in Europe, you may want to pack an umbrella, a warm jacket, and walking shoes. It all depends on where you go, the time of year, and what the weather is like, so check the forecast ahead of time and pack accordingly, including the travel items below.


The Essential Packing List

You should know exactly where these key items are at all times while on vacation. Losing them is awful because itll literally ruin your trip. Even though you can buy another travel guide or map in the country you visit, its still nice to carry your own from home if youve made notes in the pages. Keep these items safe under your clothing [or in a tamper proof bag] if youre traveling to a place known for high theft with pickpockets.

  • Printed tickets*
  • Travel wallet*
  • Passport*
  • Cash and credit cards*
  • Cell phone and charger*
  • Travel info/itinerary/photocopy of passport*
  • Travel guide with map and phrases*


These items would come in handy in your carry-on [including the rest of the list items with stars beside them], and youll thank yourself later when you find that you need them during that long nine hour flight. Being comfortable on a plane shouldnt be a pain if you pack the right items so that youre prepared for anything.

  • Earplugs
  • Eye mask
  • Travel pillow
  • Sunglasses/glasses
  • Hat
  • A large scarf or sarong
  • Flip-flops/foldable flats
  • Face cloth/face wipes


Instead of folding your clothes in your suitcase, roll them up, and if you want to take it a step further, put rolled up clothes in extra large sized zip locks and press out all the air to compress your clothes even more. If youre traveling with a delicate piece that you dont want wrinkled, place tissue paper on both sides of the garment before rolling in up. Place disposable shower caps around your shoes to keep things clean.


You can always rely on complimentary hotel shampoos, lotions, etc. But, for those who want to bring their own, pack items no larger than 100 grams of liquids, creams, or gels if you plan on placing them in your carry-on bag. Since the air-cabin pressure changes during a flight, its best to put all your liquids and creams into a zip lock bag in case of spillage. Wrapping the top with plastic wrap and an elastic can work too.

  • Toothbrush, floss, and travel sized toothpaste*
  • Shampoo/conditioner [optional]
  • Moisturizer [optional]
  • Makeup
  • Deodorant*
  • Travel wipes
  • Q-Tips [travel sized pack]
  • Shaver plus travel sized shave gel [dont have this in your carry-on]
  • Medications [prescriptions, allergy pills, pain relief tablets, etc.]*

  • Chap stick*
  • Tissues*
  • Eye drops*
  • Hand sanitizer*
  • Hair elastics [2]*
  • Zip lock with laundry detergent [optional]
  • Blow dryer [optional]
  • Travel sized hair straightener [optional]
  • Quick-dry towel [optional]


Having something to snack on, besides the delicious airplane food, is important to keep your energy up and hunger down. Most of the time, passengers are only given small cups of water, juice, or soda for the entire flight, and unless you want to keep asking the flight attendants repeatedly for more refreshments, take an empty water bottle with you through the gates and fill it up at a fountain before boarding. Chewing gum while the plane is taking off and landing will help pop the pressure in your ears.

  • Water bottle*
  • Protein/granola bars*
  • Nuts*
  • Gum*


To save on space and to help you organize your bag, place all your devices chargers inside a glasses case or in a small plastic container so that you dont have chords everywhere. If you chose to bring your gadgets, pack them in the centre of your suitcase to protect them from damage. Also, if you put a fragile sticker on your bag, it will be kept on the top of the pile and will not be thrown around by baggage men.

  • Voltage wall adapter
  • Laptop or tablet* [optional]
  • Camera and with extra batteries
  • Chargers for each electronic device


Whether its to keep your mind busy while en route to your destination, document your travels, or keep you entertained, having one of the items below could be your best travel companion. Having noise-cancelling headphones also helps on long journeys when you need to have a break with some peace and quiet.

  • Journal and pen*
  • E-book reader, magazine, or book*
  • Headphones*
  • Travel speakers


These are items that will come in handy if you plan on doing a lot of shopping, or if youre traveling to different places with pools or beaches around and laundry service isnt easily accessible.

  • Extra zip lock bags [for the items you buy on your trip]
  • Plastic grocery bags [for dirty laundry or wet bathing suits]
  • Pillowcase [optional]

Regardless of where you go, everyone at Faze Magazine would like to wish you happy packing and bon voyage! Tell us about your packing tips!

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