With the advent of là gì

Advent Là Gì


Nâng cao vốn trường đoản cú vựng của người tiêu dùng cùng với English Vocabulary in Use tự benh.edu.vn.Học những từ bạn phải giao tiếp một phương pháp sáng sủa.

Bạn đang xem: Advent là gì

The advent of the gramophone transformed the cultural conditions of contemporary music, including the way it was taught.
The advent of molecular techniques for the detection of malaria parasites has led to greater appreciation of the importance of mixed malarial infections.
With the advent of knowledge-based computer systems, a new interest in the nature of expertise has arisen.
With the advent of small Smartphone computing devices lượt thích handheld computers và smart Smartphone phones, the range of possible web displays has increased.
Proponents of this approach might clalặng that in many ways this is similar khổng lồ the advent of fingerprint files.
The ranks of producers have swelled in recent years with the advent of small, computer-based studios.
With the advent of wide-scale publication of & access to lớn electronically stored information, a class of applications which has become increasingly prominent is question-answering systems.
With the advent of electronics & computer technology in 1950, automation commenced to lớn apply electronics và computer systems lớn control machines.
However, with the advent of the computer such daunting detail & comprehensiveness is more than readily supported by growing database technology and methodology.
The advent of advanced clinical practice in areas such as simulation adds a further dimension lớn this trend.
Before the advent of managed care, the physician"s obligations were owed almost exclusively to lớn the patient.
With the advent of modern molecular công nghệ, various components of epistatic genetic variance can be separated & jointly estimated with saturated molecular markers.
With the advent of mathematical modelling for the chemotherapy of malaria, it seems desirable lớn extkết thúc the models for monotherapy khổng lồ drug combination.

Xem thêm: Là Gì? Nghĩa Của Từ Chosen Là Gì, Nghĩa Của Từ Chosen Chosen Nghĩa Là Gì Trong Tiếng Anh

However, with the advent of scientific organization of labour in the 1920s, hourly wage agreements began to be recorded.
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Xem thêm: Đến Tháng Nên Làm Gì Khi Người Yêu Tới Tháng? Cần Làm Gì Khi Người Yêu Tới Tháng

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