Wordpress youtube embed not working 2022

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  • Hello @urtechtherapy ,

    You are using the wrong URL.
    Can you please use following Embeds guide.
    You just need to copy URL not Share link.

    Best Regards!

    I am also having an issue, and I am definitely copying the primary URL. My link has dashes and underscores in it though. Would that make a difference?


    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by moonfaller.

    Hello @moonfaller ,

    It is working fine with my testing with Embed Gutenberg Block and Video Popup
    Gutentor Block. Maybe there is something wrong in your installation. Can you please try on fresh installation.

    Best Regards!

    I get this issue if I embed a video while it’s still listed as private and then make it public.

    The share link usually works fine but only if the video is public when you first embed the share link. No amount of browser refreshing, purging or cache clearing will ever make the video work on my page if I embed it when the video is private and then later make it public. If this happens then the solution is to paste the URL starting https://www.youtube.com/ and then it works.

    I just wait until the video is public before ever embedding it and it saves all this hassle!

    OMG, that so easy solution, thank you @codersantosh! I spent 3 night to figure why youtube refuses to connect 😀

    When I embed the URL into the “link” space for the “video” option nothing happens. I used to have videos embedded and now the videos that once showed up on my site no longer show up and when I try to add new videos nothing happens. Please help. 🤗

    @wellnesswarriors can you provide video link, also screenshot how you using?

    I don’t see how to add an image of a screenshot.

    I’m adding the “video” block, putting the provided link into the “link” space and nothing happens.

    Also, when I choose the video block normally a predetermined image shows up in that block and now it does not. If I switch the option to Vimeo the predetermined image shows up still for Vimeo though.

    @wellnesswarriors are you using Gutentor Elements => Video ? You can add screenshot image on you site and provide the link 🙂

    After upgrading to 5.7, none of my Youtube embeds are showing anymore.

    Each ‘As I See It’ post in this blog has an embedded video at the top of the article that was working before upgrading to 5.7


    I thought it may have something to do with the new lazy loading support for iframes, so I tried adding this to the functions.php file to disable it:

    add_filter(‘wp_lazy_loading_enabled’, ‘__return_false’);

    This works (as in, it disables lazy loading and removes the loading=”lazy” property from the iframe) however it still doesn’t actually fix the problem – the embedded video is still not showing. I have therefore reversed this change, enabling lazy loading again.

    Any other suggestions before I look at downgrading?


    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by fanclub23.

    5.7.1 has not fixed the issue

    Fixed the issue, and ashamed I didn’t spot it earlier. Looks like the WP editor is adding another class in between the iframe and the iframe holder. Updating my responsive video CSS to reflect this change fixed the problem.

    Thank you @fanclub23!! This was a problem in my custom responsive video CSS as well!

    Changing my CSS from targeting:
    figure.wp-block-embed.is-type-video {}

    to instead target the new wrapper:
    figure.wp-block-embed.is-type-video .wp-block-embed__wrapper {}

    fixed this for me!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by johanronstrom.

    Hello, I have the same issue.
    Video is public.
    If I use the youtube embed or the generic embed, I can see it in the editor, but the video doesn’t appear in the page.
    What can I do?
    Wordpress 5.7.2

  • Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)

    Why is my YouTube video not embedding in WordPress?

    Whenever you set up a WordPress site, you have the option to allow embeds or not. Make sure you've chosen this option. Go to Settings > Media. Under Embeds check the option: “When possible, embed the media content from a URL directly onto the page.

    How do you embed a YouTube video in 2022?

    Embed videos & playlists.
    On a computer, go to the YouTube video or playlist you want to embed..
    Click SHARE ..
    From the list of Share options, click Embed..
    From the box that appears, copy the HTML code..
    Paste the code into your website HTML..

    Why is my YouTube video not embedding?

    If you receive the error message, "Embedding disabled on request” ,you have probably accidentally disabled embedding via YouTube. To grant permission again, follow these steps: Go to “Video Manager.” Select the appropriate video and click “Edit”.

    How do I embed YouTube video in WordPress?

    Easiest Way to Embed a YouTube Video in WordPress.
    Copy the URL from the YouTube video. You can copy the URL from your browser's address bar or from the YouTube share link button. ... .
    Paste the URL into the WordPress editor and the embed feature will automatically turn it into an embedded video..