Append to ArrayList

Add all the Elements of an ArrayList to another ArrayList

To add all the elements of an ArrayList to this ArrayList in Java, you can use ArrayList.addAll[] method. Pass the ArrayList, you would like to add to this ArrayList, as argument to addAll[] method.

Following is the syntax to append elements of ArrayList arraylist_2 to this ArrayList arraylist_1.


addAll[] returns a boolean value if the elements of other ArrayList are appended to this ArrayList.

Example 1 Append Elements of an ArrayList to this ArrayList

In the following example, we shall take two ArrayLists, arraylist_1 and arraylist_2, with elements in each of them. And then use addAll[] method to append elements of arraylist_2 to arraylist_1.

Java Program

import java.util.ArrayList; public class ArrayListExample { public static void main[String[] args] { ArrayList arraylist_1 = new ArrayList[]; arraylist_1.add["apple"]; arraylist_1.add["banana"]; ArrayList arraylist_2 = new ArrayList[]; arraylist_2.add["mango"]; arraylist_2.add["orange"]; arraylist_1.addAll[arraylist_2]; arraylist_1.forEach[element -> { System.out.println[element]; }]; } }


apple banana mango orange


In this Java Tutorial, we learned how to append elements of an ArrayList to another, using addAll[] method.

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