Bài tập tổng hợp về so sánh trong tiếng anh năm 2024

Các dạng so sánh trong tiếng Anh có lượng kiến thức rất đa dạng vì thế có thể khiến cho các bạn học nhầm lẫn khi vận dụng trong bài. Chính vì điều này đòi hỏi các bạn học phải luyện tập thường xuyên hơn các bài tập tránh các sai lầm đáng tiếc có trong bài thi. Ở bài viết hôm nay hãy cùng Langmaster luyện tập ngay các dạng bài tập so sánh bằng hay gặp nhất trong các bài thi nhé!


1. Khái quát kiến thức về so sánh bằng

So sánh bằng trong tiếng Anh được sử dụng khi nói đến hai vật hay hai tính chất có sự tương đồng, không có sự khác biệt.

Các dạng công thức của so sánh bằng

  • Dạng câu khẳng định

Công thức với trạng từ và tính từ: S + V + as + adj/adv + as + N/pronoun/ clause

Ví dụ.: My volleyball team is still as good as it was three years ago. [Đội bóng chuyền của tôi vẫn tốt như cách đây 3 năm.]

Công thức với động từ: S + V + as + many/much/little/few + as + N/pronoun

Ví dụ: She also love as much as her darling. [Cô ấy cũng yêu nhiều như người yêu của mình.]

Công thức với danh từ: S + V + as + many/much/little/few + noun + as + N/pronoun

Ví dụ: No everyone as much money as that person. [Không ai có nhiều tiền như cái người đó.]

  • Dạng câu phủ định:

Công thức với trạng từ và tính từ: S + V + not as/so + adj/adv + as + N/pronoun

Ví dụ: My volleyball team is not still as good as it was three years ago. [Đội bóng chuyền của tôi không còn tốt như cách đây 3 năm.]

Công thức với động từ: S + not + V + as + many/much/little/few + as + N/pronoun

Ví dụ: She doesn't love as much as her darling. [Cô ấy cũng yêu nhiều như người yêu của mình.]

Công thức với danh từ: S + not + V + as + many/much/little/few + noun + as + N/pronoun

Ví dụ: Everyone isn’t as much money as that person. [Tất cả mọi người đều không có nhiều tiền như cái người đó.]

Lưu ý:

Ngoài ra nếu như khi so sánh hai đồ vật có sự khác biệt [không phải so sánh hơn kém] ta có thể sử dụng các công thức sau:

Công thức 1: S + to be + different from + N/pronoun

Ví dụ: Culture Viet Nam is different from culture China. [Văn hóa Việt Nam khác văn hóa Trung Quốc.]

Công thức 2: S + V + the same + [N] + as + N/Pronoun

Ví dụ: That boy is not the same age as me. [Cậu trai đó không bằng tuổi tôi]

Với một số trường hợp thì bạn có thể sử dụng thay thế cấu trúc “the same … as” sang “as … as” nhau và ngược lại.

Ví dụ:

That boy is the same age as me. = The boy is as old as I am. [Chàng trai đó bằng tuổi tôi]

Xem thêm:



Khái quát kiến thức về so sánh bằng

2. Các dạng bài tập so sánh bằng

Bài 1: Hoàn thành câu bằng cách sử dụng cấu trúc “as … as” or “not as … as”

1. Nam is ___________ his younger sister. [tall ]

2. America is ___________ China. [not big]

3. She is ___________ Phương. [smart]

4. A turtle is ___________ a rabbit. [not fast]

5. Hanh’s leg is ___________ San’s. [long]

6. I am___________ always. [happy]

7. A rabbit is ___________ a golf. [not dangerous]

8. He is ___________ this boy. [intelligent]

9. Oranges are___________ pineapple. [good]

10. Ha Noi is ___________ Nghe An. [not hot]

Bài 2: Viết lại câu bằng cách sử dụng cấu trúc “the same as” hoặc “different from”

1. My house is narrow and old. Her house is big and modern.

Her house is ____________________________________.

2. Life in the city is nosy and exciting. Life in the countryside is peaceful.

Life in the countryside____________________________________.

3. I have blonde hair. An’s hair is also blonde.

My hair is ____________________________________.

4. Her favorite subject is Chemistry. Her sister is also interested in Chemistry.

Her sister is ____________________________________.

5. She is 14 years old. Her best friend is also 14 years old.

Her best friend ____________________________________.

6. My mom’s favorite food is vegetables. My favorite food is fried chicken.

My mom's favorite food ____________________________________.

7. The artist on TV is playing the guitar. She is also playing the guitar.

The artist on TV ____________________________________.

8. The number of members in this club is 40. That club also has 40 members.

This club has ____________________________________.

Các dạng bài tập so sánh bằng

Bài 3: Sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh để viết lại câu dưới đây

Ví dụ: Jim is 20 years old. An is 20 years old. [is/old]

Jim is as old as An.

1. Kim works lazier than Tuan. [work/hard]

Tuan ____________ Kim.

2. This city is 41ºC in summer. That city is also 41ºC in summer. [is/hot]

This province ____________ that province.

3. Mai did better on the Math test than Linh. [do/well]

Linh ____________ Mai.

4. The final exam was difficult. The first exam was difficult too. [was/difficult]

The final exam ____________ the first exam.

5. The tiger runs 60 km per hour. The lion runs 70km per hour. [run/fast]

The tiger ____________ the lion.

6. Ms Sam speaks very quietly. Mrs Binh speaks more loudly. [talk/quietly]

Mrs Binh ____________ Ms Sam.

7. Her apartment is 20 years old. His apartment is 20 years old. [is/old]

Her apartment ____________ his apartment.

8. Phuong is 20 years old. Dan is 10 years old. [is/young]

Phuong ____________ Dan.

Bài 4: Hoàn thành câu dưới đây bằng cách sử dụng cấu trúc “as … as” hoặc “not as … as”

1. The red car is ____________ the black car. [fast]

2. Jenny is ____________ Annie. [not/tall]

3. The guitar is ____________ the cello. [not/low]

4. This essay is ____________ the other one. [bad]

5. My brother is ____________ I am. [optimistic]

6. Today it’s ____________ last day. [not/windy]

7. This dish was ____________ that dish. [delicious]

8. Lemon juice is ____________ orange. [not/sweet]

9. Anna is ____________ Mai. [brave]

10. Gold is ____________ diamond. [not/heavy]

Các dạng bài tập so sánh bằng

Bài 5: Lựa chọn đáp án đúng phù hợp với câu cho trước

1. My mobile__________ your mobile.

  1. is as not expensive as
  1. is not as expensive as
  1. as expensive not as
  1. is not as expensively as

2. I must explain your issues________ .

  1. as clear as you can
  1. as clearly as you can
  1. as clear that you are
  1. as clearly as you are

3. Noone in my class plays_______ Nam.

  1. as good as
  1. so well than
  1. as best as
  1. as well as

4. His car is ______ mine.

  1. twice as big as
  1. as twice big as
  1. as two time big as
  1. as big as twice

5. Her motorbike ________ mine.

  1. is as not modern as
  1. as is modern as
  1. is as modern as
  1. as is modern not as

6. His car is ________ her.

  1. as bigger as
  1. as big as
  1. much big as
  1. not many times big

7. Tiger cannot run as ________ Impasla but they are more good runners.

  1. faster than
  1. fast as
  1. fast
  1. are fast as

8. Albert Einstein’s contributions to science were ________ those of Newton and Galileo.

  1. important than
  1. more important
  1. the most important
  1. as important as

Bài 6: Viết lại câu bằng cách sử dụng cấu trúc “As … as”

1. She is quite tall but I am taller.

2. His wage is high, but mine is higher.

3. She just knows a bit about history, but he knows more.

4. It’s still hot, but it was hotter last year.

5. She still feels quite exhausted, but she felt a lot more exhausted last day.

6. The boy has lived here for quite a long time, but they’ve lived here longer.

7. I was a bit worried before the final exam, but usually, I’m a lot more worried.

8. The bus station was nearer than I imagined. [far]

9. She knows them better than he does.

10. There are fewer people at this greeting than last week.

Các dạng bài tập so sánh bằng

Bài 7: Lựa chọn đáp án phù hợp với câu cho trước

1. My dress is ______ my sister.

  1. cheap than B. cheaper C. more cheap than D. cheaper than

2. San is ______ in Chinese than Xuan.

  1. good B. well C. better D. best

3. Nobody in my class is ______ smart ______ An.

  1. as/as B. more/as C. as/than D. the/more

4. This novel is ______ interesting than that novel.

  1. the most B. less C. as D. so

5. Phuong works ______ than I do.

  1. harder B. as hard as C. more harder D. so hard as

6. Phuong ran ______ than Xuan.

  1. more fast B. faster C. fast D. the fastest

7. Xuan is 19 years old. Mi is 21 years old. Mi is 2 years ______ Xuan.

  1. older than B. younger than C. older D. younger

8. Cycle are ______ motorbike.

  1. cheap than B. more cheap C. the cheapest D. cheaper than

9. My sister cooked ______ than me.

  1. well B. more good C. better D. more well

10. This summer is ______ season in many years.

  1. hot B. more hot C. hotter D. the hottest

Các dạng bài tập so sánh bằng

Đáp án:

Bài tập 1:

1. as tall as

2. not as big as

3. as smart as

4. not as fast as

5. as long as

6. as happy as

7. as not dangerous as

8. as intelligent as

9. as good as

10. not as hot as

Bài tập 2:

1. Her house is different from mine.

2. Life in the countryside is different from life in the city.

3. My hair is the same color as An’s hair.

4. Her sister is interested in the same subject as her.

5. Her best friend is the same age as her.

6. My mom’s favorite food is different from mine.

7. The artist on TV is playing the same instrument as her.

8. This club has the same number of members as that club.

Bài tập 3:

1. Kim doesn’t work as hard as Tuan.

2. This city is as hot as that city.

3. Linh didn’t do as well on the Math test as Mai.

4. The final exam was as difficult as the first exam.

5. The tiger doesn’t run as fast as the lion.

6. Mrs Binh doesn’t speak as quietly as Ms Sam.

7. Her apartment is as old as his apartment.

8. Phuong isn’t as young as Dan.

Bài tập 4:

1. The red car is as fast as the black car.

2. Jenny is not as tall as Annie.

3. The guitar is not as low as the cello.

4. This essay is as bad as the other one.

5. My brother is as optimistic as I am.

6. Today it’s not as windy as last day.

7. This dish was as delicious as that dish.

8. Lemon juice is not as sweet as orange.

9. Anaa is as brave as Mai.

10. Gold is not as heavy as diamond.

Bài tập 5:

1. B

2. A

3. D

4. A

5. C

6. A

7. B

8. D

Bài tập 6:

1. She is not as tall as me.

2. His wage isn’t as high as mine.

3. She doesn't know as much about history as he does.

4. It isn’t as hot as it was last year.

5. She doesn't feel as exhausted as she did the last day.

6. The boy hasn't lived here as long as they have.

7. I wasn’t as worried before the final exam as I usually am.

8. The bus station wasn’t as far as I imagined.

9. She doesn't know them as well as he does.

10. There aren’t as many people at this greeting as last week.

Bài tập 7:

1. A

2. A

3. A

4. B

5. A

6. B

7. B

8. D

9. C

10. D

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Như vậy bài viết đang giải đáp cho bạn học những nội dung bài tập so sánh bằng. Hy vọng với kiến thức được chia sẻ sẽ giúp bạn có thêm thật nhiều kinh nghiệm khi làm bài thi. Để biết được trình độ tiếng Anh của mình, hãy tham gia ngay bài test miễn phí

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