bainbridge là gì - Nghĩa của từ bainbridge

bainbridge có nghĩa là

An island in Puget Sound near Seattle with good schools, beautiful scenery, and lots of liberals, lawyers and technology CEOs. Though it has a tendancy to create its own isolated "bubble" of a world, it is overall a very nice place to live. Unless of course you are a teenager, in which case it kind of sucks.

Coffee is one of the most important things to the survival of islanders, second only to the ferry boats connecting it to Seattle. The island revolves completely around the ferry schedule.

BI is stereotyped throughout Washington as a bunch of rich snobs. They are confusing BI with Mercer Island. Though it is a very affluent area, lots of the people who live there are very nice.

It is also a hot spot for liberal politics. In the 2004 election, Kerry won 73% of the vote. In every one of the 22 precincts, Kerry was given at least a 2-1 victory.

Bainbridge is mobbed by tourists in the summer, much to the dismay of islanders who are just trying to walk down Winslow Way without being blocked by gaggles of Californians. Considering that Bainbridge is lacking in things to do, this does not make much sense at all.


Tourists should stay off Bainbridge Island because there isn't that much to do there anyway.

Bainbridge Island is totally superior to North Kitsap and kicks their ass regularly.

bainbridge có nghĩa là

Formerly the town of Winslow, Bainbridge Island is a haven for douche bags. Bainbridge is commonly referred to as "Braindead Island", and this name cannot be closer to the truth. The only thing that is of worth on that rock is the Eagle Harbor ferry terminal. Bainbridge Island is full of a certain species of white kid who think they will inherit the world because their family is rich and they drive an STI. Clothing is commonly Timberland boots, jeans big enough for Jared[pre-subway], Tall Tee's, and more hemp braclets than at all of Burning Man. Their parents are an even stranger brand of wine swilling, Volvo driving, Norah Jones listening douchery. Noted for their terrible driving skills and lack of tact with the lower classes. Main activities include marijuana, music shows at the Guild, losing to North Kitsap at football, and more marijuana


Go back to Bainbridge Island before the prolitariate rise up and kill you in your bed, you rich bastard.

bainbridge có nghĩa là

An overly long or proportionally incorrect foreskin


"the docking party was great until David joined in with his Bainbridge". "when I started to go down on him I couldn't help but notice a smegma filled Bainbridge".

bainbridge có nghĩa là

Also known as Lamebridge, B Town or just the bridge. Bainbridge is a middle/upper-class suburb of Cleveland east of Chagrin Falls but way better than Chagrin. Kids from Bainbridge go to Kenston school dictrict are are pretty good at every sport and academically. The bombers have a lot of rivals with the main one being Chagrin. While Chagrin kids are either wannabe emos or snotty rich kids, Kenston kids are pretty nice and know how to party. All your kid really needs is a North Face fleece and a pair of birkenstocks.

Theres no real crime other than an occasional deer running into a store so the Bainbridge police have nothing better to do than arrest kids for underage drinking. If you graduate from Kenston not having been arrested, kudos. The police blotters in the Chagrin Valley Times were one of the highlights of my week.

Theres not much to do until someone's parents go out of town so kids hang out at Giant Eagle [G Eagle, GE, Geagle] on the weekends and sip Natty Light. On any given Friday or Saturday your guaranteed to find a group of kids looking for something to do.


"Hey whats going on in Bainbridge?" "I don't know lets get a bottle and go to Geagle to see who whos there."

bainbridge có nghĩa là

where a ton of rich whte kids live.


bainbridge kids all wanna be like poulsbo kids, pregnant and gangsta

bainbridge có nghĩa là

A dumb company no one has ever heard of who bought devonshire for some unknown reason probably to throw people out while they make the place "nice" with the idea of eventually overcharging everyone who lives there.


Person 1. It is soo expensive where I live Person 2. Yea I hear you, bainbridge bought the place home properties used to own it. Person 1.home properties or bainbridge they both suck!

bainbridge có nghĩa là

Someone who lives on Bainbridge Island. There are three types of these people:
1. Very freakishly tall men who still wear big rimmed glasses, and suits that should have stayed in the 90's. They most likely work for Microsoft.
2. Granola cruncher kids, who are unfortunately dressed in leggings and rain boots 365 days a year by their psychotic parents.
3. Strangely attractive men in hiking gear.

It's typically very easy to spot a Bainbridge Islander on the ferry boat.


Person 1: Hey, that guy is tall!
Person 2: Must be a Bainbridge Islander

bainbridge có nghĩa là

Small town right above Tallahassee, FL, but it's in GA. There's absolutely NOTHING to here except get into everyone's business. It has about 15 traffic lights. One Highschool that sits almost in another city[not really but it is in the middle of no where]. It has a mall, which is only a shopping plaza. Everyone knows everybody. If you're in a relationship here, you're probably getting cheated on or doing the cheating. The main attraction is the Boat Basin[nothing special about it, except gigantic mosquitoes, stank animals, a fake beach area, tore up playground equipment, and a camp ground that looks like a Walking Dead scene at night]. The main road is Shotwell street, which has basic restaurants[no wining and dining at these], gas stations, grocery stores, and the hospital, which looks like a clinic and the staff is super slow, so don't go there if you're having a life or death situation [you might not make it to see the next day]. Most people who live here are struggling because they only make about 3.00 an hour. The small percentage of those middle class people, who are doing good for themselves and balling out of control work at the Crate Factory and make about 7.00 hour. The successful people are making between 10.00-12.00 an hour. Last but not least they do have a small state college [Bainbridge State College] which is smaller than the HS, but if you do obtain a degree, you'll have to commute really far or just move, because they're absolutely no jobs here.


I'm from Bainbridge, Ga.

bainbridge có nghĩa là

The part of one's back unitchable without assistance from an object or other entity.


She teased his itchy bainbridge with her tongue before gratifying his insatiable yern with the grit of her pealescent toothy grin.

bainbridge có nghĩa là

An island off the coast of seattle full of cookie cutter assholes. Most people are rich, but don’t realize they’re rich because everyone is rich so they don’t appreciate what they have and are very disconnected from reality. It’s a very beautiful place from the outside but the longer you stay the more fucked up you realize the people are. Mostly there’s a lot of unhappy rich people, who probably peaked in highschool and are upset that they married into a loveless relationship and are working for Amazon. Because of this they passive aggressively bully anyone who rejects this lifestyle, and post on facebook complaining a lot. If they have kids, they get involved with middle/high school drama and gossip about random kids traumatic events as their only source of entertainment. The high school is super fucked up and full of drug addicts and rapists who are protected from consequences by daddy’s money. A lot of them don’t ever leave so there’s a big population of 20 something’s who drive drunk/high everywhere and are always trying to get with underage girls.
There’s a lot of very shallow and sheltered people, and not much to do for fun. If your parents weren’t born here you probably won’t make many friends, as people are very snobby about their family’s history on the island and extremely cliquey. Also everything is very expensive and inconvenient to get to. Overall a very shitty place to grow up and I do not recommend it to anyone.


Guy: Yo I’m thinking of moving to Bainbridge Island
Guy 2: So you’re a masochist?

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