Cách sleep kali linux

I'm using Kali linux on vmware in windows7. I've been trying to crack my wpa password and noticed that when I leave the system running (in process of cracking password) and leave the laptop on and go away for about 10-15 minutes, Kali linux goes to sleep and I am not sure if the cracking process with reaver is still running or not. When I click onto the page a box comes up prompting me to type in my username and password. When I type that in it logs me back on but my screens that were left open cracking the password are no longer there and everything starts freezing up a lot. The mouse is freezing and if I try to click on anything there is a massive delay before anything happens or nothing at all.

Also there was no option prevent screen going in an inactive state infinitely..(lock and brightness-maximum time 1 hour)

Cách sleep kali linux

I've since had to switch back to backtrack to do my cracking and has been running perfectly and does not go to sleep when left for long periods.

  • Now what I'd like to know is how can I prevent kali linux from going to sleep and closing my work that's in progress?

Any help on this issue would be appreciated.


69.1k31 gold badges190 silver badges223 bronze badges

asked Oct 19, 2014 at 15:24

Cách sleep kali linux


With the gui, you do this by changing three settings. To access the settings, click any top right icon (a panel opens), then click the "settings" icon at the bottom left of the opened panel.

Once the "All Settings" appears:

  • Power > Power Saving > Blank screen: never
  • Power > Suspend & Power Button > Automatic suspend: off
  • Privacy > Screen Lock: off

answered Oct 26, 2016 at 7:19


4014 silver badges5 bronze badges

With Kali XFCE, you can disable screen blanking using its power applet. Click on the applet and choose "Presentation Mode."

answered May 5, 2018 at 5:53

Cách sleep kali linux

  1. Click on battery icon [1.][Icon]
  2. Pick settings [2.][Settings]
  3. Click display tab [3.][Display tab]
  4. Adjust to never [4.][Never]

Cách sleep kali linux

answered Feb 9 at 15:49

Install Cmatrix to keep the screen busy without using a lot of ram:

# apt-get install cmatrix


$ cmatrix

answered Jan 5, 2015 at 5:29


According to SailorCire, you have to kill the screensaver program, you have to insert the following code with a little change in /etc/init.d/rc.local :

pid=`ps ax |egrep -v grep |egrep pattern  |awk {'print $1'}`
kill $pid

You have to change pattern to part of the screensaver name. Of course unique.
May be above code doesn't work you have to call the kill command with -9 as argument.
By the way, if it doesn't work, make a script and insert into it, WHY? because may be your screen-saver program run with your graphical mode, Then call with startup program the given script.

Cách sleep kali linux


1,15110 silver badges19 bronze badges

answered Oct 19, 2014 at 15:41

Cách sleep kali linux


10.3k8 gold badges47 silver badges78 bronze badges


sleepdaemon is not my best friend

try this (maybe +other gsettings):

sudo gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power sleep-inactive-battery-timeout 0
sudo gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power sleep-inactive-battery-type 'nothing'
sudo setterm -blank 0 -powersave off -powerdown 0
sudo xset s 0 0
sudo xset dpms 0 0
sudo xset dpms force off
sudo xset s off
sudo service sleepd stop
sudo kill $(lsof | grep 'sleepd' | awk '{print $2}')

you can kill (sleep-daemon && xscreensaver && terminal powersave) with this code

answered Jun 2, 2015 at 21:09

Cách sleep kali linux


For Kali sana:
1. Open All Setting (at top right corner of your home screen)
2. At hardware panel choose power
3. Disable Dim screen when inactive and blank screen

Tom Zych

9038 silver badges17 bronze badges

answered Dec 31, 2015 at 9:26


When running Kali Linux without a monitor, I tired all of the above suggestions and many more. The only thing that worked was the GNOME Caffeine Extension. With this enabled my computer stayed awake all weekend without monitor attached.

To install you can run : sudo apt-get install gnome-shell-extension-caffeine

answered May 14, 2018 at 12:56

Cách sleep kali linux

Type the below lines in a terminal. It worked for me, the screen still dimmed and locked, but computer did not go to sleep

gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power sleep-inactive-ac-timeout 0
gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power sleep-inactive-battery-timeout 0

answered Jun 11, 2018 at 3:15

Cách sleep kali linux

Actually, You just need to check the setting in : System Settings: (Workspace) Desktop Behavior > Screen Locking |> Lock screen automatically after: 5 Mins And, System Settings: (Hardware) Power Management> Energy Saving screen.

answered Dec 20, 2018 at 4:09

Just go to terminal and type /etc/root/scrnsver reset --u local


44k18 gold badges118 silver badges135 bronze badges

answered Dec 7, 2014 at 22:53