combat là gì - Nghĩa của từ combat

combat có nghĩa là

Combat Jack is generally known amongst military personal as masturbating during wartime. It was the name of an episode of Generation Kill, in which we see various soldiers in the platoon "relieving" themselves in humvees or while sleeping.

Other slang terms- Rub one out, jack off


From Generation Kill--
Soldier- Where did you go?
Reporter Evan Wright- I dont know..i was trying to find a secluded place..
Soldier- Combat Jack??
Reporter Evan Wright- No...i was trying to take a shit and ended up by the front gate, then everyone started shooting.

combat có nghĩa là

A very violent and cool flash series made by Krinkles


Madness Combat is way better than the Clock Crew.

combat có nghĩa là

A console Flight/Action game based on fictional events with mainly real world military aircraft, with some exceptions. The stories revolve around usually a main protaganist which the player assumes control of, and, in later games, his wingman/men. The player starts of with low tech and basic fighters, but after advancing in the game, unlocks more planes which he/she can purchase, along with special weapons. The events of Ace Combat are set on the real world calender, and some missions have historiical date references [i.e. the Belkan Nuclear Bombing on June 6th 1995, or D-Day]. Most often the charecter is portrayed as a rookie, even though within 5 missions you're slapping everyone's face and smacking down planes and targets left and right. For some unknown reason, Namco/Bandai games thought it would be a good idea to make Ace Combat 6, the most recent as of date, available only for the Xbox 360, which was a bad move on their part, instead of Playstation only. God forbid they do two launches, so I say thank you Namco/Bandai, for stabbing all your loayal players in the back. Enjoy your sage.


Me: Yeah I would love to play Ace Combat 6, except its for Xbox 360 and I'm not about to go buy another console just to play it.

combat có nghĩa là

Greedy person who cares nothing for his or her team-mates on the battlefield, only concern is to bag as many rank 60+ weps and shiney infernal/dragon armor.


see Lord Azram, one of Darkfall's most notorious Combat Looter's

combat có nghĩa là

What Marine Grunts [Infantryman] see on a daily basis in Iraq and Shitghanistan [Afghanistan]. What Marine POGs [Non-Infantryman] claim to see when they get deployed but they never leave the wire and sit on the FOB [base inside the wire where they are protected] the entire time with the Army, Navy, and Air Force. But they will sure talk shit when they get home like they did something trying to score some pussy. Don't let them fool you girls. If you are not a Marine Infantryman [0311, 0321, 0331, 0341, 0351, 0352] or a Navy Corpsman [8404] and even the Staff and Officers... sometimes [0302, 0306, 0369] then you ain't shit.


Marine Infantryman 1: "Man, do you know what I hate worse than POGs claiming to have seen combat?" Marine Infantryman 2: "What?" Marine Infantryman 1: "The Air Force. What the fuck do they do?"

combat có nghĩa là

A sophisticated way to describe someone who takes pleasure in arguing


Stay out of Lauren's way when she's feeling combatative

combat có nghĩa là

When a female massages the prostate of her male partner [through the rectum] usually during oral sex.

This action usually leads to larger orgasms and more seamen. Messy!!


I asked my girlfriend to combat me. While she obliged, she didn't seem too happy...

combat có nghĩa là

A combat-armor is a wearable apparel used to protect its wearer from impacts, such as bullets or bludgeoning force. A combat-armor generally is sold/distributed with an accompaining helmet as part of a complete kit, and thus the combat-armor refer to the combat-vest and combat-helmet, as well as any other itens that may come included in a kit, such as gauntlets or combat-boots.


The army issued PASGT vest [now outdated] is a form of combat armor consisting of the vest, boots, helmet [separately classified as simply the PASGT helmet]. PASGT stands for Personal armor system for ground troops.

combat có nghĩa là

Combat [French for fight] is a purposeful violent conflict meant to weaken, establish dominance over, or kill the opposition, or to drive the opposition away from a location where it is not wanted or needed. Combat is typically between opposing military forces in warfare. Combat violence can be unilateral, whereas fighting implies at least a defensive reaction. A large-scale fight is known as a battle. A verbal fight is commonly known as an argument. Combat effectiveness, in the strategic field, requires combat readiness. In military areas, the term is applied also to personnel, that has to receive proper training and be qualified to carry out combat operations in the unit to which they are assigned.


Lost on of my favorite soldiers during combat. Feeling very down.

combat có nghĩa là

When two things are in clear conflict with each other. The opposite of compatable.


Mike & Jane were very compatable when they got married. But after a few years they became combatable & got divorced.

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