Display array in div javascript

I am trying to make a basic to do application.

Here is what I have done so far;

  • When the user clicks a button a prompt appears asking the user to enter a task.

  • The task will then be stored in an array

  • I have displayed the array in the console. However, I am having trouble displaying the array on the web page:

var toDoItems = [];
var parsed = "";

document.getElementById("addItem").onclick = function() {
  var userInput = prompt("Enter your Todo: ")
  toDoItems.push = userInput;

  To Do List


My Tasks

Fabian N.

3,7292 gold badges21 silver badges45 bronze badges

asked Aug 9, 2018 at 12:20


The first thing is you need to use Array.push() and not Array.push = someVal. Then you can loop over to the values and create a list of elements in the HTML:

var toDoItems = [];
var parsed = "";

document.getElementById("addItem").onclick = function() {
  var nHTML = '';
  var userInput = prompt("Enter your Todo: ")

  toDoItems.forEach(function(item) {
    nHTML += '
  • ' + item + '
  • '; }); document.getElementById("item-list").innerHTML = '
      ' + nHTML + '
    ' }
      To Do List

    My Tasks

    Fabian N.

    3,7292 gold badges21 silver badges45 bronze badges

    answered Aug 9, 2018 at 12:27

    Display array in div javascript

    Ankit AgarwalAnkit Agarwal

    30k5 gold badges35 silver badges59 bronze badges


    You can use map() to map over the toDoItems and convert each items to html code and then use join() to combine the array into one string of HTML code.

    Like this:

    const HTML = toDoItems.map( item => `
  • ${item}
  • ` ).join(''); document.getElementById("item-list").innerHTML = '
      ' + HTML + '

    Edit: Fixed typo (should be join, not joint)

    answered Aug 9, 2018 at 14:46

    Display array in div javascript

    Ethan VuEthan Vu

    2,8069 silver badges24 bronze badges

    Loop over toDoItems, create a

    tag and append it to #item-list:

    toDoItems.forEach((item) => {
        let p = document.createElement('p');
        p.innerText = item;

    answered Aug 9, 2018 at 12:26

    Display array in div javascript


    6671 gold badge6 silver badges25 bronze badges

    You can use innerHTML for this

    document.getElementById("item-list").innerHTML += "

    " +userInput+"


    demo : plunker

    answered Aug 9, 2018 at 12:29

    Check below I think this may help you
    I removed style from your code for my convenience

            To Do List

    My Tasks

    answered Aug 9, 2018 at 12:40

    Display array in div javascript

    How do you print an array in JavaScript?

    To print an array of objects properly, you need to format the array as a JSON string using JSON. stringify() method and attach the string to a
     tag in your HTML page. And that's how you can print JavaScript array elements to the web page.

    How do you display an array in HTML?

    how to display an array in html.
    // array to be displayed..
    // access the textContent of the HTML element and set it to the..
    // value of the array with each element seperated by a comma and a space..

    How do I print an array of objects in HTML?

    To correctly display an array of objects, we need to format the array as a JSON string. JSON. stringify() formats the array and gives the correct print. We can use a
     tag to display the output.

    How do you display a list in JavaScript?

    let list = document. getElementById( "myList" ); Step 3: Now iterate all the array items using JavaScript forEach and at each iteration, create a li element and put the innerText value the same as the current item, and append the li at the list.