Holistic counseling definition

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Holistic Counseling

Last updated: June 15, 2018

What Does Holistic Counseling Mean?

Holistic counseling is a therapeutic approach with the goal of harnessing and maintaining physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects focusing on individual health. A licensed counselor uses formal techniques combining holistic counseling and traditional medicine to assess the nature and extent of a patients condition. The underlying objective of holistic counseling is to develop and nurture positive tactics that recognize the totality of a person in terms of physical, mental/psychological, and spiritual elements conducive to their general welfare.


WorkplaceTesting Explains Holistic Counseling

Although conventional psychology methods stand as a primary means in assisting patients with handling different issues, holistic counseling is gaining traction as a viable alternative to treat anxiety, depression, and stress. The basis for this evidence derives from the fact that holistic counseling manages to concentrate on the interrelationship between the mind, body, and spirit in an effort to achieve personal and social wellness.

Standard psychology applications coupled with the administration of pharmaceuticals are useful steps in addressing negative psychological issues linked to behavioral disturbances. Conversely, holistic counselors introduce soluble measures that blend physical and spiritual circumstances [in line with religious affiliation] with psychological information to determine a favorable course of action in therapeutic recovery. For instance, acupuncture/acupressure sessions, energy and/or spiritual healing, hypnosis, meditation exercises, relaxation techniques, and yoga training are just some of the measures that may be used.

In the workplace, employees contend with high stress levels, often incurring personal and social drawbacks that can undermine company expectations in meeting job standards. Moreover, research suggests that mental and physical health contributes to factors including absenteeism, efficiency, morale, and productivity. Consequently, many employers are turning to holistic approaches, introducing lifestyle alternatives such as a nutritious diet, consistent exercise regimen, and social engagement activities. A health and safety policy that embodies holistic counseling and/or adopts its methods can foster mutual support, mental and physical awareness, and corporate solidarity in a workplace environment.


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  • Absenteeism
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  • Productivity
  • Yoga
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