Horizontal stacked bar chart python

To plot stacked bar chart in Matplotlib, we can use barh() methods


  • Set the figure size and adjust the padding between and around the subplots.
  • Create a list of years, issues_addressed and issues_pending, in accordance with years.
  • Plot horizontal bars with years and issues_addressed data.
  • To make stacked horizontal bars, use barh() method with years, issues_pending and issues_addressed data
  • Place the legend on the plot.
  • To display the figure, use show() method.


from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [7.50, 3.50]
plt.rcParams["figure.autolayout"] = True

year = [2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019]
issues_addressed = [10, 14, 0, 10, 15, 15]
issues_pending = [5, 10, 50, 2, 0, 10]

b1 = plt.barh(year, issues_addressed, color="red")

b2 = plt.barh(year, issues_pending, left=issues_addressed, color="yellow")

plt.legend([b1, b2], ["Completed", "Pending"], title="Issues", loc="upper right")



Horizontal stacked bar chart python

Horizontal stacked bar chart python

Updated on 15-Jun-2021 12:25:28

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I'm trying to create a horizontal stacked bar chart using matplotlib but I can't see how to make the bars actually stack rather than all start on the y-axis.

Here's my testing code.

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
plot_chart(df, fig, ax)
ind = arange(df.shape[0])      
ax.barh(ind, df['EndUse_91_1.0'], color='#FFFF00')
ax.barh(ind, df['EndUse_91_nan'], color='#FFFF00')
ax.barh(ind, df['EndUse_80_1.0'], color='#0070C0')
ax.barh(ind, df['EndUse_80_nan'], color='#0070C0')

Edited to use left kwarg after seeing tcaswell's comment.

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
plot_chart(df, fig, ax)
ind = arange(df.shape[0])      
ax.barh(ind, df['EndUse_91_1.0'], color='#FFFF00')
lefts = df['EndUse_91_1.0']
ax.barh(ind, df['EndUse_91_nan'], color='#FFFF00', left=lefts)
lefts = lefts + df['EndUse_91_1.0']
ax.barh(ind, df['EndUse_80_1.0'], color='#0070C0', left=lefts)
lefts = lefts + df['EndUse_91_1.0']
ax.barh(ind, df['EndUse_80_nan'], color='#0070C0', left=lefts)

This seems to be the right approach, but it fails if there is no data for a particular bar as it's trying to add nan to a value which then returns nan.


Click here to download the full example code

Stacked bar charts can be used to visualize discrete distributions.

This example visualizes the result of a survey in which people could rate their agreement to questions on a five-element scale.

The horizontal stacking is achieved by calling barh() for each category and passing the starting point as the cumulative sum of the already drawn bars via the parameter left.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

category_names = ['Strongly disagree', 'Disagree',
                  'Neither agree nor disagree', 'Agree', 'Strongly agree']
results = {
    'Question 1': [10, 15, 17, 32, 26],
    'Question 2': [26, 22, 29, 10, 13],
    'Question 3': [35, 37, 7, 2, 19],
    'Question 4': [32, 11, 9, 15, 33],
    'Question 5': [21, 29, 5, 5, 40],
    'Question 6': [8, 19, 5, 30, 38]

def survey(results, category_names):
    results : dict
        A mapping from question labels to a list of answers per category.
        It is assumed all lists contain the same number of entries and that
        it matches the length of *category_names*.
    category_names : list of str
        The category labels.
    labels = list(results.keys())
    data = np.array(list(results.values()))
    data_cum = data.cumsum(axis=1)
    category_colors = plt.colormaps['RdYlGn'](
        np.linspace(0.15, 0.85, data.shape[1]))

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(9.2, 5))
    ax.set_xlim(0, np.sum(data, axis=1).max())

    for i, (colname, color) in enumerate(zip(category_names, category_colors)):
        widths = data[:, i]
        starts = data_cum[:, i] - widths
        rects = ax.barh(labels, widths, left=starts, height=0.5,
                        label=colname, color=color)

        r, g, b, _ = color
        text_color = 'white' if r * g * b < 0.5 else 'darkgrey'
        ax.bar_label(rects, label_type='center', color=text_color)
    ax.legend(ncol=len(category_names), bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1),
              loc='lower left', fontsize='small')

    return fig, ax

survey(results, category_names)

Horizontal stacked bar chart python

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How do you plot a horizontal stacked bar graph in Python?

Steps. Set the figure size and adjust the padding between and around the subplots. Create a list of years, issues_addressed and issues_pending, in accordance with years. Plot horizontal bars with years and issues_addressed data.

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