How can i get current session id in php?

(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

session_idGet and/or set the current session id


session_id(?string $id = null): string|false

The constant SID can also be used to retrieve the current name and session id as a string suitable for adding to URLs. See also Session handling.



If id is specified and not null, it will replace the current session id. session_id() needs to be called before session_start() for that purpose. Depending on the session handler, not all characters are allowed within the session id. For example, the file session handler only allows characters in the range a-z A-Z 0-9 , (comma) and - (minus)!

Note: When using session cookies, specifying an id for session_id() will always send a new cookie when session_start() is called, regardless if the current session id is identical to the one being set.

Return Values

session_id() returns the session id for the current session or the empty string ("") if there is no current session (no current session id exists). On failure, false is returned.


8.0.0 id is nullable now.

See Also

  • session_regenerate_id() - Update the current session id with a newly generated one
  • session_start() - Start new or resume existing session
  • session_set_save_handler() - Sets user-level session storage functions
  • session.save_handler

Riikka K

7 years ago

It may be good to note that PHP does not allow arbitrary session ids. The session id validation in PHP source is defined in ext/session/session.c in the function php_session_valid_key:

To put it short, a valid session id may consists of digits, letters A to Z (both upper and lower case), comma and dash. Described as a character class, it would be [-,a-zA-Z0-9]. A valid session id may have the length between 1 and 128 characters. To validate session ids, the easiest way to do it use a function like:

function session_valid_id($session_id)
preg_match('/^[-,a-zA-Z0-9]{1,128}$/', $session_id) > 0;

session_id() itself will happily accept invalid session ids, but if you try to start a session using an invalid id, you will get the following error:

Warning: session_start(): The session id is too long or contains illegal characters, valid characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and '-,'

gmillikan at t1shopper dot com

7 years ago

session_id() URL-decodes the session value.   For example let's say we use setcookie() to push a cookie down to a web browser.  When the browser makes the next page request the browser sends the cookie back up to us with headers like this:  Cookie: PHPSESSID=enGHumY%2C-2De-F-TDzNHVmE%2ChY5;

If we use session_id() to read the cookie it will output a value of this: enGHumY,-2De-F-TDzNHVmE,hY5

The two values don't match!  Use either setrawcookie() or URL encode if you wish to match the original value.

ab at ixo point ca

11 years ago

I was perplexed by inconsistent results with the session ID depending on whether I retrieve it using SID, COOKIE, or session_id().  I have found that session_id() is the most reliable method, whereas SID and COOKIE["PHPSESSIONID"] are sometimes undefined.

I used this simple script to quickly test the problem on my servers:

$a = session_id();
$a)) session_start();
"SID: ".SID."
session_id(): "

Regardless of browser I see the COOKIE undefined on the first load and the other two defined, then SID is empty on subsequent reloads and COOKIE is defined, but session_id() is always defined.

If I insert the session_regenerate_id() method that jeff_zamrzla gives below the refresh the page, I get a new session_id() but the COOKIE value is initially the prior session_id() until I hit refresh a second time.  So again, session_id() proves to be the most reliable method.

It's probably not a bug since I found the behaviour to be consistent in PHP versions 5.2.14, 5.3.3 and 5.3.4, but I can't figure what I'm missing and hopefully this will help others who run into this.

Igor Oliveira Ferreira

7 years ago

This can looks obvious, but as me, you can spend some hours to make a simple session work between different browsers and devices. These are the basics for me, but you can build upon.

//defining the session_id() before session_start() is the secret
"Data: " . $_SESSION['theVar'];
//use your data before below commands
//common session statement goes here
$_SESSION['theVar'] = "theData";
"your.php?session_id=" . $session_id;

ohcc at 163 dot com

5 years ago

When session.use_strict_mode is set to 1 or true, you cannot use session_id($sid) to set the session id for the current session.
    ini_set('session.use_strict_mode', 1);
$sid = md5('');
var_dump(session_id() === $sid);// always false

Shiji Jiang

7 years ago

If you assign a specific session ID to a user in your applet, then do not run the following code either while logout,
session_regenerate_id();   instead.
OTHERWISE, setting the session id will no longer works for that user.


15 years ago

Regarding Colin's comment, note that setting hash_bits_per_character to 5 results in characters ranging from 0-9 and a-v. Most attackers would be wise enough to realize what was going on when they saw a letter in g-v.  The probability of not seeing a letter in g-v is somewhere around 2^-32.

karlhaines at comcast dot net

18 years ago

Rewriting URL's is not suggested for obvious security issues. Please be careful with register_globals when using sessions! Check that all information you recieve from a user is valid before accepting it!

dmeweb at dibsplace dot com

11 years ago

If you look at the notes on cookies (set_cookie I think), you will see that you can not read a cookie on the page that it is set.  That is because the cookies are sent with the page request which comes, of course, before your PHP is run.  You have to wait until the next page request from the same source to read the cookie.

Drugelis, Lietuva

12 years ago

I had a lot of trouble with session_regenerate_id() as it did not regenerate... Session_id() stayed the same no matter what (unless closing the window). I wanted to have different sid and empty vars for each session/page meeting a condition for security reasons.  Finally, this worked:

$a = session_id();
if (
$a == '') session_start();
if ( ...
add check if you want to regenerate and destroy vars on some condition only [recommended :)]...  )
session_unset(); //destroys variables
session_destroy() //destroys session;
}$a = session_id();
if (
$a == '') session_start();
if (!isset(
$_SESSION['safety'] = true;
$_SESSION['sessionid'] = session_id();

Now you get different sid and session variables empty for each session_start if condition is met (i.e. user hits refresh on user/password form, which I needed badly :). Hope this helps someone out there.
Env: localhost
Note: condition is mandatory, otherwise it destroys on each load.


4 years ago

The call session_id(null) and session_id() provides not the same result. It is imperative to pass no parameters to get correct results.


15 years ago

The higher you set session.hash_bits_per_character the shorter your session_id will become by using more bits per character. The possible values are 4, 5, or 6.

When using sha-1 for hashing (by setting ini_set('session.hash_function', 1) the following session string lengths are produced by the three session.hash_bits_per_character settings:

4 - 40 character string
5 - 32 character string
6 - 27 character string

It would seem desirable to use sha-l with 5 bits_per_character because this will emulate a standard 32 character md5 string and make a would-be attacker think that is what you're hashing with.

cbarnes at bfinity dot net

17 years ago

Note that Firefox and Mozilla use the same process for launching new windows or tabs, they will pick up the same session id as the previous windows until the parent process dies or is closed. This may cause undesired results if the session id is stored in a db and checked, a solution is to check at the new entry point (new tab or window if the user went back to the index page) for an existing session. If a session id exists and a new one is required use something like:

$ses_id = session_id();
$bsid_exists = false;
$bsid_exists = check_session_id_from_db($ses_id);
if (
//This is a reentry and the session already exists
// create a new session ID and start a new
$ses_id = session_id();


16 years ago

In response to simon at quo dot com dot au:

The PHPSESSID is produced using an hash function. By default, it uses MD5 which produces 128 bits long (i.e: 16 bytes long) hashes.
But, since some bytes' values may not be used in the HTTP header, PHP outputs the hash in its hexadecimal representation, thus resulting in a 32 bytes long text.

Starting with  PHP 5.0, you can change the hash function used (by setting "session.hash_function" to whatever function you want to use in php.ini).
You may for example set it to 1 to switch to SHA-1 which produces 160 bits (20 bytes) long hashes.

Please also note that another setting was introduced in PHP 5 (session.hash_bits_per_character) which sort of "compresses" the hash. Thus, resulting in what seems to be a shorter hash.
This feature helps you improve your application's security by producing IDs that are harder to prodict for a malicious attacker.

More information on those settings is provided on:

Dario Gomes

11 years ago

Gosh, took a LOOONG time to figure this one out! If you have suhosin built into your PHP and can't get sessions to work after changing the session id through session_id(), try turning off suhosin's session encryption option in php.ini with:


jpjounier at hotmail dot com

17 years ago

About the note from Cybertinus :

The following test doesn't work, the code following is always executed :

// Always executed even if there's already an opened session
} session_id() returns an empty string if there is no current session, so to test if a session already exists, it's better to write this :
if(session_id() == "")
// Anything you want


14 years ago

The documentation for session_id is incomplete when it says:
"For example, the file session handler only allows characters in the range a-z, A-Z and 0-9!".

It is untrue when changing the default for the session.hash_bits_per_character as Colin said. session_id may therefore contain "-" and ",".


11 years ago

In php version 5.3.2 in my case each time a new session-id was generated after session_start() but all was working before correctly in previous versions. So I lost data from my current session (wrong session-id). There was always a $_POST or $_GET or $_COOKIE available with the session-name and session-id, so session_start() was taken this automatically. Now I have to execute session_id(..old id ..) before session_start() and a session is started for the same id.

Andi, info at pragmaMx dot org

19 years ago

you can also add the iframe tag:
ini_set("url_rewriter.tags", "a=href,area=href,frame=src,iframe=src,input=src,form=fakeentry");

infinito84 at gmail dot com

8 years ago

Get a shared session.

Sometimes is good can interchange messages and vars between one session and another, but PHP dont support this. I create this script that allows with session_id() change from current session to shared session (this is, info with scope to all sessions) for read and write info and back in to user session. The code:



//Get current session
//Set a global session with session_id=1
//Get superglobal value
//Set the before session


//Get current session
//Set a global session with session_id=1
//Set superglobal value
//Set the before session
    //Begin my session normally
//Get the superglobal
//Set the superglobal test with empty array if this dont set
//Get the superglobal
//Set values for each reload page and save the session_id that create it
$test[]="]."'>Value: ".rand(0,100)." SessionID: $id
//Save the superglobal
//Show the superglobal
foreach($test as $t){
"Reloads = ".$_SESSION['count'].", ]."'>This my color"



How do I find my current session ID?

Before getting a session id you need to start a session and that is done by using: session_start() function. Now that you have started a session you can get a session id by using: session_id().

What is PHP session ID?

PHP - session_id() Function Sessions or session handling is a way to make the data available across various pages of a web application. The session_id() function is used to set or retrieve a custom id to the current.

How does PHP generate session ID?

The session id is a random value generated when a session is started. The session id is stored as a cookie in the browser such that on subsequent visits the data stored in the session can be loaded and reused. This issue is about the session id (cookie value) and not about the session name (cookie name).

What will the function session ID () return?

session_id() returns the session id for the current session or the empty string ( "" ) if there is no current session (no current session id exists). On failure, false is returned.