How do you fix not enough memory to run Microsoft Excel Please close other applications and try again?

When using the Microsoft Excel application, memory problems are fairly typical. One of the Excel error messages obstructs the user’s productivity and it is quite difficult to fix the ‘There Isn’t Enough Memory’ error. In this article, we will demonstrate the causes of this problem and some effective ways to fix the error in excel ‘There Isn’t Enough Memory’.

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Similar Interpretation of ‘There Isn’t Enough Memory’ Error Message

The error can appear in a variety of message formats, all of which have nearly the very same interpretation. Since each instance of Microsoft Excel is limited, that’s the main reason that error messages occur. While dealing with a file in Microsoft Excel, we may see one of the accompanying error messages.

  • There isn’t enough memory to complete this action. Reduce the amount of data by shutting other programs. Consider the following to boost memory availability:
  1. Use the 64-bit version of Microsoft Excel.
  2. Increasing the amount of RAM on your device.
  • Out of Memory.
  • Not enough System Resources to Display Completely.
  • Excel cannot complete this task with available resources. Choose less data or close other applications.

While working with Excel, if anyone received one of these messages, it’s time to learn more about the problems and effects. We could believe we have sorted it out from error messages’ directions, but their comprehensive approach allows them to not always indicate the true source of the issue.

There could be a variety of reasons for such problems, and we’ll try to figure out how to overcome them when we encounter them.

8 Reasons & Solutions to ‘There Isn’t Enough Memory’ Error in Excel

Excel memory issues can arise in a variety of ways, preventing the user from performing a specific task.

Reason 1: ’There Isn’t Enough Memory’ Error will Show If too Many Workbooks are Active

The available RAM limits the number of excel workbooks we can be open or active at a time and the number of spreadsheets in each workbook. Excel has limited system resources and those limitations are designated by Microsoft in their Excel specifications and limits. So, if we work on too many workbooks at a time and those workbooks have too many spreadsheets. we may get the error in excel ‘There Isn’t Enough Memory’.

Solution: Dividing Massive Workbooks into Smaller Ones

To solve this problem, we can split the sheets into different workbooks. For this, follow the below steps:

  • Firstly, right-click on the sheet to which you want to move to.
  • After that, click ok Move or Copy.

How do you fix not enough memory to run Microsoft Excel Please close other applications and try again?

  • This will open the Move or Copy dialog box. Now, select a new book from the drop-down menu and checkmark the box Create a copy.
  • And, finally, click on the OK button.

How do you fix not enough memory to run Microsoft Excel Please close other applications and try again?

  • By doing this, the sheets will be divided and the error message will not show again.

Read More: [Fixed] Excel Print Error Not Enough Memory

Reason 2: A large Workbook in 32-bit Edition will Reveal ‘There Isn’t Enough Memory’ Error

We may get an error ‘There Isn’t Enough Memory’ when dealing with large workbooks in the 32-bit Excel edition. The virtual destination address available to Excel in the 32-bit edition is limited to 2 GB. That means, while working with excel workbooks, it must share the space with Excel applications and the installed add-ins. As a result, 32-bit edition excel workbooks have to be substantially smaller than 2GB in order to ensure a smooth workflow without stalling memory errors.

Solution: Upgrade from a 32-bit to a 64-bit Version of Excel

To upgrade 32-bit to 64-bit, we need to go through the steps below:

  • Firstly, go to the File tab from the ribbon.

How do you fix not enough memory to run Microsoft Excel Please close other applications and try again?

  • Then, simply click ok Account.

How do you fix not enough memory to run Microsoft Excel Please close other applications and try again?

  • Finally, select Update Now from the Update Options.

How do you fix not enough memory to run Microsoft Excel Please close other applications and try again?

  • By updating the version, the memory error will be solved.

Read More: How to Fix #REF! Error in Excel (6 Solutions)

Reason 3: Complex Calculations with a Lot of Data Causing the Memory Error

While working in Excel spreadsheets, when we enter rows and columns, copy and paste, or perform computations, the error could be caused by a recalculation of formulas. Overall, the complexity of the spreadsheet, such as the number of formulas it contains or how it is constructed, can cause Excel to run out of resources.

Solution: Adjust the Number of Cells in the Range

Excel has a limitation of 32,760 cells, so if the range of our cell is more than this we will get the error message. So, while working on excel, make sure that the range of the cells is less than the limitation.

Read More: Errors in Excel and Their Meaning (15 Different Errors)

Similar Readings

  • How to Find Reference Errors in Excel (3 Easy Methods)
  • How to Fix “Fixed Objects Will Move” in Excel (4 Solutions)
  • Excel VBA: Turn Off the “On Error Resume Next”

Reason 4: Attempting to Copy Formulas Across a Large Area in Excel

If the Excel file is huge or contains many features, these error messages will appear when we try to duplicate or insert formulas into a big region on the worksheet. Because the Excel 32-bit versions which are Excel 2007, 2010, and 2013, are limited by the 2GB limit or 32,760 source cells. Attempting to work with big areas of the worksheet will only result in this error.

Solution: Use a Manual One Instead of an Automatic Calculator

In excel the formulas which we use for calculation will automatically be copied into other cells. We can change to automatically calculate the formula to manually calculate the formulas in excel. For this:

  • Go to the File tab in the first place.

How do you fix not enough memory to run Microsoft Excel Please close other applications and try again?

  • In the second place, click on the Options menu.

How do you fix not enough memory to run Microsoft Excel Please close other applications and try again?

  • This will open the Excel options pop-up window. Now, go to Formulas, and under Calculation options, select Manual and click OK.

How do you fix not enough memory to run Microsoft Excel Please close other applications and try again?

  • Instead of doing this, you can go to the Formula tab on the ribbon.
  • And, further, select Manual from Calculation Options under the Calculation category.

How do you fix not enough memory to run Microsoft Excel Please close other applications and try again?

  • As a result, your problem will be solved.

Read More: Excel Error: The Number in This Cell is Formatted as Text (6 Fixes)

Reason 5: Supplementary Excel Add-ins Causes the Memory Error

Sometimes we install so many add-ins and use them to our advantage. But those add-ins consume too much memory in Excel, and we already know that Excel has limited memory. So, those extra add-ins can show the ‘There Isn’t Enough Memory’ error.

By removing the extra add-ins, the error message will not show up again. To do this:

  • First, go to File > Options > Add-ins.
  • Then, click on the add-in that you want to remove from your excel sheet.
  • Under Manage, select your preferred option and then click Go.
  • Finally, when you are all set up click the OK button to close the Excel Options dialog.

How do you fix not enough memory to run Microsoft Excel Please close other applications and try again?

  • By removing those extra add-ins the memory error will be solved quickly.

Reason 6: Excel Spreadsheet’s Other Components

Complicated PivotTables, extra shapes, macros, complex charts with many data points, and other parts of spreadsheets can all cause Excel memory issues.

Solution: Reduce the Number of Complex Features

Sometimes, those extra features have no work in our spreadsheet. Simply just put the important features, and removing the extra feature can solve the Excel memory errors.

Reason 7: Other Potential Uses Which Causing ‘There Isn’t Enough Memory’ Error in Excel

Other applications or programs on the computer are using up all of the machine’s memory, so excel has insufficient memory to work with.

Solution: Close Any Other Programs That are Consuming too Much RAM

While working on excel, we may don’t need other programs. To close those programs, follow the steps:

  • In the beginning, right-click on the taskbar and click on Task Manager.

How do you fix not enough memory to run Microsoft Excel Please close other applications and try again?

  • This will take you to the Task Manager dialog box. Now, select the program that you don’t need while working on an excel file.
  • Click on End Task.

How do you fix not enough memory to run Microsoft Excel Please close other applications and try again?

  • By closing, those extra programs will solve the problem.

Reason 8: Keeping Sheet in .Xlsb Format can be a Reason for Memory Error

Sometimes, we need to save our worksheets in .xlsb format, which means the sheets are now converted as binary sheets. And, we all know that binary takes more memory than normal format. So, converting the sheet to binary can cause a memory error.

Solution: Save Excel File in Normal Format

While saving the file, keep the file format as .xlsx.

How do you fix not enough memory to run Microsoft Excel Please close other applications and try again?

And, the error message in excel which is ‘There Isn’t Enough Memory’ will not show up again.

Read More: Reasons and Corrections of NAME Error in Excel (10 Examples)

Similar Readings:

  • On Error Resume Next: Handling Error in Excel VBA
  • [Fixed] Excel Print Error Not Enough Memory
  • How to Fix #REF! Error in Excel (6 Solutions)
  • Excel VBA: Turn Off the “On Error Resume Next”
  • How to Fix “Fixed Objects Will Move” in Excel (4 Solutions)

Other Solutions to ‘There Isn’t Enough Memory’ Error in Excel

If those methods do not work and you get the error message, again and again, these two solutions may help you out.

1. Turn Off the Hardware Graphics Acceleration

If we disable the graphics acceleration, it will save our memory. To turn off the graphics acceleration:

  • First, go to the File tab on the ribbon.
  • Then, click on Options.
  • After that, the Excel Options dialog box will appear.
  • Now, go to the Advanced option and checkmark Disable hardware graphics acceleration then, click OK.

How do you fix not enough memory to run Microsoft Excel Please close other applications and try again?

  • This will solve the problem.

2. Fix Memory Error from Excel Options

We can fix the problem ‘There Isn’t Enough Memory’. We can do this from the excel trust center. To do this:

  • First, go to the File tab > Options > Trust Center.
  • Second, click on the Trust Center Settings.

How do you fix not enough memory to run Microsoft Excel Please close other applications and try again?

  • This will open the Trust Center Settings.
  • Now, go to Protected View and uncheck the three-box, and click OK.

How do you fix not enough memory to run Microsoft Excel Please close other applications and try again?

  • This will surely solve the ‘There Isn’t Enough Memory’ error in excel.

Read More: [Fixed] Excel Found a Problem with One or More Formula References in This Worksheet


The above reasons with solutions will assist you to fix the ‘There Isn’t Enough Memory’ error in Excel. Hope this will help you! If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback please let us know in the comment section. Or you can have a glance at our other articles in the blog!

  • How to Correct a Spill (#SPILL!) Error in Excel (7 Easy Fixes)
  • [Fixed] Excel Found a Problem with One or More Formula References in This Worksheet
  • On Error Resume Next: Handling Error in Excel VBA
  • How to Remove Value Error in Excel (4 Quick Methods)
  • REF Error in Excel (9 Suitable Examples)
  • VALUE Error in Excel: 7 Reasons with Solutions

How do I clear memory in Excel?

Clear Cache in Excel.
Clear Cache in Excel. ... .
In the Upload Center window, click on Settings..
In the Microsoft Office Upload Center Settings window, under Cache Settings, click on Delete cached files..
In the pop-up window, select Delete cached information..
As a result, the cache is cleared..

Why is Excel saying out of memory?

Instead of advising that one can not do such an action, Excel says either out of memory or out of resources. It can happen if one is trying to paste a selection containing hidden cells or has merged cells. Try unhiding all rows and columns and then doing the copy and paste.