How do you write hello world in css?


After discussing what CSS is and why you should use it, you're probably eager to see it in action. If you're reading this in your webbrowser, then you can already see CSS doing its magic - from header colors and sizes to code sample boxes, menus, lists and pretty much anything else - if it has a background, a border, a different text size or color, then it's likely the thanks to CSS. However, that might be a bit too complex to comprehend at the moment, so let's bring it down to a much more basic level.

Throughout the history of programming, every tutorial with respect for itself has started with a "Hello, world!" example, with the sole purpose of showing the most basic way to bring the text "Hello, world!" to the user's screen. This could however easily be accomplished in pure HTML, without the use of any CSS, so we'll spice it up just a bit with a different color:

Hello, world!

That's it - we just wrote our first CSS rule, targeted toward the H1 tag and used it to change the text color, using the color property and a color value called DeepSkyBlue. You can check the result by pasting the code into your editor or simply by clicking the test button above the code sample.


As you can probably see, CSS is a fairly simple language, but fear not if you didn't quite understand our first example. In the next chapter, we'll discuss what the above CSS code actually means and why it's written the way it is.

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Welcome to Learn HTML, the easiest way to learn HTML & CSS online, interactively.

Learning HTML & CSS is essential for any web developer, and does not require to know how to program using JavaScript.

Before you begin, I would recommend that you start out by downloading an HTML & CSS IDE. My personal preference is to use an IDE by JetBrains. You can download the PyCharm Community Edition for free, which has really good HTML, CSS and JavaScript development support built-in, along with all the goodies that a good IDE provides - source code integration, code refactoring, automatic indentation, syntax highlighting, comparison tool, etc.

Here is a list of HTML, CSS and JavaScript editors you can choose from:

  • VS Code (free, recommended) -
  • Atom (Free) -
  • JetBrains WebStorm (Commercial) -
  • Sublime Text (Commercial) -
  • Notepad++ (Windows only) -

In this tutorial you won't actually need an IDE, because all coding is done online.


HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a standard developed over the years to convey information over the internet by using "hyperlinks" - or just links as we know them today. As opposed to a PDF, an HTML page is much more dynamic in nature, letting you browse the web by clicking on links and interacting with the page. Links could take you either to a different location within the current page, or to a different page over the internet.

The last version of HTML is HTML 5.0, which has a LOT more capabilities than what the web originally had in mind. HTML 5 is an extremely comprehensive platform that allows creating a high-end user interface together with the power of CSS and JavaScript. HTML 5 is so powerful that it has managed to deprecate Adobe Flash, Microsoft's Silverlight, and just about all HTML plugins such as video players, Java applets, and more.

So what is the difference between HTML, CSS, and JavaScript? First of all, they can all be encapsulated within an HTML page, meaning that the browser starts by loading an HTML page, and only then it knows what to load from there.

  • An HTML page is an HTML document that defines the content of the page by using a special markup similar to XML.
  • A CSS stylesheet defines the style of the HTML elements in the page. It is either embeeded within an HTML page or loaded using the tag.
  • JavaScript is the programming language used to interact with the HTML page through an API called the DOM (Document Object Model) Bindings. In other words, the DOM Bindings are the glue between the programming language and the HTML page that was initially loaded into the browser.

The basics of this tutorial cover HTML and CSS. The advanced sections also assume knowledge in programming and JavaScript. To learn JavaScript, go to

We will be using a CSS framework called Bootstrap by Twitter, the most common CSS library out there today. The basic principles of a CSS library is pretty much the same - they are all based on the "grid system", which is an easy way to define the layout of an HTML page - a methodology that was developed over the years in web development.

Your first HTML Page

Let's start by creating a simple HTML page. An HTML page has the following basic layout:


Let's start by creating a simple page that contains the phrase "Hello, World!" in the body. The page will also have a title - that thing that shows up in the title of the tab in your browser. The </code> element defines the title of the HTML page.</p><p>The <code><!DOCTYPE html></code> tag defines the document type that the browser is going to render. This is used for legacy reasons. If you want to get to the latest version of HTML (HTML5) then it's recommended to use this tag.</p><p>The <code><p></code> element defines a "paragraph", a block of text that has a small amount of spacing in between its top and bottom.</p><p>Notice how the tags have a start tag and an end tag denoted with a slash (<code></p></code>). Everything in between is the content of the tag. The content of a tag can usually have additional HTML tags within them.</p><pre><code><!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Example

This is an example of a simple HTML page with one paragraph.

You may also copy and paste this code into a new file in your text editor or IDE, and save the file as "index.html". The "index.html" file is the default file that a web server will look for when accessing a website. After saving the file, you can double click it to open it with your browser.

Now that we know the basic structure of an HTML page, let's try it out.


  1. Add an HTML </code> tag with the text "Hello, World!"</li><li>Add a paragraph (<code><p></code> tag) to the body with the text "Hello, World!"</li></ol></p><div class='paramage'></div> <div class="contenBreak"></div> <h3 id="how-do-you-type-hello-world-in-html">How do you type Hello World in HTML?</h3> <div class="blockAnswer_acceptedAnswer"><span class="FCUp0c rQMQod">Add an HTML <title> tag with the text "Hello, World!"</span> <span class="FCUp0c rQMQod">Add a paragraph ( <p> tag) to the body with the text "Hello, World!"</span></div> <h3 id="how-do-you-say-hello-world-in-code">How do you say hello world in code?</h3> <div class="blockAnswer_acceptedAnswer"><div class='ListData'><span class="FCUp0c rQMQod">Basic example: Creating and running “Hello World”</span>.</div> <div class='ListData'>Create the following C program and name the source file hello.c : #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { printf("Hello World!\n"); return 0; }.</div> <div class='ListData'>Compile the program: ... .</div> <div class='ListData'>Run the program by entering the following command: ./hello..</div> </div> <h3 id="how-do-you-code-in-css">How do you code in CSS?</h3> <div class="blockAnswer_acceptedAnswer"><div class='ListData'>CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is the code that styles web content. 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