How does react javascript generate random numbers?

Generate a random number in React #

Use the Math.random[] function to generate a random number in React, e.g. Math.floor[Math.random[] * [max - min + 1]] + min. The Math.random function returns a number in the range 0 to less than 1 but can also be used to generate a number in a specific range.


import {useState} from 'react'; const App = [] => { const [num, setNum] = useState[0]; function randomNumberInRange[min, max] { // 👇️ get number between min [inclusive] and max [inclusive] return Math.floor[Math.random[] * [max - min + 1]] + min; } const handleClick = [] => { setNum[randomNumberInRange[1, 5]]; }; return [ number is: {num} Generate random number ]; }; export default App;

The code snippet above uses the Math.random[] function to generate a number in the range 1 [inclusive] to 5 [inclusive].

If you don't need to generate a number in a specific range, but simply need a random number, you can use the Math.random[] function directly.


console.log[Math.random[]]; // 👉️ 0.9349907593750104 console.log[Math.random[]]; // 👉️ 0.1028502928025743 console.log[Math.random[]]; // 👉️ 0.9268013352071363

If you need to generate a random number every N seconds and render it in your component, use the useEffect hook to set up the interval.


import {useEffect, useState} from 'react'; const App = [] => { const [num, setNum] = useState[0]; function randomNumberInRange[min, max] { // 👇️ get number between min [inclusive] and max [inclusive] return Math.floor[Math.random[] * [max - min + 1]] + min; } useEffect[[] => { const interval = setInterval[[] => { // 👇️ generate random number between 1 and 10 setNum[randomNumberInRange[1, 10]]; }, 1000]; // 👈️ runs every 1 second return [] => { clearInterval[interval]; }; }, []]; return [ number is: {num} ]; }; export default App;

The example above uses the setInterval[] method to invoke a function every 1 second.

The second parameter we passed to the setInterval[] method is the delay [in milliseconds] between invocations of the function.

If you don't pass an argument for the delay, it defaults to 0.

In the function, we generate a random number between 1 and 10 and update the state variable.

The function we returned from the useEffect hook is run when the component unmounts.

We used the clearInterval[] method to cancel the repeating action that we set up using setInterval.

This is something you should always do when using methods like setInterval[] or addEventListener[], because if you don't clean up when the component gets unmounted, you would get a memory leak in your application.

How does Reactjs generate random numbers?

Use the Math. random[] function to generate a random number in React, e.g. Math. floor[Math. random[] * [max - min + 1]] + min .

How are random numbers generated in JavaScript?

Javascript creates pseudo-random numbers with the function Math. random[] . This function takes no parameters and creates a random decimal number between 0 and 1. The returned value may be 0, but it will never be 1.

How does JavaScript generate 5 random numbers?

“generate 5 unique random numbers javascript” Code Answer.
var arr = [];.
while[arr. length < 8]{.
var r = Math. floor[Math. random[] * 100] + 1;.
if[arr. indexOf[r] === -1] arr. push[r];.
console. log[arr];.

How does React JS generate random password?

Using the State from React JS const generatePassword = [] => { // Create a random password const randomPassword = Math. random[]. toString[36].

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