Hướng dẫn how a variable is declared in php? - làm thế nào một biến được khai báo trong php?

Trong PHP, một biến được khai báo bằng cách sử dụng dấu $ theo sau là tên biến. Ở đây, một số điểm quan trọng cần biết về các biến:$ sign followed by the variable name. Here, some important points to know about variables:

  • Vì PHP là một ngôn ngữ được gõ lỏng lẻo, vì vậy chúng tôi không cần phải khai báo các loại dữ liệu của các biến. Nó tự động phân tích các giá trị và thực hiện chuyển đổi sang kiểu dữ liệu chính xác của nó.
  • Sau khi khai báo một biến, nó có thể được sử dụng lại trong suốt mã.
  • Toán tử gán (=) được sử dụng để gán giá trị cho một biến.

Cú pháp khai báo một biến trong PHP được đưa ra dưới đây:

Quy tắc khai báo biến PHP:

  • Một biến phải bắt đầu với một dấu hiệu đô la ($), theo sau là tên biến.
  • Nó chỉ có thể chứa ký tự alpha-numeric và dấu gạch dưới (A-Z, 0-9, _).
  • Một tên biến phải bắt đầu bằng một chữ cái hoặc ký tự dấu gạch dưới (_).
  • Một tên biến PHP không thể chứa khoảng trắng.
  • Một điều cần lưu ý rằng tên biến không thể bắt đầu với một số hoặc ký hiệu đặc biệt.
  • Các biến PHP có tính nhạy cảm với trường hợp, vì vậy $ name và $ name đều được coi là biến khác nhau.

Biến PHP: Khai báo chuỗi, số nguyên và float

Hãy xem ví dụ để lưu trữ các giá trị chuỗi, số nguyên và float trong các biến PHP.

Tệp: Biến1.php


string is: hello string
integer is: 200
float is: 44.6 

Biến PHP: tổng của hai biến

Tệp: Biến2.php


Biến PHP: Trường hợp nhạy cảm

Trong PHP, tên biến là trường hợp nhạy cảm. Vì vậy, tên biến "màu" khác với màu sắc, màu sắc, màu sắc, v.v.

Tệp: Biến3.php


My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

Biến PHP: Quy tắc

Các biến PHP phải bắt đầu bằng chữ cái hoặc dấu gạch dưới.

Biến PHP không thể bắt đầu với các số và ký hiệu đặc biệt.

Tệp: VarableValid.php


Tệp: VarableInvalid.php


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '4' (T_LNUMBER), expecting variable (T_VARIABLE)
 or '$' in C:\wamp\www\variableinvalid.php on line 2

PHP: Ngôn ngữ được gõ lỏng lẻo

PHP là một ngôn ngữ được đánh máy một cách lỏng lẻo, nó có nghĩa là PHP tự động chuyển đổi biến thành loại dữ liệu chính xác của nó.

Chrisnospam tại Kampmeier Dot Net

21 năm trước

Dlorre tại Yahoo Dot Com ¶

12 năm trước

Sebastopolys tại Gmail Dot Com ¶hello world.

2 tháng trước đây

Aycan yat ¶

9 năm trướcjson_decode() or SimpleXML).

Derek tại Deperu dot com

class foo {
$bar 'I am bar.';
$arr = array('I am A.''I am B.''I am C.');
$r   'I am r.';
$foo = new foo();
$bar 'bar';
$baz = array('foo''bar''baz''quux');
$foo->$bar "\n";
$foo->{$baz[1]} . "\n";$start 'b';
$end   'ar';
$foo->{$start $end} . "\n";$arr 'arr';
$foo->{$arr[1]} . "\n";?>

1 năm trước

The_Tevildo tại Yahoo Dot Com ¶
I am bar.
I am bar.
I am r.

15 năm trước

Coviex tại Gmail Dot Com ¶

Omar Juvera ¶

12 năm trước

//You can even add more Dollar Signs$Bar = "a";
$Foo = "Bar";
$World = "Foo";
$Hello = "World";
$a = "Hello";$a; //Returns Hello
$$a; //Returns World
$$$a; //Returns Foo
$$$$a; //Returns Bar
$$$$$a; //Returns a$$$$$$a; //Returns Hello
$$$$$$$a; //Returns World

  //... and so on ...//


Ẩn danh ¶

Sebastopolys tại Gmail Dot Com ¶

It may be worth specifically noting, if variable names follow some kind of "template," they can be referenced like this:

// Given these variables ...
$nameTypes    = array("first", "last", "company");
$name_first   = "John";
$name_last    = "Doe";
$name_company = "PHP.net";// Then this loop is ...
foreach($nameTypes as $type)
  print ${
"name_$type"} . "\n";// ... equivalent to this print statement.
print "$name_first\n$name_last\n$name_company\n";

This is apparent from the notes others have left, but is not explicitly stated.

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

2 tháng trước đây

14 năm trước

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

Chrisnospam tại Kampmeier Dot Net

20 năm trước

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '4' (T_LNUMBER), expecting variable (T_VARIABLE)
 or '$' in C:\wamp\www\variableinvalid.php on line 2

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '4' (T_LNUMBER), expecting variable (T_VARIABLE)
 or '$' in C:\wamp\www\variableinvalid.php on line 2

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

21 năm trước

20 năm trước

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '4' (T_LNUMBER), expecting variable (T_VARIABLE)
 or '$' in C:\wamp\www\variableinvalid.php on line 2

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '4' (T_LNUMBER), expecting variable (T_VARIABLE)
 or '$' in C:\wamp\www\variableinvalid.php on line 2

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '4' (T_LNUMBER), expecting variable (T_VARIABLE)
 or '$' in C:\wamp\www\variableinvalid.php on line 2

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '4' (T_LNUMBER), expecting variable (T_VARIABLE)
 or '$' in C:\wamp\www\variableinvalid.php on line 2

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '4' (T_LNUMBER), expecting variable (T_VARIABLE)
 or '$' in C:\wamp\www\variableinvalid.php on line 2

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '4' (T_LNUMBER), expecting variable (T_VARIABLE)
 or '$' in C:\wamp\www\variableinvalid.php on line 2

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '4' (T_LNUMBER), expecting variable (T_VARIABLE)
 or '$' in C:\wamp\www\variableinvalid.php on line 2

class foo {
$bar 'I am bar.';
$arr = array('I am A.''I am B.''I am C.');
$r   'I am r.';
$foo = new foo();
$bar 'bar';
$baz = array('foo''bar''baz''quux');
$foo->$bar "\n";
$foo->{$baz[1]} . "\n";$start 'b';
$end   'ar';
$foo->{$start $end} . "\n";$arr 'arr';
$foo->{$arr[1]} . "\n";?>

class foo {
$bar 'I am bar.';
$arr = array('I am A.''I am B.''I am C.');
$r   'I am r.';
$foo = new foo();
$bar 'bar';
$baz = array('foo''bar''baz''quux');
$foo->$bar "\n";
$foo->{$baz[1]} . "\n";$start 'b';
$end   'ar';
$foo->{$start $end} . "\n";$arr 'arr';
$foo->{$arr[1]} . "\n";?>

Dlorre tại Yahoo Dot Com ¶

15 năm trước

class foo {
$bar 'I am bar.';
$arr = array('I am A.''I am B.''I am C.');
$r   'I am r.';
$foo = new foo();
$bar 'bar';
$baz = array('foo''bar''baz''quux');
$foo->$bar "\n";
$foo->{$baz[1]} . "\n";$start 'b';
$end   'ar';
$foo->{$start $end} . "\n";$arr 'arr';
$foo->{$arr[1]} . "\n";?>

class foo {
$bar 'I am bar.';
$arr = array('I am A.''I am B.''I am C.');
$r   'I am r.';
$foo = new foo();
$bar 'bar';
$baz = array('foo''bar''baz''quux');
$foo->$bar "\n";
$foo->{$baz[1]} . "\n";$start 'b';
$end   'ar';
$foo->{$start $end} . "\n";$arr 'arr';
$foo->{$arr[1]} . "\n";?>

class foo {
$bar 'I am bar.';
$arr = array('I am A.''I am B.''I am C.');
$r   'I am r.';
$foo = new foo();
$bar 'bar';
$baz = array('foo''bar''baz''quux');
$foo->$bar "\n";
$foo->{$baz[1]} . "\n";$start 'b';
$end   'ar';
$foo->{$start $end} . "\n";$arr 'arr';
$foo->{$arr[1]} . "\n";?>

Coviex tại Gmail Dot Com ¶

Omar Juvera ¶

11 năm trước

class foo {
$bar 'I am bar.';
$arr = array('I am A.''I am B.''I am C.');
$r   'I am r.';
$foo = new foo();
$bar 'bar';
$baz = array('foo''bar''baz''quux');
$foo->$bar "\n";
$foo->{$baz[1]} . "\n";$start 'b';
$end   'ar';
$foo->{$start $end} . "\n";$arr 'arr';
$foo->{$arr[1]} . "\n";?>

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

class foo {
$bar 'I am bar.';
$arr = array('I am A.''I am B.''I am C.');
$r   'I am r.';
$foo = new foo();
$bar 'bar';
$baz = array('foo''bar''baz''quux');
$foo->$bar "\n";
$foo->{$baz[1]} . "\n";$start 'b';
$end   'ar';
$foo->{$start $end} . "\n";$arr 'arr';
$foo->{$arr[1]} . "\n";?>

class foo {
$bar 'I am bar.';
$arr = array('I am A.''I am B.''I am C.');
$r   'I am r.';
$foo = new foo();
$bar 'bar';
$baz = array('foo''bar''baz''quux');
$foo->$bar "\n";
$foo->{$baz[1]} . "\n";$start 'b';
$end   'ar';
$foo->{$start $end} . "\n";$arr 'arr';
$foo->{$arr[1]} . "\n";?>

Mstearne tại Entermix Dot Com ¶

DNL tại au dot ru ¶



My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

Correojulian33-php tại Yahoo Dot es ¶

12 năm trước




My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

Sebastopolys tại Gmail Dot Com ¶

13 năm trước


Ẩn danh ¶

20 năm trước



//You can even add more Dollar Signs$Bar = "a";
$Foo = "Bar";
$World = "Foo";
$Hello = "World";
$a = "Hello";$a; //Returns Hello
$$a; //Returns World
$$$a; //Returns Foo
$$$$a; //Returns Bar
$$$$$a; //Returns a$$$$$$a; //Returns Hello
$$$$$$$a; //Returns World

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

Marcin Dot Dzdza tại Gmail Dot Com ¶

3 năm trước

//You can even add more Dollar Signs$Bar = "a";
$Foo = "Bar";
$World = "Foo";
$Hello = "World";
$a = "Hello";$a; //Returns Hello
$$a; //Returns World
$$$a; //Returns Foo
$$$$a; //Returns Bar
$$$$$a; //Returns a$$$$$$a; //Returns Hello
$$$$$$$a; //Returns World

sir_hmba tại yahoo dot com ¶

19 năm trước

//You can even add more Dollar Signs$Bar = "a";
$Foo = "Bar";
$World = "Foo";
$Hello = "World";
$a = "Hello";$a; //Returns Hello
$$a; //Returns World
$$$a; //Returns Foo
$$$$a; //Returns Bar
$$$$$a; //Returns a$$$$$$a; //Returns Hello
$$$$$$$a; //Returns World

//You can even add more Dollar Signs$Bar = "a";
$Foo = "Bar";
$World = "Foo";
$Hello = "World";
$a = "Hello";$a; //Returns Hello
$$a; //Returns World
$$$a; //Returns Foo
$$$$a; //Returns Bar
$$$$$a; //Returns a$$$$$$a; //Returns Hello
$$$$$$$a; //Returns World

//You can even add more Dollar Signs$Bar = "a";
$Foo = "Bar";
$World = "Foo";
$Hello = "World";
$a = "Hello";$a; //Returns Hello
$$a; //Returns World
$$$a; //Returns Foo
$$$$a; //Returns Bar
$$$$$a; //Returns a$$$$$$a; //Returns Hello
$$$$$$$a; //Returns World

//You can even add more Dollar Signs$Bar = "a";
$Foo = "Bar";
$World = "Foo";
$Hello = "World";
$a = "Hello";$a; //Returns Hello
$$a; //Returns World
$$$a; //Returns Foo
$$$$a; //Returns Bar
$$$$$a; //Returns a$$$$$$a; //Returns Hello
$$$$$$$a; //Returns World

//You can even add more Dollar Signs$Bar = "a";
$Foo = "Bar";
$World = "Foo";
$Hello = "World";
$a = "Hello";$a; //Returns Hello
$$a; //Returns World
$$$a; //Returns Foo
$$$$a; //Returns Bar
$$$$$a; //Returns a$$$$$$a; //Returns Hello
$$$$$$$a; //Returns World

Vwuhanqinb tại Gmail Dot Com ¶

4 năm trước

//You can even add more Dollar Signs$Bar = "a";
$Foo = "Bar";
$World = "Foo";
$Hello = "World";
$a = "Hello";$a; //Returns Hello
$$a; //Returns World
$$$a; //Returns Foo
$$$$a; //Returns Bar
$$$$$a; //Returns a$$$$$$a; //Returns Hello
$$$$$$$a; //Returns World

nils dot rocine tại gmail dot com ¶

10 năm trước

//You can even add more Dollar Signs$Bar = "a";
$Foo = "Bar";
$World = "Foo";
$Hello = "World";
$a = "Hello";$a; //Returns Hello
$$a; //Returns World
$$$a; //Returns Foo
$$$$a; //Returns Bar
$$$$$a; //Returns a$$$$$$a; //Returns Hello
$$$$$$$a; //Returns World

  //... and so on ...//0

  //... and so on ...//1

  //... and so on ...//2

  //... and so on ...//3

  //... and so on ...//4

sự vô tính tại gmail dot com ¶

14 năm trước

  //... and so on ...//5

  //... and so on ...//6

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

Chrisnospam tại Kampmeier Dot Net

21 năm trước

  //... and so on ...//8

  //... and so on ...//9

?> 0

?> 1

Dlorre tại Yahoo Dot Com ¶

12 năm trước

?> 2

?> 3

?> 4

?> 5

?> 6

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

Sebastopolys tại Gmail Dot Com ¶

2 tháng trước đây

?> 8

?> 9

It may be worth specifically noting, if variable names follow some kind of "template," they can be referenced like this:0

It may be worth specifically noting, if variable names follow some kind of "template," they can be referenced like this:1

Ẩn danh ¶

2 tháng trước đây

It may be worth specifically noting, if variable names follow some kind of "template," they can be referenced like this:2

It may be worth specifically noting, if variable names follow some kind of "template," they can be referenced like this:3

It may be worth specifically noting, if variable names follow some kind of "template," they can be referenced like this:4

It may be worth specifically noting, if variable names follow some kind of "template," they can be referenced like this:5

It may be worth specifically noting, if variable names follow some kind of "template," they can be referenced like this:6

It may be worth specifically noting, if variable names follow some kind of "template," they can be referenced like this:7

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

Aycan yat ¶

9 năm trước

It may be worth specifically noting, if variable names follow some kind of "template," they can be referenced like this:9

// Given these variables ...
$nameTypes    = array("first", "last", "company");
$name_first   = "John";
$name_last    = "Doe";
$name_company = "PHP.net";// Then this loop is ...
foreach($nameTypes as $type)
  print ${
"name_$type"} . "\n";// ... equivalent to this print statement.
print "$name_first\n$name_last\n$name_company\n";

This is apparent from the notes others have left, but is not explicitly stated.

// Given these variables ...
$nameTypes    = array("first", "last", "company");
$name_first   = "John";
$name_last    = "Doe";
$name_company = "PHP.net";// Then this loop is ...
foreach($nameTypes as $type)
  print ${
"name_$type"} . "\n";// ... equivalent to this print statement.
print "$name_first\n$name_last\n$name_company\n";

This is apparent from the notes others have left, but is not explicitly stated.

// Given these variables ...
$nameTypes    = array("first", "last", "company");
$name_first   = "John";
$name_last    = "Doe";
$name_company = "PHP.net";// Then this loop is ...
foreach($nameTypes as $type)
  print ${
"name_$type"} . "\n";// ... equivalent to this print statement.
print "$name_first\n$name_last\n$name_company\n";

This is apparent from the notes others have left, but is not explicitly stated.

// Given these variables ...
$nameTypes    = array("first", "last", "company");
$name_first   = "John";
$name_last    = "Doe";
$name_company = "PHP.net";// Then this loop is ...
foreach($nameTypes as $type)
  print ${
"name_$type"} . "\n";// ... equivalent to this print statement.
print "$name_first\n$name_last\n$name_company\n";

This is apparent from the notes others have left, but is not explicitly stated.

// Given these variables ...
$nameTypes    = array("first", "last", "company");
$name_first   = "John";
$name_last    = "Doe";
$name_company = "PHP.net";// Then this loop is ...
foreach($nameTypes as $type)
  print ${
"name_$type"} . "\n";// ... equivalent to this print statement.
print "$name_first\n$name_last\n$name_company\n";

This is apparent from the notes others have left, but is not explicitly stated.

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

Derek tại Deperu dot com

1 năm trước

// Given these variables ...
$nameTypes    = array("first", "last", "company");
$name_first   = "John";
$name_last    = "Doe";
$name_company = "PHP.net";// Then this loop is ...
foreach($nameTypes as $type)
  print ${
"name_$type"} . "\n";// ... equivalent to this print statement.
print "$name_first\n$name_last\n$name_company\n";

This is apparent from the notes others have left, but is not explicitly stated.

// Given these variables ...
$nameTypes    = array("first", "last", "company");
$name_first   = "John";
$name_last    = "Doe";
$name_company = "PHP.net";// Then this loop is ...
foreach($nameTypes as $type)
  print ${
"name_$type"} . "\n";// ... equivalent to this print statement.
print "$name_first\n$name_last\n$name_company\n";

This is apparent from the notes others have left, but is not explicitly stated.

// Given these variables ...
$nameTypes    = array("first", "last", "company");
$name_first   = "John";
$name_last    = "Doe";
$name_company = "PHP.net";// Then this loop is ...
foreach($nameTypes as $type)
  print ${
"name_$type"} . "\n";// ... equivalent to this print statement.
print "$name_first\n$name_last\n$name_company\n";

This is apparent from the notes others have left, but is not explicitly stated.

// Given these variables ...
$nameTypes    = array("first", "last", "company");
$name_first   = "John";
$name_last    = "Doe";
$name_company = "PHP.net";// Then this loop is ...
foreach($nameTypes as $type)
  print ${
"name_$type"} . "\n";// ... equivalent to this print statement.
print "$name_first\n$name_last\n$name_company\n";

This is apparent from the notes others have left, but is not explicitly stated.

The_Tevildo tại Yahoo Dot Com ¶

15 năm trước

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

Coviex tại Gmail Dot Com ¶

9 năm trước

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

Derek tại Deperu dot com

1 năm trước

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

The_Tevildo tại Yahoo Dot Com ¶

21 năm trước

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

Dlorre tại Yahoo Dot Com ¶

21 năm trước

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

Dlorre tại Yahoo Dot Com ¶

14 năm trước

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

Chrisnospam tại Kampmeier Dot Net

20 năm trước

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

21 năm trước

4 năm trước

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

nils dot rocine tại gmail dot com ¶

10 năm trước

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

sự vô tính tại gmail dot com ¶

14 năm trước

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is 

My car is red
Notice: Undefined variable: COLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 4
My house is 
Notice: Undefined variable: coLOR in C:\wamp\www\variable.php on line 5
My boat is