Kick user off remote Desktop session

  • Kick user off remote Desktop session
    Avijit Dutta
    • Jul 25, 2019
    • 2 min read

How to Logoff/Kill Remote Desktop Sessions?

Updated: Aug 29, 2020

Article No :: KB00007

In the Windows Servers, by default, there are only two remote desktop sessions allowed (until you have taken an RDP license). In multiple situations, you find that you cant connect/login into the server via RDP/MSTSC because two sessions are already active or in disconnected mode. You get the error msg "Remote Desktop Disconnected", "This computer cant connect to the remote computer."

Permission/Access required - You must be the part of the local administrator group of the remote server to kill/reset the disconnected or active sessions.

Applies to - Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008

Query the Remote Server for Current Terminal Sessions

QWinSta - Displays information about sessions on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server

First, we query to list the sessions on the remote server.

Command for Query the Server Sessions is

qwinsta /server:[ServerIP/Hostname]


qwinsta /server:

qwinsta / or myserver.contoso.local

Output of Command

C:>qwinsta /


0 Disc rdpwd

ica-tcp 65536 Listen wdica

rdp-tcp 65537 Listen rdpwd

console 16 Conn wdcon

ica-tcp#966 avijitd 10 Active wdica

ica-tcp#969 deepakk 1 Active wdica

Note: Please take a note of the session ID from the Query command. In the above example, if i have to disconnect the session of User "avijitd" then the session id is "10".

Logoff/Kill the Remote Desktop Sessions

RWinSta - Enables you to reset (delete) a session on a Remote Desktop Session Host (rd Session Host) server.

Command for Release the Server Sessions

rwinsta [Session ID] /server:[Server IP]

Example: We will kill/logoff the remote session of user "avijitd" whose session ID is "10"

rwinsta 10 /server:

rwinsta 10 / or myserver.contoso.local

Note: RWinsta command does not return anything.

Some good books related to Windows Hacks and Microsoft Azure Cloud. Do check it out.

#KillRemoteSession #RemoteDesktopSession #QWinSta #RWinSta #LogoffRemoteSession #WindowsServer #RDPSession #MSTSCSession #Server

  • Remote Desktop Sessions
  • Kill Sessions
  • Remote Logoff
  • KillRemoteSession
  • Kill Remote Session
  • QWinSta
  • RWinSta
  • LogoffRemoteSession
  • RDPSession
  • MSTSCSession
  • Kill MSTSC Session
  • Kill RDP Session
  • Tip of the Day
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Article No :: KB00007

In the Windows Servers, by default, there are only two remote desktop sessions allowed (until you have taken an RDP license). In multiple situations, you find that you cant connect/login into the server via RDP/MSTSC because two sessions are already active or in disconnected mode. You get the error msg "Remote Desktop Disconnected", "This computer cant connect to the remote computer."

Permission/Access required - You must be the part of the local administrator group of the remote server to kill/reset the disconnected or active sessions.

Applies to - Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008

Query the Remote Server for Current Terminal Sessions

QWinSta - Displays information about sessions on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server

First, we query to list the sessions on the remote server.

Command for Query the Server Sessions is

qwinsta /server:[ServerIP/Hostname]


qwinsta /server:

qwinsta / or myserver.contoso.local

Output of Command

C:>qwinsta /


0 Disc rdpwd

ica-tcp 65536 Listen wdica

rdp-tcp 65537 Listen rdpwd

console 16 Conn wdcon

ica-tcp#966 avijitd 10 Active wdica

ica-tcp#969 deepakk 1 Active wdica

Note: Please take a note of the session ID from the Query command. In the above example, if i have to disconnect the session of User "avijitd" then the session id is "10".

Logoff/Kill the Remote Desktop Sessions

RWinSta - Enables you to reset (delete) a session on a Remote Desktop Session Host (rd Session Host) server.

Command for Release the Server Sessions

rwinsta [Session ID] /server:[Server IP]

Example: We will kill/logoff the remote session of user "avijitd" whose session ID is "10"

rwinsta 10 /server:

rwinsta 10 / or myserver.contoso.local

Note: RWinsta command does not return anything.

Some good books related to Windows Hacks and Microsoft Azure Cloud. Do check it out.

#KillRemoteSession #RemoteDesktopSession #QWinSta #RWinSta #LogoffRemoteSession #WindowsServer #RDPSession #MSTSCSession #Server