Kose softymo cleansing oil review indonesia

Kose Cosmeport Softymo Speedy Cleansing Oil can quickly remove all trace of makeup, including stubborn mascara. It is also effective with wet hands. It can also wash away sebum that blocks pores. Pores are cleared. No need to use cleansing foam afterwards. Skin is refreshed and clean. No colorant, no fragrance.

How To Apply an appropriate amount onto palm and apply to your face. After blending with makeups and massage, rinse with a tap or luke-warm water thoroughly.

Cautions: Avoid fire. Do not use if you have scars or rashes. If you notice irritation or any other skin problems using this product, stop using immediately and consult a doctor. Symptom may get worse if you keep using it. Do not store in a high temperature of in direct sunlight. Rinse immediately if it gets into your eyes. Keep out of the reach of children.

Ingredients: Mineral Oil, Peg-8 Glyceryl Isostearate, Cethyl Ethylhexancate, Cyclomethicone, Water, Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil, Isostearic Acid, Glycerin, Phenoxyethanol

This list of ingredients represents all options or variants of this product. Actual ingredients in a given product option may vary from this list. Ingredients subject to change at manufacturer's discretion. For the most complete and up-to-date list of ingredients, please refer to product packaging.

Are you looking for smooth, beautiful skin as well as a good, deep cleanse? Then let’s hear it for Japan’s No.1 ranking cleansing oil, Kose Softymo Deep Cleansing Oil gives you everything you need and more in your beauty regime. It has made its way into mine and will for many years to come. The only con I can find with it is that it’s hard to find in The UK, but some good news is that we, Zak Zakka, actually sells it. Why not try a bottle for yourself and gift your skin the pleasure of Softymo.

Halo~ Kali ini aku akan mengulas cleansing oil dari brand Jepang yang sudah cukup populer, Softymo Speedy! Cleansing oil brand ini sendiri memiliki banyak versi, namun aku lihat salah satu beauty influencer merekomendasi jenis yang satu ini!

Deskripsi: Kose Cosmeport – Softymo Speedy Cleansing Oil 230 ml, Essense kecantikan organik bersertifikat, tekstur ringan dan tidak lengket.

Supplement Facts: Shea Butter untuk melembabkan Jojoba oil untuk melembabkan Olive oil untuk mencegah kekeringan kulit Sesame oil untuk menjangkau sampai lapisan dalam kulit Safflower oil untuk memberikan kelembutan kulit

BPOM 4971710311327

Kose softymo cleansing oil review indonesia

Harga: Rp 125.000 (harga normal Rp 250.000) | Tokopedia Radiant Sentral Ukuran: 230ml Dibuat di Jepang

Jenis kulitku: normal, agak dehidrasi, tinggal di cuaca hangat & lembap

  • Kose softymo cleansing oil review indonesia
  • Kose softymo cleansing oil review indonesia

Dikemas dalam botol plastik dengan tutup pompa. Pompanya berfungsi dengan baik.

Kemasan barunya dilengkapi dengan stiker plastik ala Jepang, stiker braille (baru pertama kali melihat produk yang ada braille-nya), dan jepitan penutup pompa.

Teksturnya seperti essence ya, lebih ke encer dengan sedikit kekentalan. Dibanding dengan Biore cleansing oil, Speedy ini lebih encer sedikit.

Aromanya kurasa natural, tidak ada penambahan wewangian, sehingga beraroma kimiawi. Ga kenceng banget, tapi kecium deh.

Mungkin karena teksturnya yang encer, ketika ditambah dengan air, minyaknya menjadi milky hanya sedikit. Kurang pol saja.

Setelah ditambah air, sensasinya bukan emulsify jadi milky, tapi lebih berasa dibilas 😂

Video tekstur ada di Instagram post aku. You can check it out!

Secara performa, cleansing oil ini membersihkan dengan baik. Nggak bikin mata perih, nggak bikin kulit kering, nggak meninggalkan residu.

Kose softymo cleansing oil review indonesia

Kesimpulan: Cleansing oil yang bagus, cukup affordable (apalagi pas DISKON), aromanya bikin off tapi tolerable. Seperti merek Jepang lainnya, plis jual refill-nya dongs 🤪

Rating: 💛💛💛💛💛

Jika kamu mau cek lebih lanjut tentang Kose Cosmeport ataupun beli produknya, bisa langsung cek melalui Instagram 😉

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