Minimum SEER rating 2023 Florida

M1 Testing Requirements

To meet new testing requirements, manufacturers are redesigning system components. In fact, all air conditioning and heat pump systems must be renovated by January 1, 2023, even if they meet current SEER ratings. In addition, matching components such as furnaces and air handlers will be redesigned to meet changes in the airflow setpoint. Depending on your region, additional field install equipment, such as Thermal Expansion Valves (TXVs), may also be required.

M1 Testing Procedures

The goal of new SEER2 testing procedures is to better represent external conditions seen in the field. Current SEER testing does not accurately emulate the influence of ductwork and external static pressure on HVAC products. Because of this, it is not often representative of real-world applications. By increasing systems’ external static pressure from current SEER (0.1 in. of water) to SEER2 (0.5 in. of water), new M1 testing procedures more accurately reflect current field conditions. Test Procedures

Minimum SEER rating 2023 Florida

Inventory Compliance

The change from SEER to SEER2 has made inventory management in the South and Southwest regions more complicated in ensuring existing inventory that is sold is compliant with the new efficiency standards. Compliance with the 2023 standards is based on the least efficient combination of indoor and outdoor units, commonly referred to as the coil-only rating. This rating is listed on the equipment's energy guide label. If a range is given, the least efficient rating should be used. See the below explanation for further information.

For split system AC equipment manufactured prior to December 31, 2022, and installed in the South or Southwest Regions after January 1, 2023:

Minimum SEER rating 2023 Florida

If the model is discontinued by the OEM, the least efficiency* SEER rating, as listed on the Energy Guide label, must be greater than the following:

If the Energy Guide label includes a range for the least efficient SEER rating, the lower SEER rating should be used. SEER ratings sourced from Federal Register Vol. 82, No. 4 page 1615.

In the Southwest region, the equipment must also meet the following EER requirements:

> 15 but < 16 SEER

≥ 16 SEER

< 45,000 Btu

≥ 45,000 Btu

10.2 EER

*DOE Guidance from 12/16/21 requires the least efficient SEER rating (Coil-only rating) to be used in determining if the equipment meets the efficiency standard, blower-coil combinations cannot be used to meet the minimum efficiency requirement.

Minimum SEER rating 2023 Florida

New AC energy efficiency standards are coming in 2023, affecting central air conditioners and heat pump systems. The intended outcome of the new standards is positive in terms of lower energy costs and environmental benefits. However, these new requirements will also affect the availability and pricing of certain systems.

What are the New Requirements and When Do They Come into Effect?

Back in 2017, the Department of Energy (DOE) published a new set of energy efficiency standards for heating and air conditioning equipment. These requirements will take effect on January 1, 2023. Soon, you will begin to see the impact the new standards will have on the central air conditioning products available to you.  

The 2023 DOE standards require that all residential air conditioners and heat pumps manufactured in or imported to the United States on or after January 1, 2023, carry higher minimum energy efficiency ratings. These ratings are expressed in SEER, HSPF and EER. The goal of requiring higher ratings is to reduce air conditioner energy consumption.

About SEER, HSPF and EER

Before we cover more specifics, here is a brief overview of HVAC energy efficiency ratings. Every air conditioner or heat pump has a SEER rating, which stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. The higher the SEER rating, the less electricity the air conditioner or heat pump consumes.

Heat pumps also have a HSPF rating that signifies its heating efficiency. (In case you don’t know, the only difference between a heat pump and an air conditioner is that a heat pump is able to both heat and cool your home.) HSPF stands for Heating Seasonal Performance Factor.

Air conditioners also have an EER rating which stands for Energy Efficiency Ratio. EER is calculated in a nearly identical manner to SEER—BTU (British Thermal Unit) divided by WH (Watt-Hours). The primary difference lies in how SEER and EER are calculated. EER’s calculations are based on a constant outdoor temperature of 95° F, whereas SEER calculations are based on outdoor temperatures ranging from 65°F to 104°F.

In the northern and southern United States, SEER rating is the reigning standard for air conditioners. The southeastern United States is the only region where the DOE requires a minimum EER rating in addition to a minimum SEER rating.

Every air conditioner or heat pump has a SEER rating, which stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. The higher the SEER rating, the less electricity the air conditioner or heat pump consumes.

Here’s How AC Energy Efficiency Standards are Changing:

Higher SEER, EER, and HSPF Ratings

The current AC energy efficiency standards, following the 2015 energy efficiency update, require split system central air conditioners to have a minimum SEER rating of 13 in the northern US and 14 in the southern US. A split system heat pump adheres to a national standard of 14 SEER and 8.2 HSPF.

The 2023 standards will require a minimum SEER rating of 14 for all air conditioners installed in the northern US. In the Southeast and Southwest regions, the minimum SEER rating will depend upon the AC’s size. A split system air conditioner with a capacity (a.k.a. size) less than 45,000 BTU (=3.75 ton) will need to be at least 15 SEER. A system with a capacity greater than 45,000 BTU will need to be a minimum of 14.5 SEER.

Heat pumps, at least, will still have a nation-wide standard—15 SEER, 8.8 HSPF.

The minimum SEER and HSPF ratings for packaged air conditioners and heat pumps will remain unchanged from the 2015 standards.

New Test Procedures (SEER2, HSPF2, and EER2)

In addition to updating their energy efficiency requirements, the DOE is also making an upgrade to the test procedures that determine the SEER, HSPF and EER ratings. We’ll spare you the specifics (you can read more here if you’re curious), but the new test procedures are designed to be a more accurate measure of efficiency.

All HVAC equipment, regardless of its current efficiency rating, will need to undergo the new testing procedures to ensure compliance. Manufacturers are working to re-configure and redesign their equipment, where needed. Effectively, this means that all equipment – even packaged systems, whose minimum efficiency rating is not changing – may need a certain amount of redesigning to pass the new testing procedures.

In the table below that shows the 2023 AC energy efficiency standards, the SEER, HSPF and EER numbers were calculated using the old test procedures. This makes the ratings easier to compare with the 2015 ratings. The SEER2, HSPF2 and EER2 numbers were calculated using the new test procedure.

AC Energy Efficiency Standards Comparison

Minimum SEER rating 2023 Florida

Current Standards (effective January 1, 2015):

Split System AC
<45K BTU/h
13 14 14 12.2
Split System AC
>45K BTU/h
13 14 14 11.7
Split System Heat Pump14 8.2
Single Packaged AC14 11.0
Single Packaged Heat Pump14 8.0
Space-Constrained AC12  
Space-Constrained Heat Pump12 7.4
Small-Duct High-Velocity System13 7.7

*States of Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, or Virginia, or in the District of Columbia
**States of Arizona, California, Nevada, or New Mexico

New AC Energy Efficiency Standards (Effective January 1, 2023)

Split System AC
<45K BTU/h
14 / 13.4 15 / 14.3 15 / 14.3 12.2 / 10.2*** 11.7 / 9.8***
Split System AC
>45K BTU/h
14.4 / 13.4 14.5 / 13.8 14.5 / 13.8 11.7 / 10.2*** 11.2 / 9.8***
Split System Heat Pump15 / 14.3 8.8 / 7.5
Single Packaged AC†14 / 13.4 11.0 10.6
Single Packaged Heat Pump14 / 13.4 8.0 / 6.7
Space-Constrained AC†12 / 11.7  
Space-Constrained Heat Pump†12 / 11.9 7.4 / 6.3
Small-Duct High-Velocity System†12 7.2 / 6.1

*Southeast includes: The states of Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. territories.
**Southwest includes the states of Arizona, California, Nevada, and New Mexico.
***The 10.2 EER (9.8 EER2) amended energy conservation standard applies to split-system air conditioners with a SEER rating greater than or equal to 16.
†The energy conservation standards for single-package, small-duct high-velocity and space-constrained product classes remain unchanged from current levels.

Varying Effective Dates by Region

In states belonging to the northern region (see diagram above), dealers can still install equipment after 1/1/23 that was manufactured prior to 1/1/23, if it was compliant with the current regulations at the date of manufacture. On a national level, the same rule applies to split heat pumps and packaged units.

However, in the South and Southwest regions, split air conditioners installed after 1/1/23 must comply with the new minimum efficiency standard, regardless of their date of manufacture. Equipment manufactured prior to 1/1/23 does not need to pass the new test procedure if the label on the equipment shows a higher SEER rating than the 2023 minimum standard SEER rating.

How Will the New AC Energy Efficiency Standards Affect You?

Minimum SEER rating 2023 Florida

If you are a homeowner or property manager, the new requirements may not impact you right away. You will not be forced to upgrade your current air conditioner, even if it does not meet the 2023 efficiency standards. If you live in Florida and your 14 SEER (or less) air conditioner was installed before January 1, 2023, you may continue to use it.

Eventually, however, all of us will be affected by the 2023 standards. Some effects will be positive. For instance, more efficient air conditioners mean less overall energy consumption. This could result in significant energy cost savings and environmental benefits over the long term.

However, some effects will be a little less rosy.

If you live in Florida and your 14 SEER (or less) air conditioner was installed before January 1, 2023, you may continue to use it.

Price Increases

You will probably first notice the impact of the 2023 standards on AC equipment prices. History tells us that whenever a change in energy efficiency regulations is instituted, prices on higher efficiency equipment tend to rise. After the last major efficiency upgrade, there was a price increase between 8-12%. for new equipment. The 2023 updates will likely follow a similar pattern.

Because the new testing procedures will affect all HVAC equipment, not just lower efficiency systems, we are likely to see price increases across all product tiers.

The first official estimates we have seen, state that new equipment will be 15-20% more expensive, on average, than current models.

It’s not a stretch to imagine such price increases, especially in the face of a market already strained by pandemic-related supply chain issues and material shortages.

Inventory Availability

Because all equipment manufactured after 1/1/23 must meet the new minimum efficiency requirements AND pass the new testing procedures, a significant amount of equipment will be rendered obsolete. Also, dealers will only be allowed to install certain equipment manufactured prior to 1/1/23 until the end of the year in some areas (see the heading “Varying Effective Dates By Region”, above).

Therefore, AC systems that do not meet the new regulations will not be available to you for much longer.

We expect manufacturers will cut off production of soon-to-be-obsolete systems far ahead of the January 1st deadline. Distributers will try to sell off their inventory to make room for new equipment that meets both the new efficiency requirements and carries the new SEER2, HSPF2, or EER2 rating. So, HVAC equipment that does not meet the new standards will be largely unavailable by the fall.

As a Homeowner or Property Manager, What Action Should I Take?

Minimum SEER rating 2023 Florida

Start by considering the age of your current air conditioner. The standard warranty for an air conditioner is anywhere between 5 to 10 years and the average lifespan of an air conditioner is 8-12 years.

Here’s another, if not more important factor to consider: just how energy efficient is your current air conditioner? If you currently own, for example, a 10 SEER air conditioner, did you know that upgrading to a 15 SEER unit can save you up to 33% per year in electricity costs? Your yearly savings by upgrading to a 20 SEER air conditioner could be up to 50%! Besides these savings, other new features built into these new, higher efficiency units will provide a tremendous home comfort boost.

If you currently own, for example, a 10 SEER air conditioner, did you know that upgrading to a 15 SEER unit can save you up to 33% per year in electricity costs?

However, upgrading to a higher efficiency air conditioner or heat pump will not make sense for everyone. If you’re a seasonal resident, residing in Southwest Florida only during the cooler winter months, then a 14 SEER or less system might adequately serve your needs. Purchasing equipment adherent to the 2023 standard would provide only minimal benefit. So, if you are thinking about replacing your current air conditioner, you may want to purchase a less expensive 14 SEER system now, while the inventory still exists. Waiting until next year will force you to purchase at least a 15 SEER system, with a higher efficiency rating than would benefit you, at a higher cost.

If Your Air Conditioner or Heat Pump Is Due for Replacement, Consider the Following Options:

  • Minimum SEER rating 2023 Florida

    Purchase a new system now that meets the current minimum efficiency standard. If you act soon, you can buy a 14 SEER system before this lower-cost option is no longer available.

  • Minimum SEER rating 2023 Florida

    Upgrade to the new 2023 standards-compliant equipment now. Purchasing a more energy efficient air conditioner or heat pump ahead of the January 1st deadline will allow you to avoid the imminent price increases on this type of equipment. Plus, year-round residents can already start enjoying the benefits of high-efficiency equipment, like reduced energy costs.

  • Minimum SEER rating 2023 Florida

    Wait to act until after January 1, 2023. This decision will allow you to select from the newest products and reap any benefits from up-to-date technology. However, be aware that 2023 standards-compliant equipment will come with a higher price tag.

The Benefits of Hiring a Licensed Contractor

Minimum SEER rating 2023 Florida

One more word of advice. No matter how you decide to handle these new 2023 AC energy efficiency standards, whether you upgrade your equipment now or in the future, always remember to hire a licensed contractor for your AC replacement.

A licensed HVAC contractor has the skills, knowledge, and experience to advise you on the optimal air conditioner or heat pump choice for your home. A contractor can provide you with a higher grade of equipment than your local home improvement store offers. They will install your new unit correctly, the first time, and handle all the necessary county permits for you. Choosing a reputable contractor also means that they will be available for future service and maintenance to keep your system operating efficiently.

Contact Kobie Complete for More Information

If you have any questions about the DOE’s 2023 AC energy efficiency standards, please contact the experts at Kobie Complete Heating & Cooling, Inc at (941) 474-3691. We are your trusted local HVAC company, ready to provide guidance on your home comfort decisions.


“Appliance and Equipment Standards Rulemakings and Notices”, U.S. Department of Energy,, Accessed 12/29/21.

“2017-05-26 Energy Conservation Program: Energy Conservation Standards for Residential Central Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps; Confirmation of effective date and compliance date for direct final rule.”, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Office, May 16, 2017., Accessed 12/29/21.

“Efficiency requirements for residential central AC and heat pumps to rise in 2023”, U.S. Energy Information Administration,, Accessed 11/10/21.

The SEER2 Guide, Johnstone Supply,, Accessed 5/18/22.

“2023 Regulatory Requirements Guidebook”, Johnson Controls,, Accessed 5/19/22.

Last Updated: May 23, 2022

Is the SEER rating changing in 2023?

The minimum SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) rating in 2023 is increasing from 13 to 14. This transition to “SEER2” also includes efficiency increases for split systems in air conditioning and heat pumps.

What is the minimum SEER rating for Florida?

Florida currently requires a SEER rating of 14 or higher. The new standards for 2023 will require a SEER of 15 or higher for the Southern part of the US.

What are the new 2023 HVAC regulations?

In 2023, the new minimum efficiency standards for heat pumps will increase by 1.0 SEER to 15.0 SEER. Split-system heat pumps must also achieve a minimum of 8.8 HSPF. Any 14.0 SEER heat pump built before January 1, 2023, can still be installed on or after January 1, 2023.

What is the new refrigerant for 2023?

Beginning next year, new cooling systems will contain a refrigerant called R-454b with a lower global warming potential. This refrigerant is more environment-friendly than its predecessors but also mildly flammable. You can rest assured our ACS Air Conditioning Services technicians know how to handle it safely.