Operation invalid without current index và cách sửa lỗi 3019 năm 2024

  • Page 2 and 3: 26 Accesion rate Tỷ lệ gia tăn
  • Page 4 and 5: 64 Agency shop Nghiệp đoàn.65 A
  • Page 6 and 7: 99 Alternative technology Công ngh
  • Page 8 and 9: 131 Approval voting132 Apriori Tiê
  • Page 10 and 11: 155 Asset stocks and services flows
  • Page 12 and 13: 203 Back-haul rates Cước vận t
  • Page 14 and 15: 234 Bank note Giấy bạc của ng
  • Page 16 and 17: 264 Base year Năm gốc, năm cơ
  • Page 18 and 19: Bohm-Bawerk, Eugen Von (1851-301191
  • Page 20 and 21: 326 Buchanan, James M. (1919-)Nhà
  • Page 22 and 23: 361 Capital charges Các phí tổn
  • Page 24 and 25: 405 Carbon tax Thuế Carbon406 Car
  • Page 26 and 27: 442 Characteristics theory Lý thuy
  • Page 28 and 29: 475 Closing prices Giá lúc đóng
  • Page 30 and 31: 515 Common Agricultural Policy Chí
  • Page 32 and 33: 543 Complex number Số phức Các
  • Page 34 and 35: 582 Consumer goods and services Hà
  • Page 36 and 37: 628 Positive correlation Tương qu
  • Page 38 and 39: 666 Credit celing Trần tín dụn
  • Page 40 and 41: 700 Currency principle Nguyên lý
  • Page 42 and 43: 736 Debt ratioTỷ số nợ giữa
  • Page 44 and 45: Depository Institution Deregulation
  • Page 46 and 47: 822 Discounted cash flow (DCF)Dòng
  • Page 48 and 49: 875 Diversification Đa dạng hoá
  • Page 50 and 51: 913 Earmaking Dành cho mục đíc
  • Page 52 and 53: 960 Effective rate of taxMức thu
  • Page 54 and 55: 1001 Engel's Law Quy luật của E
  • Page 56 and 57: 1041 Estate economy Nền kinh tế
  • Page 58 and 59: 1068 European Social Fund. Quỹ X
  • Page 60 and 61: 1111 Expected inflation1112 Expecte
  • Page 62 and 63: 1145 Extraneous information Thông
  • Page 64 and 65: 1187 Federal Reserve System Hệ th
  • Page 66 and 67: 1221 First difference Vi phân bậ
  • Page 68 and 69: 1268 Foreign exchange market Thị
  • Page 70 and 71: 1299 Frisch, Ragnar (1895-1973)Nhà
  • Page 72 and 73: 1337 Generalized least square (GLS)
  • Page 74 and 75: 1379 Government deficit Thâm hụt
  • Page 76 and 77: 1415 Growth theories of the firmCá
  • Page 78 and 79: 1440 Hedonic price Giá ẩn.Giá
  • Page 80 and 81: 1474 Hume, David (1711-1776)Nhà t
  • Page 82 and 83: 1507 Implicit function Hàm ẩn. H
  • Page 84 and 85: 1554 Indifference mapHọ đường
  • Page 86 and 87: 1595 Informal sector Khu vực khô
  • Page 88 and 89: 1641 Intergovernmental grants Các
  • Page 90 and 91: International Standard Industrial16
  • Page 92 and 93: 1717 Invention and innovation Phát
  • Page 94 and 95: 1749 Kaldor, Nicholas (1908-1986)17
  • Page 96 and 97: 1767 Knight, Frank (1895-1973)1768
  • Page 98 and 99: 1788 Labour turnover Mức độ th
  • Page 100 and 101: 1820 Leontief, Wassily W. (1906-)Si
  • Page 102 and 103: 1846 Limited company Công ty trác
  • Page 104 and 105: 1892 Log-linear Tuyến tính lôga
  • Page 106 and 107: 1932 Management Ban quản lý.Là
  • Page 108 and 109: 1975 Marginal productivity doctrine
  • Page 110 and 111: 2010 Parallel market premium rateT
  • Page 112 and 113: 2041 Menger, Carl (1840-1921)Là nh
  • Page 114 and 115: 2078 Mixed economy Nền kinh tế
  • Page 116 and 117: 2120 Multiplier - accelerator inter
  • Page 118 and 119: 2154 Natural rate of unemployment T
  • Page 120 and 121: 2187 "New classical macroeconomics"
  • Page 122 and 123: 2225 Non-rival consumptionSự tiê
  • Page 124 and 125: 2260 Oligopoly (Thị trường) đ
  • Page 126 and 127: 2304 Outside lag Độ trễ bên n
  • Page 128 and 129: 2342 Paris Club Câu lạc bộ Par
  • Page 130 and 131: 2386 Personal loan Khoản vay cho
  • Page 132 and 133: 2417 Political business cycle Chu k
  • Page 134 and 135: 2456 Preference shares Cổ phiếu
  • Page 136 and 137: 2499 Privatization Tư nhân hoá25
  • Page 138 and 139: 2537 Profit rate Tỷ lệ lợi nh
  • Page 140 and 141: 2579 Quesnay, Francois (1694-1774).
  • Page 142 and 143: 2614 Rawlsian justice Bằng đẳn
  • Page 144 and 145: 2651 Regressive expectations Kỳ v
  • Page 146 and 147: 2692 Restricted least squares (RLS)
  • Page 148 and 149: 2729 Robbins, Lionel (1898-1984).27
  • Page 150 and 151: 2753 Samuelson test Kiểm định
  • Page 152 and 153: 2781 Second-best (Tình trạng) t
  • Page 154 and 155: 2820 Short run average fixed cost (
  • Page 156 and 157: 2855 Smith, Adam (1723-1790)Nhà tr
  • Page 158 and 159: 2889 Special deposits Các khoản
  • Page 160 and 161: State organization of production in
  • Page 162 and 163: 2958 Stone, Sir Richard (1913-1991)
  • Page 164 and 165: 2992 Supply-side economics Kinh t
  • Page 166 and 167: 3031 Technological progress Tiến
  • Page 168 and 169: 3060 Tobin, James (1918-)Nhà kinh
  • Page 170 and 171: 3096 Transitory income Thu nhập q
  • Page 172 and 173: 3134 Underdevelopment Sự chậm p
  • Page 174 and 175: 3173 Utility Độ thoả dụng.Đ
  • Page 176 and 177: 3212 Vintage growth modelsMô hình
  • Page 178 and 179: 3252 Want creation Tạo ra mong mu
  • Page 180 and 181: 3281 Wildcat strike Bãi công "kh
  • Page 182 and 183: Hạn chế/ ràng buộc (không c
  • Page 184 and 185: 3410 Interna Rate of returnNội su
  • Page 186 and 187: 3479 Ad valoremAggregates rebate348
  • Page 188 and 189: Page 188
  • Page 190 and 191: Page 190
  • Page 192 and 193: Page 192