Python check if function successful

Using the if statement you can find the function returned true or not in Python. This step is needed some time in order to proceed to the next step of a separate function.

if function_Name(argu):
    # do_something

Simple example code.

def validate_age(age):
    if age > 20:
        return True
        return False

# Print value

# Check true
if validate_age(23):
    print("validate_age function returns True")
    print("validate_age function returns False")


Python check if function successful

Do comment if you have any doubts and suggestions on this Python function code.

Note: IDE: PyCharm 2021.3.3 (Community Edition)

Windows 10

Python 3.10.1

All Python Examples are in Python 3, so Maybe its different from python 2 or upgraded versions.

Python check if function successful

Degree in Computer Science and Engineer: App Developer and has multiple Programming languages experience. Enthusiasm for technology & like learning technical.

In python, I am currently doing this:

if user_can_read(request.user, b) == False:

Is there any other way of checking if the function returns False?

asked Aug 23, 2012 at 18:30


3,3837 gold badges33 silver badges38 bronze badges


1 Answer

You could just use

if user_can_read(request.user, b):
    ## do stuff

If user_can_read returns anything (except 0, False, etc), it will be considered True, and do stuff.

And the negation: if not user_can_read(request.user, b)

answered Aug 23, 2012 at 18:33


14.7k11 gold badges43 silver badges64 bronze badges


27 Python code examples are found related to " check success". You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.

Example 1

def check_iaaa_success(r, **kwargs):
    respJson = r.json()

    if not respJson.get("success", False):
            errors = respJson["errors"]
            code = errors["code"]
            msg = errors["msg"]
        except Exception as e:
  "Unable to get errcode/errmsg from response JSON")
            if code == "E01":
                raise IAAAIncorrectPasswordError(response=r, msg=msg)
            elif code == "E21":
                raise IAAAForbiddenError(response=r, msg=msg)

        raise IAAANotSuccessError(response=r) 

Example 2

def check_success_generator(function):
    """ Decorator to check for success prior to running functional. 

        Generator version. Yields stuff.
    from functools import wraps

    def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # Checks for previous run, or deletes previous run if requested.
        if not kwargs.get('overwrite', False):
            extract = self.Extract(outcar=kwargs['outdir'])
            if extract.success:
                yield extract  # in which case, returns extraction object.
        for n in function(self, *args, **kwargs):
            yield n
    return wrapper 

Example 3

def check_success(self):
    """Check for success of the RPC, possibly raising an exception.

    This function should be called at least once per RPC.  If wait()
    hasn't been called yet, it is called first.  If the RPC caused
    an exceptional condition, an exception will be raised here.
    The first time check_success() is called, the postcall hooks
    are called.

    except Exception, err:

      if not self.__postcall_hooks_called:
        self.__postcall_hooks_called = True
        self.__stubmap.GetPostCallHooks().Call(self.__service, self.__method,
                                               self.request, self.response,
                                               self.__rpc, err)

Example 4

def check_success(self, position, close_goal):

        rospy.logwarn("gripping force: " + str(self._gripper.get_force()))
        rospy.logwarn("gripper position: " + str(self._gripper.get_position()))
        rospy.logwarn("gripper position deadzone: " + str(self._gripper.get_dead_zone()))

        if not self._gripper.is_moving():
            success = True
            success = False

        # success = fabs(self._gripper.get_position() - position) < self._gripper.get_dead_zone()

        rospy.logwarn("gripping success: " + str(success))

        return success 

Example 5

def check_rpc_success(self, rpc):
    """Check for RPC success and translate exceptions.

    This wraps rpc.check_success() and should be called instead of that.

    This also removes the RPC from the list of pending RPCs, once it
    has completed.

      rpc: A UserRPC or MultiRpc object.

      Nothing if the call succeeded; various datastore_errors.Error
      subclasses if ApplicationError was raised by rpc.check_success().

    except apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError, err:
      raise _ToDatastoreError(err) 

Example 6

def check_success(self, device_id, sent_cmd1, sent_cmd2):
        """Check if last command succeeded by checking buffer"""
        device_id = device_id.upper()'check_success: for device %s cmd1 %s cmd2 %s',
                         device_id, sent_cmd1, sent_cmd2)

        status = self.get_buffer_status(device_id)
        check_id = status.get('id_from', '')
        cmd1 = status.get('cmd1', '')
        cmd2 = status.get('cmd2', '')
        if (check_id == device_id) and (cmd1 == sent_cmd1) and (cmd2 == sent_cmd2):
  "check_success: Response device %s cmd %s cmd2 %s SUCCESS",
                             check_id, cmd1, cmd2)
            return True"check_success: No valid response found for device %s cmd %s cmd2 %s",
                         device_id, sent_cmd1, sent_cmd2)
        return False 

Example 7

def check_status_code_success(operation, status_code, message):
        """Check if a status code indicates success.

        :param operation: operation being performed -- str
        :param status_code: status code -- int
        :param message: server response -- str
        :raises: VolumeBackendAPIException
        if status_code not in [STATUS_200, STATUS_201,
                               STATUS_202, STATUS_204]:
            exception_message = (
                'Error {op}. The status code received is {sc} and the message '
                'is {msg}.'.format(op=operation, sc=status_code, msg=message))
            if status_code == STATUS_404:
                raise exception.ResourceNotFoundException(
            if status_code == STATUS_401:
                raise exception.UnauthorizedRequestException()
                raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(

Example 8

def check_response_success(response):
    status_code = response.status_code
    if 200 <= status_code <= 299:
        return True
    return False 

Example 9

def checkForHookSuccess(self):
        if self.fishManager.activeFish.fsm.getCurrentOrNextState() == 'Biting':
            self.fishManager.activeFish.fishStatusIconTextNode.setTextColor(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
            self.hookedIt = True

Example 10

def CheckTestSuccess(options, log):
    output = os.path.join(options.output_dir, "TSLR.fasta")
    if not os.path.isfile(output):"TruSPAdes test launch failed: can not find output files")
    if not (os.path.getsize(output) > 20000 and os.path.getsize(output) < 20100):"TruSPAdes test launch failed: incorrect output files")
        sys.exit(1)"TruSPAdes test passed correctly") 

Example 11

def checkInstalledSuccess(sysname):
    commands = ["lttng",
    for command in commands:
        out = runCommand("sudo " + command)
        if "No such file or directory" in out or "command not found" in out:
           print "install " + command + " FAILED" 

Example 12

def check_success(function):
    """ Decorator to check for success prior to running functional. """
    from functools import wraps

    def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # Checks for previous run, or deletes previous run if requested.
        if not kwargs.get('overwrite', False):
            extract = self.Extract(outcar=kwargs['outdir'])
            if extract.success:
                return extract  # in which case, returns extraction object.
        return function(self, *args, **kwargs)
    return wrapper 

Example 13

def check_job_success(self, job_id: str) -> bool:
        Check the final status of the batch job; return True if the job
        'SUCCEEDED', else raise an AirflowException

        :param job_id: a batch job ID
        :type job_id: str

        :rtype: bool

        :raises: AirflowException
        job = self.get_job_description(job_id)
        job_status = job.get("status")

        if job_status == "SUCCEEDED":
  "AWS batch job (%s) succeeded: %s", job_id, job)
            return True

        if job_status == "FAILED":
            raise AirflowException("AWS Batch job ({}) failed: {}".format(job_id, job))

        if job_status in ["SUBMITTED", "PENDING", "RUNNABLE", "STARTING", "RUNNING"]:
            raise AirflowException("AWS Batch job ({}) is not complete: {}".format(job_id, job))

        raise AirflowException("AWS Batch job ({}) has unknown status: {}".format(job_id, job)) 

Example 14

def check_dump_success(self, return_value):
        """ Check to see if a dump query succeeded

        return_value -  A set which if it includes SUCCESS_ENTRY shows that
                        the query succeeded
        if SUCCESS_ENTRY not in return_value:
            raise Exception('{}: dump failed'

Example 15

def check_success(ODBC_obj, ret):
    """ Validate return value, if not success, raise exceptions based on the handle """
        if isinstance(ODBC_obj, Cursor):
            ctrl_err(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, ODBC_obj.stmt_h, ret, ODBC_obj.ansi)
        elif isinstance(ODBC_obj, Connection):
            ctrl_err(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, ODBC_obj.dbc_h, ret, ODBC_obj.ansi)
            ctrl_err(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, ODBC_obj, ret, False) 

Example 16

def check_success(self):
        Call the method repeatedly such that it will return a PKey object.
        small = xrange(3)
        for i in xrange(self.iterations):
            key = PKey()
            key.generate_key(TYPE_DSA, 256)
            for i in small:
                cert = X509()
                for i in small:

Example 17

def check_success(ODBC_obj, ret):
    """ Validate return value, if not success, raise exceptions based on the handle """
        if isinstance(ODBC_obj, Cursor):
            ctrl_err(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, ODBC_obj.stmt_h, ret, ODBC_obj.ansi)
        elif isinstance(ODBC_obj, Connection):
            ctrl_err(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, ODBC_obj.dbc_h, ret, ODBC_obj.ansi)
            ctrl_err(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, ODBC_obj, ret, False) 

Example 18

def check_command_success(self, proc, output_file):
        rc = terminate_subprocess(proc, log=self.log)
        msg = "Ran: {!r}, took: {:.3f}s to run, returncode: {}".format(
            proc.args, time.monotonic() - proc.basebackup_start_time, rc)
        if rc == 0 and os.path.exists(output_file):
            return True

        if output_file:
            with suppress(FileNotFoundError):
        raise BackupFailure(msg) 

Example 19

def check_success(self):
        """Check whether a future has completed without raising an exception.

        This will wait for the future to finish its task and will then raise
        the future's exception, if there is one, or else do nothing.

        if self._exception:
            raise self._exception 

Example 20

def check_api_call_success(response_json):
    data = _get_json_field_helper(response_json, ['data'], True)
    if _get_json_field_helper(response_json, ['status'], False) == 'success' and len(data) != 0:
        return data
        logger.error('Error when contacting api at ' + str(make_api_req_url()))

Example 21

def check_remote_success_file(target_host, check_file='/tmp/status.success'):

    response = execute_remote_cmd(target_host, 'cat ' + check_file)
    if 'complete' in response:"Found complete in .success file, ready to proceed")
        return True
    else:"Could not find .success file")
        return False 

Example 22

def check_http_success_status(self, **kwargs):
        data ={
            "size": max_query_results,
            "query": {
                "filtered": {
                    "query": {
                        "match_all": {}
                    "filter": {
                        "exists": {
                            "field": "status"
        result = True
        errormsg = ""
        if not self._check_non_zero_results(data):
            result = False
            errormsg = "No log entries found"
            return GremlinTestResult(result, errormsg)

        for message in data["hits"]["hits"]:
            if message['_source']["status"] != 200:
                if self.debug:
                result = False
        return GremlinTestResult(result, errormsg)

    ##check if the interaction between a given pair of services resulted in the required response status 

Example 23

def CheckSuccess(self):
    """If there was an exception, raise it now.

      Exception of the API call or the callback, if any.
    if self.exception and self._traceback:
      raise self.exception.__class__, self.exception, self._traceback
    elif self.exception:
      raise self.exception 

Example 24

def check_login_success(self, rep):
        set_cookie = rep.headers["set-cookie"]
        if len(set_cookie) < 50:
            raise exceptions.NotLoginError("登录失败,请检查用户名和密码")
        self.s.headers.update({"cookie": set_cookie}) 

Example 25

def CheckSuccessOrRaise(self):
    if self.sw1 == 0x69 and self.sw2 == 0x85:
      raise errors.TUPRequiredError()
    elif self.sw1 == 0x6a and self.sw2 == 0x80:
      raise errors.InvalidKeyHandleError()
    elif self.sw1 == 0x69 and self.sw2 == 0x84:
      raise errors.InvalidKeyHandleError()
    elif not self.IsSuccess():
      raise errors.ApduError(self.sw1, self.sw2) 

Example 26

def check_read_success(filename, **kwargs):
    '''Determine criterion for successfully reading a dataset based on its
    meta values.

    For now, returns False.'''
    def check_write_complete(filename, **kwargs):
        '''Check for `completed` attr in file.'''
        import os
        mode = kwargs.get('mode', 'r')
        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
            return False
        f = h5py.File(filename, mode=mode, **kwargs)
        return f.attrs.get('completed', False)
    write_complete = check_write_complete(filename, **kwargs)
    return False and write_complete 

Example 27

def check_job_success(self):
        Check if a job succeed

        :return: status of a job: succeed, no-match or fail
        :rtype: str
        if os.path.exists(self.paf_raw):
            if os.path.getsize(self.paf_raw) > 0:
                return "succeed"
                return "no-match"
        return "fail" 

How do you check if a function is true in python?

If you want to check that a variable is explicitly True or False (and is not truthy/falsy), use is ( if variable is True ). If you want to check if a variable is equal to 0 or if a list is empty, use if variable == 0 or if variable == [] .

How do you check if a function has been executed python?

import functools def calltracker(func): @functools. wraps(func) def wrapper(*args): wrapper. has_been_called = True return func(*args) wrapper. has_been_called = False return wrapper @calltracker def doubler(number): return number * 2 if __name__ == '__main__': if not doubler.

How do I know if a python return is true?

If user_can_read returns anything (except 0, False, etc), it will be considered True, and do stuff.

How do you check if something is a false return in python?

You can check if a value is either truthy or falsy with the built-in bool() function. According to the Python Documentation, this function: Returns a Boolean value, i.e. one of True or False .