robbinsville là gì - Nghĩa của từ robbinsville

robbinsville có nghĩa là

a very small town in new jersey that no one has ever heard of. There's no minority and there is uber amounts of farm land. The kids that live there have no idea what the outside world is like.


person A: i live in robbinsville.
person B: where the fuck is that?
person A: east bumblefuck

robbinsville có nghĩa là

A small, shitty town of pussies in central New Jersey that nobody has heard of, nor cares about. It has a grand total of one elementary school, one middle school, and one high school. The high school has a grand total of 800 kids that can never mind their own business and crave drama to fuel their lives. They do nothing but complain about how "shitty" their lives are, while in reality they haven't had to face the real world yet and have nothing to complain about. People make empty threats and use facebook to bully others and harass them because they're too pussy to do it in person and have to hide behind a screen to make them feel comfortable with themselves. The most fun you can have in this town is going to the Hamilton Marketplace or Marrazzos, but even then its not fun and you have to go out of town to do fun things. There's no good parties thrown, you could probably have more fun at church than at a Robbinsville party.A typical girl from Robbinsville is one with a spray tan, fake nails, hair extensions. Half the girls think they're badass and mix themselves with Hamiltrash, and half of them are goody goody that have never taken a sip of alcohol in their lives. People are nice to your face but then when they're with their friends they treat you like shit, and everybody thinks that they're all that. Welcome to Robbinsville.


oh, she's probably from Robbinsville.

robbinsville có nghĩa là

The most inbred area of planet earth next to Nantahala, NC. Cousins, brothers, sisters, mothers, and fathers are all fair game if you live in this town or attend the School designated for the residents of this area.


1:"Man, we have to play Robbinsville today."
2:"That sucks bad."
1:"They are all fugly as hell."
2:"No shit."

robbinsville có nghĩa là

A place in NJ that nobody has heard of. Black people act white and white people act black, the sports suck, no one has fun, your a badass if you ding song ditch someone and a super bad-ass if you have a sip of alcohol. You'd think it wouldn't be like this considering its so close to Trenton.


Robbinsville is dumb

robbinsville có nghĩa là

Hell. You can get suspended by calling someone stupid OUTSIDE of school. In fact i could probably get suspended for this. The place is so unknown the geese here are probably more famous and there 2 x as many geese as there are humans. The fights are more like kidding around bu very exaggerated. People call people from Hamilton Hamiltrash but I think "Villagers" should be known as "Robbinshit". And thats all i have to say about that


Robbinsville is very dumb.

robbinsville có nghĩa là

A small town where kids get excited about diss tracks and if someone wore their pants on backwards.


Yo that kid from Robbinsville he probably made a diss track on the school and got suspended.

robbinsville có nghĩa là

A town located in Mercer County, NJ that is the home of LeBron James and where your mom kills badgers.


Q: Where did mom go to hide the animal she killed
A: Oh, she went to Robbinsville.

robbinsville có nghĩa là

Robbinsville which is better known as "Snobbisville" is a small ass town that is being invaded by the indies. Literally nobody has heard of this town and absolutely nothing goes on. There are only 3 schools, all of which are small and depressing, and you could get suspended from them if you take some kid's pencil. If you live in Robbinsville you are either a "badass" and go to parties, drink, and juul, or you play sports, take school seriously, and try your best to get a good education so you can move as far away from this tiny town as humanly possible.


"Dude, I just got suspended in robbinsville for calling some kid an ass outside of school property."
"Snobbinsville sucks."

robbinsville có nghĩa là

A school in Robbinsville that sucks as much as the word it self. The school sucks much more then the town it self. I hate it! it fucking sucks!


Mommy! Yes hun! What's wrong? Today is my last straw with the shitiest school of the entire country!
I can't take it much longer! Please help me! Hun, I need you to calm down. Listen, I won't send you to this school anymore. You said it enough for me to move you to a much better school where you will actually learn useful information. Thanks mom! You the best! I love you!
I love you to dear we needed to get you away from that hellhole. I knew you hated Robbinsville High School for a while now.

robbinsville có nghĩa là

A school in Robbinsville that is so full of shit. They take your things away any time they want with or without your permission. In all, The school fucking sucks! Don't go there if you are planning on going there. Which I highly doubt anyone will atend the peice of shit School.


Oh I see your frustrated. Why? "I hate Robbinsville High School! They don't teach shit!"
Oh dear. I'm sorry hun. Get on the computer and look for a better school.
"Thank mom!"