the upper decker là gì - Nghĩa của từ the upper decker

the upper decker có nghĩa là

The act of defecating in the upper tank of the toilet. When the next poor unsuspecting person flushes the toilet they get a bowl of beef stew. the upper decker is a weapon of terror and should only be used on people who deserve it.


My friends x-girl friend had a party and she left whith some other dude who looked like the fonz "Heyyy!". So I took it upon myself to leave her an upper decker

the upper decker có nghĩa là

Also referred to as 'Going Up Top,' the act of taking a shit in the tank of a toilet. Common courtesy not to flush. Used TP should be placed inside drawers, magazines, or the tank itself. Feel free to throw in any other items you can find in the bathroom during the process.


"Man this party sucks... I'll let 'em know how I feel with an Upper Decker"

"Dude!! You shit in my toilet" -> "Where else did you want me to go?" -> "Not in the top part you fuck!!"

the upper decker có nghĩa là

While at a respected friends house retire to their restroom, stealthily remove the lid from the back tank of their toilet and steady your cheeks directly above it. Begin defecating while trying to keep as quiet as possible. When finished, wipe all remaining fecal spatter from your anus and hide the used toilet paper in the cabinet under said friends bathroom sink. When the toilet is flushed by the next user the bowl will be rinsed with your feces. A firm stool will cause repeated minor fecal rinsing, while viscous, soupy stool will flush out all at once filling the toilet thus causing repeat flushing until clean water is present.


The upper decker was rejoiced by all who were present.

the upper decker có nghĩa là

Step 1] Make sure nobody's around. Step 2] Quietly open the lid of the upper-section of the victim's toilet. Step 3] Quietly place the lid down on the floor. Step 4] Then take a nice shit in the upper-section of the toilet without letting anybody hear you. Step 5] Wipe your ass. Step 6] Place the soiled toilet paper in the upper-section of the toilet or in a drawer or magazine. Step 7] Slowly lift the lid off the floor with your fingers under it and carefully bring it over to the toilet. Step 8] Here's the hard part; with your fingers under the lid
slowly place the lid on the toilet. No false moves or you're screwed. Step 9] Leave and don't let anybody see you. Just bail as quickly as possible. Step 10] Mission accomplished.


Plumber: It looks like you have feces in your toilet's tank. Victim: It must have been an upper decker. Plumber: Yeah right. Its already clear that you're stupid enough to shit in there!

the upper decker có nghĩa là

using the water retaining bowl of the toilet, instead of the toilet itself.


that beyotch pissed me off, so I ate 3 large burritos, took some Ex Lax, went over to her house and left her an upper-decker to deal with.

the upper decker có nghĩa là

The act of shitting into the tank [or upper portion] of a toilet. Done as a prank, it results in at least four foul flushes [also known as a "3-F qualifier"] afterwards.


"Man, I'm gonna fucking puke." "Dude, how come?" "Man, someone dropped an upper decker in the toilet, and the water splashed my ass and sack." "Dude, that sucks." "Man, I think I got a piece of corn stuck to my sack!"

the upper decker có nghĩa là

As per the John Waters' film A Dirty Shame, an upper decker is the act of defecating in the tank of the toliet.

[As per my intoxication, an upper decker is my ability to write this while in the act [I'm currently the upper deck].]


"I started doing upper deckers, shitting in the top tank of the toliet, where no one would ever look to find the odor . . . "

the upper decker có nghĩa là

The act of taking off the back lid of a standard toilet, hovering your anus over the opening and shooting diarrhea into the tank water. You must then wipe with TP and leave the TP in the tank. Adding red food dye to the tank is called BUD, or Bloody Upper Decker. Either with or without the dye, when the next person who uses the toilet flushes, the water that refills the bowl will be the most vile, horrific, stinky fluid known to man. Woman have been known to scream and run out of the toilet as they think their insides are coming out. Key stuff here.


"I was working a night party at that rich cunt's house. As the party was ending, I asked the beeotch if I could make a sandwich. She yelled at me in front of her guests that I will "eat with the rest of the hired staff at the end of the night!" A simple no would have been fine. For a thank you gift, I pumped a gallon of milk into my lactose intolerant ass and dropped and Upper Decker that cunt's main bathroom. Later, I Bloody Upper Decked [BUD] the upstairs daughter's fine china toilet. After that I raw dogged one of the workers and bailed, yo.'

the upper decker có nghĩa là

the act of deficating in the upper tank of ones toilet leaving a foul stench undiscovered with the remnants of muddy water


before i got kicked out of that bar last night i gave them the upper decker

the upper decker có nghĩa là

The upper decker is when you shit in the tank of the toilet.


Man.. Tom is being a dick! I'm going to give him the upper decker before we bail!

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