vsco girls là gì - Nghĩa của từ vsco girls

vsco girls có nghĩa là

the tumblr girls of 2019, you’ll probably catch them wearing a scrunchie, tube top, puka shell necklace, white vans or birkenstocks and don’t forget the hydroflask to finish off the look


Look at her instagram feed she’s such a vsco girl

vsco girls có nghĩa là

VSCO GIRL- Wears oversized t-shirts or sweatshirt with Nike shorts. Has Vans, Crocs, Birks, and wears a shell necklace. She also wears tube tops and Jean shorts. She always has a hydroflask. She can't leave home without a scrunchie and her favorite car is a jeep.


Omg she is such a VSCO GIRL

vsco girls có nghĩa là

Basically the most basic girl you’ll find out there. Common interests include scrunchies, hydro flasks, seashell chokers, and Birkenstock’s.


I love her aesthetic, she’s such a vsco girl

vsco girls có nghĩa là

Type 1: Actually decent. Really pretty and not annoying, and doesn't call themselves vScO. They have all of the VscO giRl items, like scrunchies, a hydroflask, a kanken backpack, shell necklaces, oversized shirts, friendship bracelets, crocs, and birkenstocks. And not because it makes them vScO, but because they like them. They will also obviously have a VSCO and probably be pretty chill. Bonus points if they have sleepovers on their trampoline or something and have a jeep but also aren't annoying about it. Type 2: Demon spawn. They will have ALL of the vSco gIrl items, and call themselves vScO quEeNs. I know girls like this. It's scary. But, VSCO is not an adjective. Their arms will be full of bracelets and scrunchies. They'll always say sKskskk out loud. If your on stan twitter you probably say skksksk but not out loud. But you see, these girls probably say it out loud. They also probably think Billie Eilish is unknown. And, they probably play the ukulele but really only know riptide. Maybe they'll know house of gold, but if they do twenty one pilots will always do it better. I really do not like these girls. Basically, you can be a vScO gIrl, but please not the annoying ones.


Me [to a annoying vScO gIrl]: Hi!
Them: Hi!!!! Like my scRuNchIes?!??
Them: drops hydroflask
Them: oMg aNd i oOp- skKsksk
Me: walks away

vsco girls có nghĩa là



Vsco girl

vsco girls có nghĩa là

VSCO girls are females that own crocs, vans, millions of scrunchies, a hydroflask, & metal straws. They usually wear oversized t-shirts & get Starbucks. Instead of laughing like a stable human being, they say “sksksksksksk” & when they want to be dramatic, or for literally no reason, they say, “and I-oop”. They post their “cute photos” on their favorite app, VSCO. They CLASSIFY themselves as VSCO girls & admit it. If they don’t admit it, they aren’t a true VSCO girl.


“VSCO girls were EVERYWHERE at my school when i came back from summer vacation.”

vsco girls có nghĩa là

dumb bitches


vsco girls are dumb bitches

vsco girls có nghĩa là

annoying fuckers who wear scrunchies and use hydroflasks and go sksksksks and I oop THEY LOVE TURTLES


That vsco girls are annoying bitches

vsco girls có nghĩa là

the tumblr girls of 2019, you’ll probably catch them wearing a scrunchie, tube top, puka shell necklace, white vans or birkenstocks and don’t forget the hydroflask to finish off the look. They are probably making tik toks in their room at 2 in the morning. They say "spill the tea sis" or "and i oop- sksksksksksksk." You would probably don't want to be friends with them but they are pretty cool.


omg they all have a hydro flask and a puka shell necklace they must all be a vsco girls.

vsco girls có nghĩa là

vsco girls are just basic girls who doesn’t want that name


no one:
not even a soul:
vsco girls: and i oop- skskskksks oops i dropped my hydroflask skskksksks

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