What are the benefits one gets from listening

If you love listening to music, youre in good company.Charles Darwin once remarked, If I had my life to live over again, I would have made a rule to read some poetry and listen to some music at least once every week. Albert Einstein declared, If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. Jimi Hendrix called music his religion.

Ive always been in awe ofpeople who can sing and play guitar. As a young girl, I secretly listened to singer-songwritermusic in my bedroom into the wee hours. As a rebellious teenager, I cranked rock n roll inthe house whenever I had to dochores. I alwaysfelt great afterwards now I know why.

Recent research showsthat listening to music improves our mental well-being and boosts our physical health in surprising and astonishing ways. If we take a music lesson or two, that musical trainingcan help raise our IQs and even keep us sharp in old age. Here are15 amazing scientifically-proven benefits ofbeing hooked on music.

1. Music Makes You Happier

I dont sing because Im happy; Im happy because I sing. William James

Research proves that when you listen to music you like, your brainreleases dopamine, a feel-good neurotransmitter. Valorie Salimpoor, a neuroscientist at McGill University, injected eight music-lovers with a radioactive substance that binds to dopamine receptors after they listened to their favorite music. A PET scan showed that large amounts of dopamine were released, which biologically caused the participants to feel emotions like happiness, excitement, and joy.[1]

So the next time you need an emotional boost, listen to your favorite tunes for 15 minutes.Thats all it takes to geta natural high!

2. Music Enhances Running Performance

If people take anything from my music, it should be motivation to know that anything is possible as long as you keep working at it and dont back down. Eminem

Marcelo Bigliassi and his colleagues found that runners who listened to fast or slow motivational music completed the first 800 meters of their run faster than runners who listened to calm music or ran without music.[2] If you want to take your running up a notch, listen to songs that inspire you.

3. Music Lowers Stress and ImprovesHealth

I think music in itself is healing. Its an explosive expression of humanity. Its something we are all touched by. No matter what culture were from. Billy Joel

Listening to music you enjoy decreases levels of thestress hormone cortisol in your body, which counteracts the effects of chronic stress.[3] This is an important finding since stress causes 60% of all our illnesses and disease.[4] One study showed that if people actively participated in making music by playing various percussion instruments and singing, their immune system was boosted even more than if they passively listened.[5]


To stay calm and healthy during a stressful day, turn on the radio. Be sure to sing along and tap your feet to the beat toget the maximum healing benefit.

4. Music Helps You Sleep Better

Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. Berthold Auerbach

Over 30% of Americans suffer from insomnia.[6] A study showed that students who listened to relaxing classical music for 45 minutes before turning in slept significantly better than students who listened to an audiobook or did nothing different from their normal routine.[7]

If youre having trouble sleeping, try listening to a little Bach or Mozart before bedtime to catch some Zs.

5. MusicReduces Depression

Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness. Maya Angelou

More than 350 million people suffer from depression around the world.[8] A whopping 90% of them also experience insomnia.[9] The sleep research above found that symptoms of depression decreased significantly in the group that listened to classical music before bedtime, but not in the other two groups.

Another studyby Hans Joachim Trappe in Germany also demonstrated that music can benefitpatients with depressive symptoms, dependingon the type of music. Meditative sounds and classical music lifted people up, but techno and heavy metal brought people down even more.[10]

The next timeyou feel low, put onsome classical or meditative music to lift your spirits.

6. Music HelpsYou Eat Less

Theres a friendly tie of some sort between music and eating. Thomas Hardy

Research at Georgia Tech University showed that softeningthe lighting and music while people ate led them to consume fewer caloriesand enjoy their meals more. If youre looking for waysto curb your appetite, try dimming the lights and listening to soft music the next time you sit down for a meal.[11]


7. Music ElevatesYour Mood While Driving

Thats what I love. Not being interrupted, sitting in the car by myself listening to music in the rain. There are so many great songs yet to sing. Alison Kraus

A studyin the Netherlands found that listening to music can positively impact your mood while driving,[12] which can lead to safer behavior than not listening to music. The next time you feel frustrated in traffic, turn up the tunes to improve your state of mind. It wont hurt your driving performance it may even help you drive more safely.

8. Music Strengthens Learning and Memory

Music is the language of memory. Jodi Picoult

Researchers discovered that music can help you learn and recall information better, but it depends on how much you like the music and whether or not youre a musician. Subjects memorized Japanese characters while listening to music that either seemed positive or neutral to them.[13] The results showed that participants who were musicians learned better with neutral music but tested better when pleasurable music was playing. Non-musicians, on the other hand, learned better with positive music but tested better with neutral music.

Memorize these results. You now have astrategy to study more effectively for your next test.

9. Music Relaxes Patients Before/After Surgery

He who sings scares away his woes. Miguel de Cervantes

Researchers foundthat listening torelaxing music before surgery decreases anxiety.[14] In fact its even more effective than being orally administered Midazolam, a medication often used to help pre-op patients feel sleepy that also has gnarly side effects such as coughing and vomiting. Other studies showed that listening to soothing music while resting in bed after open heart surgery increases relaxation.[14]

Globally,234 million major surgeries are performed each year.[15] If you or someone you know is going into surgery, be sure to bring some soothing tunes to ease anxiety. It may work better, and will certainly have fewer adverse side effects, than the meds they dispense.

10. Music Reduces Pain

One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain. Bob Marely

Researchat Drexel University in Philadelphia found thatmusic therapy and pre-recorded music reduced painmore than standard treatments in cancer patients.Other research showed that music can decreasepain in intensive care patients and geriatric care patients, but the selection needed to be eitherclassical pieces, meditative music, or songsof the patients choosing.


Bob Marely was right about this one listen to music you love totake your pain away.

11. Music Helps Alzheimers Patients Remember

The past, which is not recoverable in any other way, is embedded, as if in amber, in the music, and people can regain a sense of identity. Oliver Sacks, M.D.

A non-profit organization called Music & Memory helps people withAlzheimers Disease and other age-related dementias remember who they areby havingthem listen to their dearest songs. The awakening is often dramatic. For example, after Henrylistens to music from his era, this wheelchair-bound dementia sufferer who can barely speak sings Cab Calloway songs and happily reminisces about his life .

Dr. Laura Mosqueda, Director of Geriatrics at the University ofCalifornia at the Irvine School of Medicine, explains that because music affects so many areas of the brain, it stimulates pathways that may still be healthy.[16]

One in three seniors die with Alzheimers Disease or another dementia,[17] so odds are you know someone who has it. To connect with loved ones who suffer from age-related dementia, try playing some of their best-loved music.

12. Music Improves Recoveryin Stroke Patients

I know why the caged bird sings. Maya Angelou

Research at the University of Helsinkishowed that stroke patients who listened to music they chose themselves for two hours a day had significantly improved recovery of cognitive function compared to those who listened to audio books or were given no listening material.[18] Most of the music contained lyrics, which suggests that its the combination of music and voice that bolstered the patients auditory and verbal memory.

Stroke is the number 5 cause of death in the United States.[19] If you know someone who has suffered a stroke, bring their favorite songs as soon as you can. Listening to them can significantly ramp up their recuperation.

13. Music Increases VerbalIntelligence

Music is to the soul what words are to the mind. Modest Mouse

After only one month of music lessons [in rhythm, pitch, melody and voice], a study at York University showed that 90% of children between the ages of 4 and 6 had a significant increase in verbal intelligence.[20] Researcher Sylvain Moreno suggests that the music training had a transfer effect[21]which enhanced the childrens ability to understand words and explain their meaning. Other research foundthat musically trained adult womenand musically trained children outperformed those without music training on verbal memory tests.


Nomatter whether youre an adult or a child, if you wantto boostyour verbal skills, try taking music lessons!

14. Music RaisesIQ and Academic Performance

Music can change the world because it can change people. Bono

Research shows that taking music lessons predicts higher academic performance and IQ in young children.[22] In one study, 6-year-olds who took keyboard or singing lessons in small groups for 36 weeks had significantly larger increases in IQ and standardized educational test results than children who took either drama lessons or no lessons. The singing group did the best.

To help your childrenachieveacademic excellence, encourage them tosing or learn to play an instrument.

15. Music KeepsYour Brain Healthyin Old Age

Music is the true breath of life. We eat so we wont starve to death. We sing so we can hear ourselves live. Yasmina Khadra

A study withhealthy older adults found that those withten or more years of musical experience scored higher on cognitive tests than musicians with one to nine years of musical study.[23] The non-musicians scored the lowest. Since studying an instrument requires years of practice and learning, it may create alternate connections in the brain that could compensate for cognitive declines as we get older, says lead researcher Brenda Hanna-Pladdy.

Business magnateWarren Buffet stays sharp at age 84 by playing ukulele. Its never too late to play an instrument to keep you on top of your game.

Platohad it right when he said,Music and rhythm find their way into the secret places of the soul. No matter whether youre young or old, healthy or sick, happy or sad, music can improve the quality of your life in numerousways. It reduces stress and anxiety, lifts your mood, boosts your health, helps you sleep better, takes away your pain, and even makes you smarter.

New research shows that music can communicate basic human feelings regardless of the listeners cultural and ethnic background. Weve only just begun to understand all the ways thisuniversal language can profit the world.[24] Rather than cut funds for music and art programs in schools, why not invest in exploring all the secret places that music reaches so that we may continue to reap its amazing benefits?

More About Music

  • 16 Amazing ClassicalMusicCompositions That Will Inspire You
  • 30 Inspirational Songs that Keep You Motivated for Life
  • 10 Reasons Why People Who Learn Music Are More Likely To Be Successful

Featured photo credit: Allef Vinicius via unsplash.com



[1]^McGill: Investigations of the links between music, emotion and reward, Valorie Salimpoor
[2]^The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research: How Does Music Aid 5 km of Running?
[3]^Psychology Today: Cortisol: Why the Stress Hormone Is Public Enemy No. 1
[4]^The American Institute of Stress: Master Your Stress
[5]^J Music Ther.: The effects of active and passive participation in musical activity on the immune system as measured by salivary immunoglobulin A [SIgA].
[6]^The Better Sleep Guide: The Insomnia Statistics
[7]^J Adv Nurs.: Music improves sleep quality in students.
[8]^World Health Organization: Depression
[9]^Dialogues Clin Neurosci.: Sleep disturbances and depression: risk relationships for subsequent depression and therapeutic implications
[10]^Dtsch Med Wochenschr.: [Music and healthwhat kind of music is helpful for whom? What music not?].
[11]^Georgia Tech News Center: Helpful Hints for Healthy Holiday Eating
[12]^Ergonomics.: The influence of music on mood and performance while driving.
[13]^Front Psychol.: Pleasurable music affects reinforcement learning according to the listener
[14]^J Clin Nurs. : Soothing music can increase oxytocin levels during bed rest after open-heart surgery: a randomised control trial.
[15]^Wise Geek: How Many Surgeries Are Performed Each Year?
[16]^Alzheimers.net: Music Therapy For Dementia: Awakening Memories
[17]^Alzheimers Association: Facts & Figures
[18]^EurekAlert: Listening to music improves stroke patients recovery
[19]^Heart.org: Heart and Stroke Statistics
[20]^APS: Short-Term Music Training Enhances Verbal Intelligence and Executive Function
[21]^Pacific Standard: Music Training Enhances Childrens Verbal Intelligence
[22]^PLOS: Practicing a Musical Instrument in Childhood is Associated with Enhanced Verbal Ability and Nonverbal Reasoning
[23]^US News: Music Training May Help Keep Aging Brain Healthy
[24]^The Mind Unleashed: This is How Music Is Indeed a Universal Language

The key to accomplishing any and all health/fitness related goals is consistency. Physical transformations are only triggered as we continue to push the body harder and further over time.Tracking our progress is a sure-fire way to know we are on the right path. Seeing these positive results also provides us with a mighty kick of motivation to continue!

Thankfully, theres a number of clever smartphone applications which can make reaching our goals a whole lot easier. Here are 12 of the best health/fitness applications for you to check out!


1. RunKeeper [Android/Apple]

RunKeeper is a fantastic running tracker thats a joy to use. You can quickly and easily create routes, then track and analyze your performance. It even allows you to build fitness plans to help accomplish a variety of goals.

RunKeepers slick interface also has a lot going on under the surface. This powerful application offers boatloads of integration with other applications and even smart devices.

2. C25K: Couch to 5K [Android/Apple]

This beautifully named application will kick you off the couch and carve you into a marathon runner! Its a great choice for anyone who decides to take on this daunting fitness challenge.

Choose from different training programs from zero all the way up to a whopping 10k! Dont worry, the excellent tracking features will ensure you dont skip your training sessions!


Gym Junkies

3. JEFIT Workout Exercise Trainer [Android/Apple]

While in the gym, its essential to use the correct lifting forms and patterns. Otherwise, your results will be sub-par and you will probably injure yourself.

Thankfully, JEFIT can prevent this by becoming your very own personal trainer. A very knowledgeable one, thanks to the vast database of 1300+ exercises with animations and tips. Furthermore, you can make use of fitness plans and tracking to reach your goals.

4. FitNotes Gym Workout Log [Android Only]

Progression in the gym will lead to the fastest improvements in the mirror. FitNotes offers an exceptional way to organize workouts, track lifts and see your progress. Its truly fully free, distracting adverts included!

FitNotes offers excellent customization, enabling users to build custom workout routines and tailor them to suit their needs. A must-download application for serious gym goers!

5. StrongLifts 5×5 [Android/Apple]

For those that werent already aware, StrongLifts is a legendary weightlifting program. It can even be adapted to efficiently achieve a number of goals such as all out-strength, building muscle or fat loss.


With this application, you gain an expert StrongLifts instructor. You will be instructed exactly, which exercises to perform and how to progress. It even has advanced features to allow for missed workouts, lifting failures and plateaus. Its a true godsend for budding bodybuilders!

Diet Control

6. MyFitnessPal Calorie Counter [Android/Apple]

MyFitnessPal has become one of the most popular dietary trackers available, and for good reason. Calorie counting is a snap with its 5+ million food database. You can quickly calculate calories in recipes and confidently track your diet.

With the addition of fitness tracking functions this application has become an excellent all-in-one solution!

7. My Diet Coach [Android/Apple]

My Diet Coach is an excellent application for beginners to learn how to manipulate their diets for healthy weight loss. Users will gain helpful information, tips, and even strong motivation to continue!

Most notably, it encourages slow and steady lifestyle adjustments with a friendly approach. Also, the calorie and progress tracking systems are simply a breeze to use.


8. FatSecret Calorie Counter [Android/Apple]

FatSecret offers a powerful nutrition-tracking platform, without becoming too overwhelming for new users. It enables quick logging of meals and food whilst tracking calories through exercise.

There are a couple of nifty features too, such as barcode scanning, recipe ideas, Facebook and Google integration. If you need an efficient application for tracking your diet, FatSecret makes a fine choice.

SmartWatch Wearers

9. Google Fit [Android Only]

Google Fit has undergone a bunch of updates since last year, providing more functionality and trackable metrics than ever! Its now a great personal fitness hub for Android Wear device owners.

Its relatively simple to use, completely free and always improving with regular updates. If youre rocking an android smart watch, get Google Fit!


10. Nike+ Running [Android/Apple]

Nike has developed an unbeatable reputation in the sports/fitness industry. Their Nike+ Fuel Band pioneered fitness wearables, and now their Running application is available across multiple platforms.

Nike+ Running is well optimized for both Android Wear and Apple Watch users. As well as tracking your distance and location, you can even submit yourself to online leader boards and receive encouragement from others!

Fun Motivation

11. Ingress [Android/Apple]

If you could transform fitness into a highly addictive game would it help you get into shape? If so, you need to check out Ingress, the location-based, augmented reality location adventure!

Ingress will have you out on an exciting scavenger hunt and completing interactive missions alongside others. Use it to bring out your competitive side and it will give you the motivation you need!

12. Zombies, Run! [Android/Apple]

In the case of a zombie apocalypse, it would truly be survival of the fittest. Or in this case, you will become increasing fit while feeling for your life!Zombies, Run! is a fully immersive and dramatic zombie survival adventure game. Theres no better way to get your adrenaline pumping than hearing and almost believing you are being pursued.

Jogging down to the shops now becomes a perilous supply run, youve got to run to stay alive!


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