What does class *= mean in css?

Imagine you're designing a web page. You want a group of headings to have a large red text, a group of buttons to have a medium white text, and a group of paragraphs to have a small blue text.

What does class *= mean in css?

Bold choices. But, thanks to CSS classes, you can do exactly that. CSS classes enable you to apply unique style properties to groups of HTML elements to achieve your desired web page appearance.

In this post, we'll cover the fundamental terms you need to know, like CSS class, class selector, and CSS specificity. We'll also walk through how to create a class in CSS and use it to style your web pages.

What does class *= mean in css?

What is a CSS class?

A CSS class is an attribute used to define a group of HTML elements in order to apply unique styling and formatting to those elements with CSS.

Let’s look at an example of how CSS classes work. Below, we have a simple HTML page with three headings (h2 elements) and three paragraphs (p elements).

Notice how the second heading, third heading, and final paragraph are styled differently than the rest — this is because these elements have been assigned the class bright. Looking at the CSS, we see the .bright selector, which applies its style rules to all elements with the attribute class="bright".

See the Pen css class: heading example by Christina Perricone (@hubspot) on CodePen.

You can use CSS classes to group HTML elements and then apply custom styles to them. You can make classes and apply them to text, buttons, spans and divs, tables, images, or just about any other page element you can think of. Let’s now take a closer look at how we can use CSS classes to style page elements.

How to Create a Class in CSS

Let’s try making a CSS class from scratch. Say you want to make a paragraph of text and style certain words for more emphasis. You can do this by creating a CSS class for these special words, then assigning this class to individual words with span tags.

Start by writing out the HTML elements you want to style. In this case, it’s a paragraph of text:


Our marketing software and service platform provide you with the tools you need to engage visitors, convert them to leads, and win them over as customers.

I’ve also placed tags around the words we’ll soon style with a CSS class.

Next, let's add class attributes to these tags. To do so, add the attribute class="name" to the opening tag of the targeted element, and replace name with a unique identifier for the class.

What does class *= mean in css?

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In our example, the HTML looks like this:


Our marketing software and service platform provide you with the tools you need to engage visitors, convert them to leads, and win them over as customers.

Here we’ve added two CSS classes to our span tags: orange-text and blue-text.

Now, let’s go over some questions you may have about CSS classes.

Where Can You Add CSS Classes in HTML?

CSS classes can be added to any HTML element. Some of the most common include:

  • Paragraph (


  • Body ()
  • Title ()</li><li>Headers (<h2>, <h2>, <h3>, etc.)</li><li>Blockquotes (<blockquote>) </li><li>Spans (<span>)</li><li>Divs (<div>)</li><li>Images (<div class="imgBox"><img alt="What does class *= mean in css?" data-orgimg="https://sg.cdnki.com/what-does-class-mean-in-css---aHR0cHM6Ly9ibG9nLmh1YnNwb3QuY29tL2hzLWZzL2h1YmZzL0dvb2dsZSUyMERyaXZlJTIwSW50ZWdyYXRpb24vVXBkYXRlJTIwY3NzJTIwY2xhc3MlMjAoaGVhdnkpLnBuZz93aWR0aD02NTAmbmFtZT1VcGRhdGUlMjBjc3MlMjBjbGFzcyUyMChoZWF2eSkucG5n.webp" ></img></div></p><p>Image Source</p><h2 id="css-specificity">CSS Specificity</h2><p>Sometimes, CSS rules conflict. For example, if multiple selectors target the same element in a document, which rules apply? This is determined by CSS specificity. In CSS, different selectors have varying weights. When two or more rules conflict on the same element, the more specific one applies.</p><p>This is how the different selectors rank in the specificity hierarchy:</p><ol><li><strong>Inline CSS:</strong> Inline CSS appears as style attributes in the opening tag of HTML elements. Since this CSS is closest to the HTML, it has the highest level of specificity.</li><li><strong>ID selectors:</strong> An ID is unique to a page element and thus, very specific.</li><li><strong>Class selectors, attribute selectors, and pseudo-class selectors:</strong> These three selector types have equal specificity. If all three types are applied to the same HTML element, the one appearing latest in the stylesheet will apply and override the rest.</li><li><strong>Type selectors</strong>: These select all HTML elements that have a given node name and have the syntax <strong>element</strong>. These are element names and pseudo-elements.</li></ol><p>This is where ID selectors shine. Because they're so specific, almost any other type of selector that goes up against them loses. On the other hand, the universal selector (*) will lose every time because of its low specificity.</p><p>Sometimes, after applying a CSS class to a range of elements, you might want to override the declarations for a specific element on the page. Let’s go over how you can easily do that.</p><h2 id="how-to-override-css-class">How to Override CSS Class</h2><p>Looking to override a CSS class? Here’s how.</p><h3 id="determine-the-class-you-want-to-override">Determine the class you want to override.</h3><p>First, pinpoint the class you want to override, and specifically the rule you want to change. This could be font color, size, positioning, etc. The class itself doesn’t matter so much as identifying where the class is and how it’s related to elements around it. Ideally, you want to cause minimal CSS disruption when you carry out the override.</p><h3 id="create-a-more-specific-declaration">Create a more specific declaration.</h3><p>The basic rule of thumb when it comes to two conflicting classes is that the one with the more specific declaration wins out. For example, ID selectors are more specific than class selectors, and class selectors are more specific than type selectors.</p><p>In practice, this means that adding a class selector to an element with only a type selector will override the current class, while adding an ID selector will override any competing class or type selector.</p><h3 id="alternatively-use-the-important-declaration">Alternatively, use the !important declaration.</h3><p>You can also use the!important declaration as a shortcut to override CSS class. In CSS,!important means exactly that — that the following directive is important and must be applied. When placed at the end of a declaration,!important will take precedence over other classes. Click here to learn more about what this looks like.</p><p>The caveat? This declaration effectively breaks the natural cascading function of CSS, in turn making your code harder to debug, so it’s best used sparingly.</p><h2 id="start-using-css-classes">Start Using CSS Classes</h2><p>CSS classes help you customize elements on a web page faster and more easily. Using CSS class selectors allows you to set up rules to format entire classes of HTML elements, specific elements in a class, or single elements across many classes. You can be as creative as you want when designing your site, but remember the goal is to improve your website's user experience.</p><p>Editor's note: This post was originally published in February 2020 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.</p><p><span><span><div class="imgBox"><img alt="What does class *= mean in css?" data-orgimg="https://sg.cdnki.com/what-does-class-mean-in-css---aHR0cHM6Ly9uby1jYWNoZS5odWJzcG90LmNvbS9jdGEvZGVmYXVsdC81My9iNGI2Y2I4NC0yYTE4LTQ5MGItODQwZC04ODM4ODRhOTRhODMucG5n.webp" ></img></div></span></span></p><p></p><div class='paramage'></div> <div class="contenBreak"></div> <h3 id="what-is-the-meaning-of-class-col">What is the meaning of class *= Col?</h3> <div class="blockAnswer_acceptedAnswer">You could use [class*="col-"] CSS attribute selector to <span class="FCUp0c rQMQod">select any element contains at least one occurrence of col- as its class value</span>. [class*="col-"] { border-color: red; } If all values of class attributes begin with col- , you could use [class^="col-"] selector.</div> <h3 id="what-does-do-in-css">What does * do in CSS?</h3> <div class="blockAnswer_acceptedAnswer">The asterisk (*) is known as the CSS universal selectors. It can be used to <span class="FCUp0c rQMQod">select any and all types of elements in an HTML page</span>. The asterisk can also be followed by a selector while using to select a child object. This selector is useful when we want to select all the elements on the page.</div> <h3 id="what-is-the-element-in-css">What is the * element in CSS?</h3> <div class="blockAnswer_acceptedAnswer">The element() CSS function <span class="FCUp0c rQMQod">defines an <image> value generated from an arbitrary HTML element</span>. This image is live, meaning that if the HTML element is changed, the CSS properties using the resulting value are automatically updated.</div> <h3 id="what-does-adding-in-css-mean">What does adding * in CSS mean?</h3> <div class="blockAnswer_acceptedAnswer">This is a common technique called a CSS reset. Different browsers use different default margins, causing sites to look different by margins. The * means "<span class="FCUp0c rQMQod">all elements</span>" (a universal selector), so we are setting all elements to have zero margins, and zero padding, thus making them look the same in all browsers.</div> </p></div> <div class="readmore_content_exists"><button id="readmore_content"><span class="arrow"><span></span></span>Đọc tiếp</button></div> </td></tr></table> <script async src="/dist/js/lazyhtml.min.js" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <div class="lazyhtml" data-lazyhtml> <script type="text/lazyhtml"> <div class="youtubeVideo"><h3>Video liên quan</h3> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/7matgtwNx4I?controls=0" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture"allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> </script> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <div class="tags"> <a href="https://biquyetxaynha.com/tags/programming" class="tag-link">programming</a> <a href="https://biquyetxaynha.com/tags/css" 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