What is the top lane for 9.20 lol năm 2024

I haven't been playing against Shaco toplane for a long time which caused me to forget him in this tier list. I will add him asap;]

As a Teemo main I feel offended that Teemo is only C-tier with the description being "Do I really need to tell you why?". If you wouldn't mind, would you mind giving me explanation as to why you think Teemo isn't very good in top? I'm not saying Teemo is as good as most other toplaners or as bad as some others, but I am curious to yours [and maybe others'] opinion. I personally think teemo can be a good toplaner, because he can be quite the lane bully. His shrooms and W give him a relative fast movement speed to either catch up to someone or run away from someone[e.g. gank]. Although Teemo can't do a lot when the enemy gets close to him or slows him[e.g. Darius pull with slow or Garen with his entire kit].

-"Chaos builds over time" RainbowNova

I put Teemo into C-tier because i dont think he got an area where he dominates a lot except for the laning phases against melee champs. I dont feel he is very good at teamfighting or splitpushing which is some of the musts a toplane champions needs to have. This tier list hast been going on since season 8 around patch 8.18 and i haven't updated Teemo since, and i do agree with some of your arguments so i will move him up to B-tier.

In Patch 14.2, based on the assessment of our high elo game experts, the best champions to climb with below low Diamond right now are trundle, nocturne, anivia, missfortune, and maokai. Below, you will find a more detailed assessment of their strengths. For the ranks above low Diamond, we recommend checking out our high elo tier list instead. If you'd rather explore Mobalytics data instead of our curated expert recommendations, refer to our champions stats instead.

Top Tier List

Trundle is the perfect splitpushing bruiser duelist in the top lane right now, especially at lower ranks where enemy players just don’t quite know how to deal with him. Trundle has exceptional early game 1v1 power which allows him to fight as often as he wants and start snowballing super quickly. Then he can easily run away with games in side lanes, taking down anyone that tries to stop him!




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Jungle Tier List

Nocturne is proving to be one of the best junglers in the game to play in Season 2024 with his Ultimate ganks, his fast and easy clear times, aswell as his amazing itemization options! The new Experimental Hexplate gives you ability haste on your Ultimate, and once you press R you gain a movement speed AND attack speed steroid, which is just a perfect fit this solo carry machine!




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Mid Tier List

Anivia has been flying under the radar this season so far and has a pretty impressive win rate over recent weeks. In Patch 14.2 some of her more difficult matchups are getting hit, meaning she’s only going to get stronger! Anivia offers fantastic waveclear, poke, control and scaling. So once you get through those early levels you start hitting hard and bringing SO much to any fight you come across. Anivia also has a pretty high skill ceiling too, so the more time you put into her, the more rewarding she becomes!




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Bot Tier List

Miss Fortune has bounced back with a vengeance this season so far, and theres not many better AD Carries who can abuse the new lethality meta like she can. MF has amazing poke in lane and fantastic kill potential with her Ultimate, so partner her up with an aggressive support and dominate 2v2’s and 3v3’s until your enemies FF!




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Support Tier List

Maokai is one of the most consistent CC support champions you can pick and he can set up fights and ganks easier than anyone else in the game with his point and click W alongside his Q & R! Maokai is an aggressive pick that really wants to snowball alongside bursty AD Carries, which means he’s perfect for this crazy season 2024 explosive meta that we’ve seen so far!




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Our tier lists are curated by the following experts:

We recommend using the Low ELO list for as long as you can before switching the High ELO list. It usually works until around high Diamond. If a champion isn't on our tier list, it doesn't necessarily mean that you can't climb with them.

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