What subjective assessment data is relevant to the respiratory system?


Respiratory assessment

Heidi Simpson. Br J Nurs. 2006 May 11-24.


The ability to carry out and document a full respiratory assessment is an essential skill for all nurses. The elements included are: an initial assessment, history taking, inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation and further investigations. A prompt initial assessment allows immediate evaluation of severity of illness and appropriate treatment measures may warrant instigation at this point. Following this, a comprehensive patient history will be elicited. Clinical examination of the patient follows and involves inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation. At this point, consideration must be given to preparation of a light, warm, quiet, private environment for examination and suitable patient positioning. Inspection is a comprehensive visual assessment, while palpation involves using touch to gather information. The next stages are percussion and auscultation. While percussion is striking the chest to determine the state of underlying tissues, auscultation entails listening to and interpreting sound transmission through the chest wall via a stethoscope. Finally, further investigations may be necessary to confirm or negate suspected diagnoses.

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Chapter 2. Patient Assessment

Checklist 17 provides a guide for subjective and objective data collection in a respiratory assessment.

Checklist 17: Chest / Respiratory Assessment

What subjective assessment data is relevant to the respiratory system?
Figure 2.9 Respiratory System
Disclaimer: Always review and follow your agency policies and guidelines regarding this specific skill.
Safety considerations:
  • Perform hand hygiene.
  • Introduce yourself to patient.
  • Confirm patient ID using two patient identifiers (e.g., name and date of birth).
  • Explain process to patient.
  • Be organized and systematic in your assessment.
  • Use appropriate listening and questioning skills.
  • Listen and attend to patient cues.
  • Ensure patient’s privacy and dignity.
  • Document according to agency guidelines.

Objective Data

The data that we can observe with our senses.


Additional Information

Observe the work of breathing including use of accessory muscles.
What subjective assessment data is relevant to the respiratory system?
Figure 2.10 Observe for work of breathing
Increased work of breathing may be observed through a spectrum of responses including a small amount of nasal flaring through to use of all accessory muscles. Increased work of breathing is often associated with an increased respiratory rate.

The patient may appear distressed and/or feel anxious. Likewise they may not appear distressed, depending on the severity and other comorbidities. Ability to speak may be affected.

Increased work of breathing may indicate respiratory compromise and impaired oxygenation caused by things like acute airway obstruction, pulmonary edema,  atelectasis, and others.

Unusual findings should be followed up with a focused respiratory assessment.

More resources:

  • Khan Academy. (2012). Respiratory distress. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vO63j9m5grE.
  • Some agencies use the following for objectively assessing respiratory distress and work of breathing (see page 22):
    • The Canadian triage & acuity scale. (2013). CTAS • ÉTG. Retrieved from http://ctas-phctas.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/participant_
Expansion / Retraction of Chest Wall The chest wall should expand and contract symmetrically. If not, consider if this is a new or pre-existing condition.

Chest expansion may be asymmetrical with conditions such as atelectasis, pneumonia, fractured ribs, pneumothorax, or hemothorax.

Assess respiratory rate by inconspicuously observing breathing. One way to do this is to palpate radial pulse for a full minute but use some of that time to count respirations.

Likewise, placing your hand on the patient’s chest and counting the rise / fall cycles

What subjective assessment data is relevant to the respiratory system?
Assessing respiratory rate.
Normal respiratory rate (interpreted as respirations per minute):
  • Newborn: 30–60
  • Infant (6 months): 30–50 
  • Toddler (2 years): 25–32
  • Children (3–12 years): 20–30
  • Adolescents (13–18 years): 12-20
  • Adults: 12–20

If a patient’s respiratory status is stable, it may be appropriate to count respirations for 30 seconds and multiply by two to determine respiratory rate.

Pulse Oximetry: Consists of a probe with a light-emitting diode (LED) attached to the patient’s finger, forehead, or ear. Beams of red and infrared light are emitted from the LED, and the light wavelengths are absorbed differently by the oxygenated and the deoxygenated hemoglobin (Hgb) molecules. The receiving sensor measures the amount of light absorbed by the oxygenated and deoxygenated Hgb in the arterial (pulsatile) blood. (Perry et al., 2018).
What subjective assessment data is relevant to the respiratory system?
Pulse oximetry
The more Hgb that is saturated with oxygen, the higher the SpO2, which should normally measure above 95% oxygen saturation (SpO2) (Perry et al., 2018).

See Chapter 5.3 Pulse oximetry.

Use a stethoscope to auscultate breath sounds anterior and posterior for quality of air entry and any adventitious sounds. Assess bilaterally comparing one side with the other in a systematic fashion.

What subjective assessment data is relevant to the respiratory system?
What subjective assessment data is relevant to the respiratory system?

Diminished air entry may indicate atelectasis, pneumonia, hemothorax, pneumothorax, or collapsed lung.

The presence of crackles or wheezing must be further assessed, documented, and reported. If such things are affecting the patient negatively, intervention is needed.

Crackles may indicated mucous related to asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or fluid related to pulmonary edema.

Wheezing may indicate bronchoconstriction related to asthma, bronchitis, or emphysema.

Friction rub (creaking) may indicate inflammation related to pleurisy.

The nurse should always consider what interventions they can implement independently and what interventions have been ordered by the authorized prescriber to relieve impaired oxygenation.

More resources:

  • Cable, C. (1997). The auscultation assistant. Retrieved from https://www.med.ucla.edu/wilkes/intro.html.
Cough & Sputum The nurse might observe coughing and expectorated sputum.

Reasons for coughing might include bacterial or viral infection, aspiration, or presence of sputum. Observe and ask if the cough is a concern for the patient.

If sputum is present, observe or inquire about amount, colour, and consistency. Ask if sputum is normal for the patient.

Subjective Data

  • If you don’t already know, ask about respiratory diseases (COPD, asthma, cystic fibrosis). Presence of these may provide insight into explaining other respiratory assessment findings.
  • Ask about use of respiratory medications. People with chronic respiratory disease often use one or more inhaled medications.
  • Ask about breathing. Does the person experience trouble with breathing or shortness of breath?
  • Do they have a cough?
  • Is sputum present? If so what is the amount, colour, and consistency? Is this normal?
  • Do they smoke? If so, what and how much?
  • Ask about environmental exposures that may affect breathing. Some environmental allergies (airborne nut allergy, perfumes, cleaners) trigger respiratory difficulty.

Focused respiratory assessment may also include:

If a chest tube is present, ensure the tube is intact and secure and that the drainage system is functioning. Auscultate chest sounds, perform a respiratory assessment including palpating for evidence of subcutaneous emphysema at and near the chest tube insertion site. See 10.6 Chest Tube Drainage Systems
Arterial blood gasses (ordered by prescriber or as per agency protocol)
Potential respiratory related nursing diagnoses:
  • Impaired oxygenation as evidenced by increased respiratory rate and use of accessory muscles to breathe.
  • Risk of respiratory infection related to mucous production  associated with COPD.
  • Readiness to stop smoking.
Sources: Assessment Skill Checklist, 2014; Jarvis, Browne, MacDonald-Jenkins, & Luctkar-Flude, 2014; Perry, Potter, & Ostendorf, 2018; Potter et al, 2019; Stephen, Skillen, Day, & Jensen, 2012; Wilson & Giddens, 2013

Critical Thinking Exercises

  1. A client is experiencing mild respiratory distress. Identify two important strategies to address this.
  2. What potential respiratory issues might the nurse anticipate for the post op patient? Identify an important nursing intervention for each.
  3. Identify two strategies the nurse might implement for the immobile client whose chest sounds reveal decreased air entry to the bases.


Figure 2.9 An Illustration Depicting the Respiratory System by BruceBlaus is used under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.

Figure 2.10 Chest Landmarks, for Radiography and Other Chest Imaging Techniques by P. Lynch is used under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 license.

What objective assessment data is relevant to the respiratory system?

Objective Assessment. A focused respiratory objective assessment includes interpretation of vital signs; inspection of the patient's breathing pattern, skin color, and respiratory status; palpation to identify abnormalities; and auscultation of lung sounds using a stethoscope.

What questions do you ask for respiratory assessment?

The following questions may be useful in taking a respiratory history:.
Please describe the problem that caused you to come in today?.
How has this condition impacted your activities?.
How often does this occur?.
How long has this been occuring?.
Do you have any chest pain with breathing? ... .
Do you have a cough?.

What is assessment of respiratory functions?

Respiratory muscle function is commonly assessed by measuring maximal pressures generated at the mouth during maximal inspiratory and expiratory efforts against an occluded airway.

What are the components of a respiratory assessment?

The ability to carry out and document a full respiratory assessment is an essential skill for all nurses. The elements included are: an initial assessment, history taking, inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation and further investigations.