Which of the following are reasons that governments decide to own businesses

Building your own business from the ground up is an exciting opportunity, but it can also be challenging.   

Follow the 10 steps from the Small Business Administration (SBA) to starting a business. You’ll learn about writing a business plan, determining the legal structure of your business, and more.

Avoid common mistakes and get advice from experienced small business owners who want to help. Local SBA partner organizations offer free access to mentors and trainers.

The following tips and checklists can help you with other important parts of the process.

Business Funding Options

Learn about funding options to help start your business, including government-guaranteed loans.

Tax Requirements To Start a Business

It’s important for your business to comply with federal, state, and local tax laws.

Make sure to meet all federal tax requirements for starting a business. Follow this checklist from the IRS.

Each state has additional tax rules when you start and operate a business. Get information on state-level requirements.

Learn more about business taxes, including energy tax incentives that can help you save money.

Business Insurance

When starting your own business, you’ll need proper insurance coverage to make sure you are protected. Find out what kinds of business insurance you’ll need.

Learn about health insurance plans to cover you and your employees. The Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) is for small employers who have between 1 and 50 employees. Through this program, employers can provide their employees with health insurance.

Hiring Business Employees

When starting a business, you may decide to hire some help. Find information about hiring your first employee, including how to start the hiring process. You can also get information about key federal and state regulations that your business will need to comply with.

Hiring Foreign Nationals

By law, you must only employ individuals who have permission to work in the U.S. The online E-verify system allows companies to determine the eligibility of potential employees. Register your company with E-Verify.

Consumer Protection Law

As a business owner, it’s important for you to understand your rights and responsibilities when it comes to protecting your customers. Get tips and advice on complying with consumer protection laws. These laws cover many business-related topics, including advertising, marketing, privacy, security, and more.

Self-Employment and Working from Home

You are self-employed if you operate a trade, business, or profession either by yourself or with a partner.

Find out the basics of self-employment to help you succeed in the small business world:

  • Starting and Financing a Small Business - Explore opportunities and get tips to help you succeed.
  • Tax Information - Learn about filing requirements for the self-employed, reporting responsibilities, and more.
  • Health Insurance - Explore coverage options for the self-employed.
  • Social Security Information for the Self-Employed covers how to report your earnings when you file your taxes.


Work From Home

Are you thinking about basing your business out of your home? The Small Business Administration's 10 Steps to Start Your Business includes the licenses and permits you need to run a home-based business.

Home Office Deduction

If you use a portion of your home for business, you may be able to take a home office tax deduction.

Work-at-Home Scams

Learn what to watch out for to avoid work-at-home scams. In one common scam, you may be tricked into paying to start your own internet business. These scammers will keep asking you to send money for more services related to this fake business opportunity. To file a complaint about a scam, contact the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

Federal Government Telework Guidelines

If you’re a federal employee looking for information on teleworking, visit www.telework.gov.

Note: The federal government never charges a fee for information about or applications for government jobs. You can search and apply for federal government jobs for free at USAJOBS.

Government is a system governing an organized community and government usually consists of legislature, executive and judiciary. Government policy is a declaration of government political activities, plans and intentions relating to a particular cause.

Why is Government and Policy Important?

Government policies contain the reasons things that are to be done in a certain way and the reason for doing in that direction. Public problems can originate in endless ways, and they require different policy responses.

Governments establish many policies that guide businesses. The government can make changes in fiscal policy which leads to changes in taxes, trade, subsidies, regulations, interest rates, licencing and more. Businesses should be flexible enough to respond to changing rules and policies.

The government policies are applicable at all the levels from the national level to local levels such as states and municipalities, and these local authorities have their own sets of rules. There are few international treaties which can influence the way companies to do business.

Governments get revenue to spend from taxation. Increased spending requires increases in taxes or borrowing. Any tax increase will discourage investment, especially among entrepreneurs, who take the risks of starting and managing businesses. Increased spending also eats into the limited pool of savings, leaving less money for private investment.

Latest News

The Indian government is likely to bring e-commerce policy in 2020. The ministry of commerce informed that the National e-commerce policy is under consideration, but there is no deadline fixed for it.

Industry Impact

The government policy can influence how much tax the community pays, pensions, immigration status and laws, penalties for violation of rules, education system, commerce and trade in an economy.

The government implements a policy that changes social behaviour in the business environment. The government can enter into agreements to develop new technology that will bring the necessary change. Reduction in private investments shrinks production of goods and services. That, in turn, may lead to the elimination of jobs.

Government policy can influence interest rates, a rise in which increases the borrowing cost. Higher rates will lead to decreased consumer spending, but Lower interest rates attract investment as businesses increase production. Businesses can not thrive when there is a high level of inflation.


The government makes policies to take action against the current complications. The government policies make sure to fulfil the future obligations/requirements of the economy.

What are three reasons why a government would privatize a business?

Reasons for privatization include cost reduction, risk transfer, a source of revenue, the desire for a higher level of service, a need for greater expertise, and flexibility. Commonly used methods of valuing public assets include net present value, internal rate of return, and multiples.

What are the two reasons for the government to intervene in a market quizlet?

Governments intervene in markets when they... allocate resources. The government tries to combat market...through regulation, taxation, and subsidies.

Which of the following is an example of a government owned business in the United States?

A government-run business performs commercial actions on behalf of a government. The US government has several of these, including the passenger railroad company Amtrak, the United States Postal Service and federal mortgage corporations Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Which of the following are reasons why governments might use tariffs?

Tariffs have three primary functions: to serve as a source of revenue, to protect domestic industries, and to remedy trade distortions (punitive function). The revenue function comes from the fact that the income from tariffs provides governments with a source of funding.